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5 Dollar bounty to kill player Zheratuhl

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I will pay 5 real world dollars for anyone to kill the player Zheratuhl on sight.

Last sighted in Cherno on server DE2630.

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So now we have contract killing?

This seems interesting.

How do you plan to pay up, as well as how to you plan to verify such claims?

I could easily say I killed him, and demand payment.

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The deed has been done. Pay up, big boy.

See Post below

Edited by zed23

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I say you have to post a video of you killing him and hiding his corpse without looting it. A

nd payment will be made through paypal, of course. I would set up a paypal just to take contracts at a buck or two a pop...

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I don't really see this going over well.

"Just another day at the shop..." ;)

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wow, a whole five real world dollars.

I notice you didn't say what currency.

vietnamese dollar

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Hey, now, if this becomes common enough, I would consider getting my hands dirty and hunting down some people. Make a few dollars playing a video game? Sure. Beats trying to find a real job in this economy (which is a pain in the ass)

Edited by Ipurgepeople
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The Vietnamese note is called a Dong, for the record. and We're sorry, we only accept USD for contract killings.

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I'll offer $100 Billion 'Special Agro Cheque' Zimbabwe dollars to verified bandit kills!

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This don't seem legit to me.

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wow, a whole five real world dollars.

I notice you didn't say what currency.

You do realize the dollar is only used in the United States, no where else do they call it a dollar. You don't hear about a Pound Dollar, or a Euro Dollar, it's just a pound or a euro. That is because the dollar is only used in the United States.

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You do realize the dollar is only used in the United States, no where else do they call it a dollar. You don't hear about a Pound Dollar, or a Euro Dollar, it's just a pound or a euro. That is because the dollar is only used in the United States.

Are you fucking retarded? What currency are the Australians using huh?
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You do realize the dollar is only used in the United States, no where else do they call it a dollar. You don't hear about a Pound Dollar, or a Euro Dollar, it's just a pound or a euro. That is because the dollar is only used in the United States.

"You do realize" that there are numerous other countries referring to their base as the dollar?


There's at least 28 countries in there, not counting the multiple countries who have adopted the U.S. dollar as their standard. Where did you get the silly notion that no other country but the U.S. uses the dollar?

I don't expect an answer, as you must feel very stupid by now.

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You guys are missing the point, it doesnt matter what country is using it, the dollar is the dollar.

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This whole thread is a giant facepalm. The OP was too vague. Then fatherjohn made and idiot out of the guy and finally Alexthedude didn't read

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You guys are missing the point, it doesnt matter what country is using it, the dollar is the dollar.

OMG you might be the most dense person I've dealt with yet. I hate to sound all high and mighty, because I'm nobody special, but you're just plain not getting it.

First, it would help if you clicked on the link I provided to you, instead of just seeing the word "dollar", and assuming all are the same.

I don't know why, but I'll try to explain one more time, solely for your benefit. Please pay attention.

There are numerous countries that use a currency they refer to as a dollar. NOT THE DOLLAR, but a dollar. Each of those dollars has a different name, such as America using the USD (United States Dollar), or Canada using the Canadian dollar, or Belize using the Belize dollar. None of these dollars are the same value. They are all totally different currency values. They all have exchange rates.

For example, the American dollar is the equivalent of about $1.95 to the Belize dollar.

The point/joke of my post was that the OP said 5 dollars, but five Belize dollars is only worth about $2.50 in American Currency, and many countries have a worse exchange than that.

Are you getting it now? You've killed the joke. You're officially, "That guy". You're the party killer. You show up, and everyone stops having fun and leaves. Goodbye.

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