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Yes, ppl should stop crying about the debug... at default you can see all you need from the icons... when you have low blood the droplet turn red you know??... lol

Deal with it, as you have to when the standalone comes...

Rocket is doing you a favor and smoother transition so you dont have to cry about it then so much.. now you lost only debug monitor, standalone you will loose the indicators too and you have to use your ears?

Sure peopple will always cry, it will never change.

How can you... omg. Stop crying peopple.

Keep up the good work Rocket.

ps. Now you have to choose, you risk missing drink/food etc, to see blood and "cheat" by seeing how many zeds are spawned etc. I rather remove the whole debug thing from the options...

I don't think he would get rid of the indicators? ;p

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- Getting hit by invisible/silent zombies. Standing in the forest away from buildings an invisble hand just slams me.

- Zombies can now hit from 40 feet away.

Well, he DID want to make the zombies more terrifying. ;)

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What happened to manually downloading via mirrors?

This was always less buggy than the launchers.

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Could it be that the six launcher is not updating the game yet? Iam still on It verifys but the Version stays the same!

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Thanks for all the fixes. BUT

I don't wanna sound like an asshole, but for each new fix, another bug/glitch appears. The artifacts are gone now and tents are saving, but the most important thing in the game, our hud, is fucked.

Now I have to go through pages of menu browsing each time i wanna open the debug monitor and see whats my blood status, how many zombies are spawned (to see if ppl are around cities) or if I got a kill when I shot someone down (and most likely while I'm browsing my hud menu that guy will be conscious again and pop my head) ...

And me being a dumb fuck did download and install this right away before checking on peoples reporting the results here. Gonna switch back to

I anyways got rarely artifacts with the previous version and I don't care about tents saving or not since I don't got any myself, I plunder other tents when I come across.


It's a common mistake to believe that an Alpha is for playing a game. Alpha is the stage where you test new functionality to see what works and not. Add new equipment, remove some, add functionality, remove some, etc. Usually Alphas are closed to dedicated *testers*, while some choose the "minecraft path". The Beta stage is where you remove the bugs, however this is of course necessary in the Alpha stage as well so the developer(s) get a real feel for the functionality. Although I agree with your opinions, they're not game breaking or functionality-test-breaking (like the artifacts are).

I too would like some of the frustrating bugs gone. For instance, I've never kept a tent or vehicle through a server restart, but that's not what Rocket is focusing on now.

If you change your mindset from "I'm a player" to "I'm a tester" your life might get a bit less frustrating. :)

Also, you're encouraged to post suggestions/opinions on features/functionality and by all means, bug reports - preferably with in a STR (Steps to Reproduce) format.

Finally, I know 99% of us wants to play, not send bug-reports and that's fine, I'm there myself. But please bear in mind that although Rockets fix some bugs as they appear, that's not the goal of this stage in the development.

Edit: One more thing - the debug monitor is just that, for debugging. It will be removed anyways so you might as well get used to not seeing it as it doesn't add any value to the game itself. It's just a free lunch now.

Edited by Rakrul
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I don't think he would get rid of the indicators? ;p

Well he have said to remove the visual indicators and replace them sounds, that is why I said that "you have to use your ears?"

That is what I was refering to.

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Seems like you need to employ a decent set of software testers ;-)

I am one. Call me!

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I can confirm that:

Artifacts are gone for me

Pistol ammo glitch is fixed (Not sure about the DMR to M24 ammo, someone said it wasn't)

Bugs that I found so far is no loot spawning on choppers. Or maybe I didn't "aim" right at it, but I tried two downed Huey's and still couldn't access any loot menu.

Good update DayZ Team, keep up the good work!

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I can confirm that:

Artifacts are gone for me

Pistol ammo glitch is fixed (Not sure about the DMR to M24 ammo, someone said it wasn't)

Bugs that I found so far is no loot spawning on choppers. Or maybe I didn't "aim" right at it, but I tried two downed Huey's and still couldn't access any loot menu.

Good update DayZ Team, keep up the good work!

maybe u were to fast there? try to go hundred metres in a other direction and then come back to the crashed huey.

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If You turn off the Debug Monitur, the HUD is working.

Believe me that is more thrilling not to know, how much blood you have, how many zombies are alive, etc.

As i allready stated, this makes the game much stronger and a bit more to the right direction!

One new Sound i noticed is a heartbeat yesterday, when i had ~5000 blood. Cooooooooooooool!


please say I´m right, when I say your playing Dr. Freud ;)

Edited by TR!PLE
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For like the 1 MILLIONTH time, nothing can be done about it until they switch engines with the standalone as the arma 2 engine is too trusting, battle eye sucks so much balls that the game is turning into a hack or be hacked game. 3 different servers, 3 different times a hacker spawned all the vehicles in a place where nobody could get them now that they save.

