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Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

Barbed Wire  

  1. 1. Should we remove barbed wire?

    • Yes
    • No

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No. Hell no. It's the only thing that we have to protect our camps.

And will the camp finding hacks and wallhacks, it makes it just a tad harder for them to readi everything we got.

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Just make the spawn rarer, stop zombies from being able to go through them and make the removal less buggy (look anywhere at the wire, scroll mouse wheel, click, removed). Problem solved.

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Just make the spawn rarer, stop zombies from being able to go through them and make the removal less buggy (look anywhere at the wire, scroll mouse wheel, click, removed). Problem solved.

I agree with this guy, keep the barbed wire, also make it so it wont go through walls. If this takes time to fix, then temporarily remove it so people wont abuse it.

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No... Not doing any harm....... Find a tool box........

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Yes, in their current state, it is unreasonable to leave them in, here is why:

1. While they can be used for legitimate, non-troll purposes, the VAST majority of it is trolling and exploiting their unrealistically difficult removal and effectiveness.

2.They have repeatedly caused glitches

3.They are extremely hard to remove, you have to look at the exact pixel on the model to bring up the remove prompt, so trolls naturally place them so the area of the babed wire that brings up that prompt clips into walls so it is effectively impossible.

4. Due to #3, it promotes people to server hop or "ghost" (always bad) to move past them.

5. They are permanent, they do not go away on their own.

6. They create an annoying/unnecessary barrier of entry for noobs/new characters. There are plenty of reasonable barriers of entry that enhance the game, spawning with no weapons, bandit threats, small backpack, no morphine, no antibiotics, cold/hunger/thirst/infection due to lack of supplies. However, locking out areas essential to gameplay with unrealistic effectiveness is not one of them.

Please Lightfoot, this needs to be removed, if people want to barricade roads, use tank traps, or perhaps you guys could add in spike strips?

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And on a server that restarts 2-4 times a day and its right back.

If it comes back and it's a problem for you, just remove it again. I've done it multiple times and it's never a hassle.

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No. Hell no. It's the only thing that we have to protect our camps.

And will the camp finding hacks and wallhacks, it makes it just a tad harder for them to readi everything we got.


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Remove it 100% Yes!! It's rarely ever used as intended anyway. There all over every building that's enterable, purely for griefing ONLY!! Was on one server that had them EVERYWHERE!! Made the server unplayable and completely unrealistic. Remove them please!!

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I would have to say yes untill you can actually make it do what it does in real life that is blocks people out by means of damaging them.

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Take it out for now, put it back if you can fix it later.

This ^^^

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Keep it but fix the artifacts and respwan after it has been removed

I find the amount of players who want it removed because it BLOCKS entrances and passages kind off amusing tough.

Guess what - that is what it is designed for -.-

I find them rather easy to remove too btw - given you know where to look at .

Toolboxes spwan often enough.

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Get that greifer-wire out of here.

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the only problems here are the graphical glitches, poor shooting from gunner, and they set the roadblock up pretty bad (should have made a wire corridor going up to block to prevent escape), but this is the only video of someone using wire the right way, all other youtube vids are of people bitching about the wire

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Yes. We have enough douchebags completely blocking off buildings now.

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Yes we should remove them have the time they just glitch up the game and they are still causing graphical errors for me and all of my friends. Plus it is ridiculous when hackers add in tons and tons of barbed wire for no reason other than it be a dick. Plus the fact that the stay for so long after a camper leave like I went into the electro fire house and barbed wire was blocking the entrance to the tower and there was a coyote backpack the I could not get b/c of it and I had no tool box of corse but the camper was long gone. So either remove then or increase the spawn of tool boxes so that people can take them down.

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They should be removed for the time being but I think that changes should be made to availability of toolboxes and removing the barb wire should be less glitchy when using a toolbox.

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Yes, it usually doesn't serve a purpose unless some troll decides to put it up. And wouldn't it take care of some of the graphical glitches? (Or what's left of them).

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Either fix it so zombies can't go through without giving a shit, or remove until you can think of a good reason for the stuuf being there. Same thing with hedgehogs.

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Keep the barbed wire! On Sanctuary servers it works for it purpose, i.e. you cannot server hop to get around it if you dont have a tool kit !! This is the only form of structural defence for our campsites.

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