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Let's make this clear- no amount of gear will save you from getting killed by a cheater, so that argument against hive wipe is useless. A cheater will kill you no matter if you have a shotgun or a AS50/L85/NVG. Don't get attached to your gear.

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A server side reset is needed.

We need everybody back to square one, start again - sure hackers will probably hack in more and more items but server admins seem to be stepping up their game and banning much more quickly.

Also, in relation to that point, there must surely be a way to disable the spawning of specific weapons that are not in-mod.

There isn't a fool-proof way to attack the hackers until the standalone but hacking is so rife now that all the people moaning that they don't want a reset probably have hacked gear.

I'm not saying all the people, but if you have a character that is over 30 days old and you have not once encountered a hacker then you are being dishonest.

Wipe the servers, it can only do good. Standalone is coming, you shouldn't get attached to your items, inb4 QQ.

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Is it possible that hacked in weapons will not saved to the hive? That would be a great step against "spawn-hacker" They will lost it anyways so they didn´t spawn it I hope ;)

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Rocket you can bare my kids :)

Like kiddy porn?

homophones are hard...

Edited by slonlo

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Thanks for the hotfix, can't wait for my dog though! :D

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Glad to hear that this interim step is on the way. Can't wait to see it getting pushed out to the servers. This should bring back some of the players who had walked away...

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so will this fix the item duping?

Considering how many times he has said this is an issue with ARMA 2s engine and therefore will never be fixed, you'd think people would start conning onto it by now.

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im down for the wipe. its much needed and will make the game fun again

(from a man who has almost everything btw)

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This topic is for information of the status of the next update.

Affected Addons:

* dayz

* dayz_code

* dayz_server (server)

Target date:

* Thursday 6 September 2012 (GMT)

Confirmed Changelog (WIP):

* [NEW] Bear trap has chance to spawn on infected hunters

* [FIXED] Graphical glitches with dead bodies (Bodies should now not display graphical glitches)

* [NEW] Three UI options available: Default (indicators only), Debug (indicators + debug window), None (only base ArmA2 UI)

* [FIXED] Tents and vehicles not saving correctly ( https://dev-heaven.net/issues/41502 )

* [FIXED] Converting between magazine types resets ammo count (Now only contains previous number of rounds)

In Process Changelog (WIP):

* [NEW] Option to flip vehicles that have rolled

how about an auto save function everytime you put/take something in/out a tent or vehicle it saves automaticle after useage so noone can duplicate gear with it!

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Thanks for the update any chance of a complete wipe and send us back to the stone age to get rid of all the duping rubbish?

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instead of a hive wipe, why not create another Hive, and let the Admins of the servers decide which one to use?? New Hive, or old hive.

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Rocket, what's going on, why you release, because today was release 1.7.3!?

Nobody ever said would be today, the said don't expect the patch before the 6th

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This topic is now closed to further replies.