And from personal experience, tents are still broken but im 99% sure vehicles are not but cant be sure because of said hacker issue above^

Actually that is probably due to an admin not adding script detection to the server. BE bans if you e.g. manipulate your memory or run certain commands that you never ever would as a legit player. However there are other ways around that and that's where the script.txt file comes in (or whatever it's called). That tells the server that this list of commands are not allowed by players. If a hacker then tries to spawn a vehicle, he will get kicked with the script restriction #x message. Also, the admins need to make a PV-file (publicVariable) that stops hackers from overwriting certain functions in the mission and cause legit players to be kicked due to the scripts.txt file.

The reason why the admins have to make these files themselves (there are examples for dayz admins, and I'm sure the dayz admins are collaborating on making a more complete one) is because there are many mods out there, and some of them do ugly things so in order to still support all these bugs, the admins themselves has to keep the eye on the ball all the time which is another reason for you guys to be more grateful to the admins.

And finally, I'm quite sure that all of this will be included in the standalone as they no longer has to worry about the Arma2-universe and all their mods so it will require less from the admins.BE will certainly be the anti-cheat function in the standalone.

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* [FIXED] Graphical glitches with dead bodies (Bodies should now not display graphical glitches)

Motherfucking yes, was about time <3

how about choppers? i lost 2 of them thanks to the respawn bug (fix / serv restart / respawn)

Edited by steffeh

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The debug monitor is not supposed to be in game, fixing it is not a priority. It is only even included simply for ease of use.

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The debug monitor is not supposed to be in game, fixing it is not a priority. It is only even included simply for ease of use.

It's important to many players. I want to know how much Blood and Humanity I have and how many Zombies I killed (so I can brag)! Please fix it soon!

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As a server admin, this has been IMO the best update so far regarding tents. I've thoroughly tested saving things in them and have yet to have anything disappear through multiple server restarts. Also, and I can't believe no one has mentioned this (maybe I missed it), but I no longer have to do the 30 minute rain dance for the DayZ gods to place a tent, they seem to be going down wherever on the first try. I would however love to see packed up tents NOT reappearing after a restart seeing as how the aforementioned rain dance can cause tent placements that are less than great.

I can confirm however that vehicles are losing their gas following a server restart, but their locations have been solid so far.

To the people mentioning zombie aggro issues, I have not noticed anything even remotely close to these experiences. It was likely some sort of de-syncing issue i.e.the game/zombies still think you're in a town even though you're 100m into the woods. I raided two downed choppers with a friend earlier and both the loot and the zombies were present and functioning normally.

The UI stuff does not bother me, I imagine given that its called a Debug Monitor it will be going away soon anyway, I rather like the excitement of not knowing how many zombies are around, its a helluva lot more realistic.

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"The debug monitor is not supposed to be in game" I was sooo right ;)

As is said YES! STRIKE! This will be awesome, when its defenetly gone

Good job with the glitch rocket. I dunno what you´ve done, but this issue must have had a big percentage of CPU calculation, because i have now FPS 53-60 with nearly everything maxed out, 1680x1050 with a i7 2600k @4,6GHz and a MSI GTX 680 Lightning.

Edited by TR!PLE

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You dont understand what Meta-Gaming is.

Now with low blood, you hear your heart beating very strong.

.. and honestly, how old are you, that you have to pose with killed zombies? ;)

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* DayZ UI Debug option is not working properlly (no debug indicator at the moment). deal-with-it.jpg

Might be worth adding a little note saying blood/hunger/thirst/temperature UI icons WILL NOT update if you choose to try the debug UI.

A few of my friends nearly starved to death last night haha, was funny! :D

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Performance seems better.

Game-breaking bugs have been fixed.

Debug monitor has been removed.

This is a triumph of a patch. ATV flipping is not essential. Takes a while but then again that is your fault for flipping it.

Well done team.

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Performance seems better.

Game-breaking bugs have been fixed.

Debug monitor has been removed.

This is a triumph of a patch. ATV flipping is not essential. Takes a while but then again that is your fault for flipping it.

Well done team.

I agree almost completely. :P

The ATVs do flip unreasonably often in significantly less than "flippable" scenarios i.e. hitting a flat surface after going down a steep hill (in my case at a blistering 2kph :D). This would not bother me in the slightest however if I was able to pick up my ATV, like I imagine you could in real life.

Edited by WG6
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my experience about so far

sixlauncher did not update version correctly so i did it manually..........worked fine

no artifacts in berezino, arrived there after long run so they should have shown for sure with previous version

not been in water

don't have a tent

some difficulties to walk on infected bodies

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