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Make hacking LEGAL - read before rage

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This is the dumbest thing I've ever read. This guy is too much of a weenie to even be considered a carebear. He's like some Sesame Street Rainbow Bright Unicorn of Cowardice.

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I love how all the haters just say oh no, it's stupid, without even trying to rebuttal.

We're making a stand against the hackers.

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It would appear that It's already legal. Why else would there be so many hackers and no one banning them.

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Why can't you people WAKE UP, all this rampant hacking is a false flag attack by the dev team on the DayZ community, there are no real hackers! The developers wrote code into the game starting with which would simulate hackers killing people and spawning shit!

One satchel charge cannot bring down a two story building people, the dev team has been blowing up random buildings with thermite! If you even look closely at the dust cloud from an explosion you can see a hologram of rocket's face peeking out of the smoke. This was an inside job perpetrated on the DayZ community in order to move to a standalone and steal $80 Trillion dollars of our money. I can't believe you just buy into what the dev team tells you without questioning.

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Looks like we've got another historical revisionist on our hands.

Next you're going to tell me the jews had swimming pools in auschwitz.

No citations?

Pack your shit, fatty. Door's over there.

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What I find funny is the guy who frequently hangs out on hacker forums is the person who's claiming others are the hackers. :rolleyes:

It's like those politicians that push hard for anti-gay legislation, who then turn out to be raging homosexuals who quite enjoy being gang banged by a football team.

"battle eye is working" -- Sure buddy... :rolleyes:


this +1 = lawlmonade. This thread delivered! :thumbsup:

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So basically, give hacks to everyone, the idiots who want to hack but don't know how to or are too scared of being banned to do so will be able to grief without any consequences, the people who want to play fair and not use hacks will get fucked in the ass by all the god mode enabled people, and the hackers won't give a fuck because hey, they have god mode as well, they can't die as well.

The real solution is to enhance battleye, because from what I've heard, it's pretty damn easy to script a battleye bypass and just script at will.

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The day this happens is the day I stop gaming.


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This is by far......the worst post of all time......ever. I face-palmed when i read the title. After reading the post i now have W,A,S and D i permanently attached to my forehead.

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This is by far......the worst post of all time......ever. I face-palmed when i read the title. After reading the post i now have W,A,S and D i permanently attached to my forehead.

Oh WOW I suspected many people on the forum to be hackers but people on the forum TEAM too???? Wow just wow....

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Someone really needs to lock this thread.

Under grounds for trolling or something!?

Wow, WOW there bro.

Stop RIGHT THERE, now back up.

An opinion you disagree with, therefor it's trolling?

Or you're a hacker that doesn't want the general populace to have the same advantages as you?

I applaud the mods for not being draconian and shutting down anything they personally disagree with, they're doing a really good job weeding out the ACTUAL trolling.

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Well, it couldn't possibly make anything worse; you can't play on a server with more than 15 people without getting shot in the back by a cheater now.

People have already started using cheats to deal with real or perceived "hackers". It's so damn easy, so why bother.

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Wow, WOW there bro.

Stop RIGHT THERE, now back up.

An opinion you disagree with, therefor it's trolling?

Or you're a hacker that doesn't want the general populace to have the same advantages as you?

I applaud the mods for not being draconian and shutting down anything they personally disagree with, they're doing a really good job weeding out the ACTUAL trolling.

have you seen the thread... it's a mess.

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Ok guys, so hear me out before you jump down my throat.

The hacking problem is bad, really bad.

We all know just how bad it is by now, so there's no need for me to reiterate it for you.

What if there were a way to level the playing field so it's fair for everyone that's playing DayZ and we aren't all put at a disadvantage by the hackers?

What if 'god mode', 'weapons crates', 'teleportation' etc were all baked right into the DayZ client so anyone could use them?

You see, hackers basically operate on the premise that no one should be able to kill them, hence they use cheats to avenge their death or stop people from killing them at all.

There should be an option to opt in or out of 'god mode' when you start playing, this way you can engage in the fights you want without the worry of dying and the annoyance of respawning all the time.

A lot of people will be annoyed and consider this 'giving in' to hackers, but in actual fact it's only really standing up to them.

We just need more options guys, there's nothing wrong with that.

Moderator Notice: User was suspended for this post.

You. Are. A. COMPLETE. FUCKING. RETARDED. HONKY! Please do the world a huge favor and castrate yourself. Then proceed to kill any children you may have bred during your non castration.

Making this game into a hacker central will ruin it's rep. It will not help in any way, shape, or form. By allowing everyone to hack, Rocket would have basically agreed that the hackers are much smarter and better then he is and no matter what he does, he will not be able to stop him. And knowing Rocket, he is much to awesome for that.

So currently the only solution is.

First, Ban TheMachine. Seriously, get the fuck off my thread you useless mutt.

Second, Lock this thread ASAP. Yes, ban the stupid OP THEN lock the thread.

Finally, Castrate the damned OP. Don't need more of his kind running amok.

Edited by Legacy

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