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Happy about the tents and vehicles. I do agree though that a HIVE reset is very much needed.

Hackers are a big problem though that is destroying the core game experience.

Edited by LoneMerc2

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Hive wipe is useless as long as duping and hacking are possible in the game. I give it a week after hive wipe before it's the same shit all over.

Edited by fisk
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  On 9/6/2012 at 11:27 AM, Rennis said:

Don't forget to fix the backpack issue. Switching skins will delete your backpack and revert back to patrol pack. its kind of important.

I found that changing skins will actually change your backpack back to the one that you used previously. Most of the time that would be the patrol pack. But in my case i lost a Backpack (coyote) once, and got the Alice Pack which I had previously. however if you put down your (new) pack on the ground one time and pick it back up you should be good.

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On the tent/vehicle issue.

Check the hive database, make sure that Instance IDs are considered bigInt .

The range is -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807. The unsigned range is 0 to 18446744073709551615 - should be plenty for you. Then it's just a matter of formatting a number. If it is set for bigint, then its in the code that is converting it to scientific notation.

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  On 9/6/2012 at 1:41 PM, ultimato said:

I found that changing skins will actually change your backpack back to the one that you used previously. Most of the time that would be the patrol pack. But in my case i lost a Backpack (coyote) once, and got the Alice Pack which I had previously. however if you put down your (new) pack on the ground one time and pick it back up you should be good.

in my experience it dupes the backpack you joined the server wearing. if you come in with an alice pack on, put it on the ground and put on your ghillie you magically start wearing another alice pack

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So wait. Will vehicles still disappear where we left them and return to their regular spawn points AFTER a server restarts or will they just stay at the place where we left and saved them as long as they're not destroyed or not stolen?

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  On 9/6/2012 at 11:27 AM, Rennis said:

Don't forget to fix the backpack issue. Switching skins will delete your backpack and revert back to patrol pack. its kind of important.

when you get a backpack just log out and login again and you can change skins to your hearts content..

Edited by Fauji
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Fuck the wipe. I've been wandering ingame for more then 12 days searching for NVG. Now that I have found them, and along the way, finding a M4 CCO SD (no ammo anymore, is my new main goal) and AS 50, a map, compass and other needed tools. You're going to wipe the hell out of it?

I managed to survive. If I see a AS50 TWS, I let it be. Do I care if someone picks it up or not. It's not my problem, I'll just try to survive.

But a wipe? No, thank you. I've worked too damn hard for all the crap I'm hoarding. And don't get all "don't get attached" on me. I choose to get attached to that stuff. I fought hard for it, and long. I'm sure attached to it. And I'll kiss it goodbye and embrace the fact that I lost it when I lose it by getting killed by some douchebag (part of the game) or a zombitch. Hell, if I fall of a building, I'll find it sad, but I'll move on, and start over.

But keep your wipe for yourself. I can't help it you're getting killed by some seemingly hacked weapons and because you're not getting a chance. Adjust your playstyle, find other servers, I don't care.

You'll always have bad things in games like hackers, bugs, exploits, glitches and on and on. Rocket listens to us, and that's a good thing. But don't go changing the game because some nitwit is hacking or causing you harm. Just leave him be, ignore him and soon enough he'll stop. If you don't care, they lose interest.

All the whining is feeding them, think about it.

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Great patch and I welcome a wipe, coming from a player with everything and an enormous squad camp that keeps regenerating gear.

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Hi Rocket,

Could you please consider wiping all tents/vehicles (heck, I would go with a full wipe even having a char alive for almost 2 months) from the Hive because all the duping (mainly because of the saving/sync bugs and not hacking)? I think it's something that many people would like and it would make the actual gameplay better removing all the duped weapons/ammo.

Regardless of your decision, thanks for the new patch!

Edited by Numi

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Thank you sir Rocket!!! Without tents or vehicle saving i.e. HOMEBASE...The game is really nothing but Player hunting. Although I enjoy player hunting :)

Love the game!!!

Edited by Demoni85

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Forget duping, forget artifacts ..... As long as tents and vehicle save contents and position there is no other fix you need.....bottom line. All other issues can be fixed at a later date.....

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As sad as I will be to see my hard-fought-for equipment go, a wipe would be for the greater good. However if it is to be so, please make sure first - I mean really sure - that all the fixes actually work. After a week or so after the new release is out should be enough time imo.

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Yeshhhhh. Thanks rocket, now my friend can go with me into military camps without the graphical glitch :D.

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so much for dogs eh??? lol

great work IF this all works

hopefully now rocket will post alot more since pax and all those are over with

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