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Which Dupping has been fixed?

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Fixing duping will be the death blow for this mod I think, look at it this way;

Hacking will still be rampant in the next patch. There will still be 101 glitches which can kill you without warning. Respawning back on the coast with all your gear gone or in the debug zone will still happen. These are all problems which realistically will not be fixed in the mod, however being able to dupe gear makes these problems a little less frustrating.

I know that if i went to all the trouble of hiding my tent/vehicle in a really awesome hiding spot and then someone decided to use a map-hack to find it and destroy it out of spite, I'd be pretty annoyed. At least with the current bugs in the game I know that my tent will be back in the next reset. Lets say I spend several hours hiking up north, exploring towns, searching for vehicles and maybe raiding stary/NWAF, then the next day I get insta-killed logging in or simply respawn back on the coast with 0 items, not even a bandage or a backpack. At least with duped gear I can get myself back on my feet a little bit faster.

I can't imagine anyone except hardcore masochists will keep playing if they keep getting set back to square one every time they get screwed over by a hacker or a gamebreaking glitch.

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I stopped playing when I found out how rampart the duping was..

It's no fun when you're fully decked out along with everyone else and his granny having NVGs, range finders and AS50s..

It removes the entire survival aspect and it will be refreshing to spawn back on the coast again, finding joy in the little things like beans, coke and a good ol' Lee Enfield..

The current endgame offers no challenge when it comes to survival, except for players which are always a big threat in both early and end game.

But food, water, guns and ammo, even tools like map, gps, hunting knife, matches, those are all taken for granted.

The last nail in the coffin were the zombies and how trivial they have become..

Looking forward to the standalone though!

Edited by Seiseki
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Dupping is the only way to keep players playing as long as it's used to only dupe items with your group after being hacked, or dying from a glitch. I don't mind if I go against players that dupe since it just proves that you or me are better than them, and will end up killing them any ways. It's not really about the gear as much as it is about skill. The only thing I and everyone can't stand is when I hacker hacks/scripts to enhance their gameplay/skill. Especially when they just teleport the whole server to drop to their deaths together, where is the fun in that!?

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I have to agree, if they fix all the dupes and then the hackers are still all over the place then people will leave the game in droves, how are you supposed to survive when a hacker insta kills you every five minutes and takes your hunting knife and axe.

Your forced back into a city or town to find those basic essential tools, putting you into conflict with other players who are equally geared, so its not going to take people out of cherno its going to force more in, and the game will become even more about running round cherno with a makarov and a lot less about just surviving out the in wild.

The tent and item dupes are bad, but right now their the only thing available to players to counter act the impact hackers have on the game and a players progress.

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Meh. Private hive solved all my DayZ issues. server has a high population, great latency, rebooted regularly so the load times are fast, dupers get banned. It's a shame you're married to the one server, but it's a hell of a lot better than server hopping for 3 hours so you can get away from cheaters.

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At least with duping they are only duplicating the gear they have not creating gear out of thin air so I don't have a huge problem with it. I don't dupe myself, Just try to play the game correctly and have some laughs along the way.

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I just have to echo everyone else.

Fixing duping is great, but hacking is what needs to be addressed first. If hacking continues to exist as rampantly as it does now - I'm all for duping. I'd rather have neither in the game and military gear actually being rare but that's impossible in the current state of the game. At least with duping it gives players a option who don't want to hack to semi enjoy the game.

As a example - i'd legitimately fully geared myself through airfield raids and looting dead players. I had every tool, including the famed ''radio'', nvgs, rangefinders, as50, m4 cco sd w/5 magazines and a coyote backpack i'd just picked up then I just dropped dead. Then one by one the server dropped dead. Now if my friend hadn't found a hacked in ammo box with every tool and gun in the game a hour previous and duped the shit out of it and made a camp on another server I probably would have lost all interest in playing tbh.

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Duping will never be fixed in the mod, due to how poor the current engine is. I wouldn't want Rocket trying to fix something he can't ( as he's stated before, he's no coder ) when he could spend time working on new features.

As regards to hackers, it's also the Engines fault and not Rockets. The engine was developed to be modded. So again, he can't and better still won't, try to fix it.

Battleye will try to clamp down on hackers until standalone is released and the problems with scripting kiddies won't be present, as the scripts won't exist in the engine like they do now.

Personally I could quite easily enjoy the game in its present form until standalone and that should and probably is, his main priority!

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As a person who just does not dupe and has/wants nothing to do with dupers and their camps, I can honestly say that your idea of people leaving in droves because duping exploits are gone is complete batshit crazy.

EDIT: Refer to

Duping is for pussies - pure and simple.

Edited by calthehunter

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I just love how people talk about duping to counter hackers when in reality they are no better than the hackers. In fact, I would say they are worse. At least hackers don't try hide the fact that they are cheating scum, or try to justify it with some stupid reasoning.

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To be honest, anyone who would leave the game if duping ceased to be possible can be my guest. It would be a good riddance and could only help the community in the long run.

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I just love how people talk about duping to counter hackers when in reality they are no better than the hackers. In fact, I would say they are worse. At least hackers don't try hide the fact that they are cheating scum, or try to justify it with some stupid reasoning.


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I just love how people talk about duping to counter hackers when in reality they are no better than the hackers. In fact, I would say they are worse. At least hackers don't try hide the fact that they are cheating scum, or try to justify it with some stupid reasoning.

Uh, no? Hackers are the ones that hide, and as you can see in any thread to do with duping, everyone that dupes says that they do so. Is it backwards day or something, cause that'd make you smarts. Hyuck-yuck ~

Not trying to say I agree with duping, but with any type of "cheat" from hacks n' scripts, to duping, there are good and bad players that use them. I know many dupers that literally only dupe when hacked or glitched and they do not go around abusing the weapons that they already have found. I never see them all running around with L85A2 AWS mowing down every player in sight. They only dupe a set in a hidden tent of what they've found and only fight those who shoot first, or who they know are looking for trouble. Most dupers do abuse the power though, so I wouldn't care either if it was taken out of DayZ, but the only way you could be mad at someone duping is because you suck at DayZ. The game is all about skill when it comes to PvP and really doesn't matter the gun. (Unless it's the L85A2 of course!) But even then, if you kill the guy with any other gun, than you should be proud.

To be honest, anyone who would leave the game if duping ceased to be possible can be my guest. It would be a good riddance and could only help the community in the long run.

I could care lee too, but I'd like to see them tackle both hacking and duping at the same time, or hacking first. I think we could all live without either, and if any players leave because they can't dupe or hack, than great!

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