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Your Best Story Of Avoiding Death Legit

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so i'm moseying up to a deer stand, and BOOM!! gunshot really nearby, like right on top of me. made my heart skip a beat. sounded like an m14 or DMR.

i break into a sprint immediately running through the tree that is less than a meter away to my right, then break left through another tree. i continue evasion tactics, sprinting, zig-zagging through cover, waiting for the follow-up shots.

i begin to think about what just happened, that guy was SOOOO close, how did he miss me? i didn't see him at all, because i went into super-jackrabbit mode immediately rather than turn around and look and get a bullet to the face for my trouble. maybe he didn't see me till the last second either and just fired off a panic shot? in any case my pulse was racing and i felt lucky to escape such a deadly situation.

i've moved far enough now through enough cover that i'm pretty sure i've made a clean break. i begin to consider whether i should circle around and try to find this guy and get the drop on him. there are a few other deer stands in the area, and he might be looking to clear them out. if so, i can probably get him.

i mentally calculate where i would be if i was him, how long he was likely to have stayed at the first deer stand after missing me, the next-nearest deer stand, and the one after that. i start to move through the forest, carefully watching, pulling up the scope on my own DMR to scout ahead, when i notice...

DMR ammo 19.

/facepalm. so embarassing. nearly gave myself a heart attack.

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Did good until the end. I understand the bandit life, I used to be one, but come on man, that's cold.

I thought I did good the whole way through. The fact that I shot that fellow at the end may seem cold and heartless, but I've been shot/axed in the back after a random "friendly" 1 too many times. With no nameplates on, I can't be sure if I killed him or not, but no one died for quite some time after I shot him. He may have survived, he was around the back of the hospital, I'd like to think he pulled out ok.

Assholes never get beans.

Incorrect sir, assholes ALWAYS get your beans.

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Me and my buddy are cycling along a dirt road when we come across 4 guys running along. Me and my friend are geared up pretty much fully (m14, nvg, gps, DMR loads of ammo etc), all I needed to have literally everything was a pair of range finders. Anyway, I say as we cycle past “don’t shoot, we’re friendly” (although I was in a ghillie) so I get shot anyway, and I’m knocked out on my bike but I am still able to control it. So we cycle across the field getting shot at and into some tree’s where we get off the bikes (I had recovered from taking the shot, although I was on low blood).

We pull out our sniper rifles, I had a DMR, friend had an M107. And we see the guys fighting off the zombies they aggro’d by shooting at us. We then proceed to kill all of them (amazingly none of them alt+f4). I hop on the bike to go loot their bodies, and the server conks out, it’s reset.

We log back into the server to carry on with our cycling and bam, literally right in my face there are two freshly spawned crashed heli sites on the field we crossed to escape the bandits a minute ago. Our two bikes had morphed into a dirt bike which had full fuel.

I looted the crash sites, but unfortunately nothing there to help us other than ammo and med supplies.

The best part of the story is that, had those guys not shot at us, we would have continued on and missed the heli’s on server restart, those guys would have had them all to themselves. The guns there didn’t help me and my friend, but it would have helped anyone that wasn’t 100percent geared up.

Another one :

Me and 2 friends where coming out of cherno (infact, this is the same character as the previous story) and we see a white pickup speed past on the road, heading towards Elektro, we decide to head to Elektro in a hope we can take it. Yeah, we’re not that friendly. So as we’re running past Cap Golova lighthouse, two guys with MK48’s jump off a quadbike behind us and start spraying towards us, we all dive to the ground I fire two shots with my M14 and get them both in the head. Two bandit kills. Lots of loot, a quadbike and none of us took a hit. So, we loot the stuff we want (again, not much, just food, med and someone took an mk48). We turn to carry on to Elektro and we see that same pickup truck speeding towards us.

I tell my friends to get down but instead one of them decides to start shooting at the truck (!?), he gets run over. Me and my other friend jump onto the quad bike to escape but the white pick-up truck guy gets out and snipes my friend (the driver) off the quadbike, it flips. I’m forced off and I have no escape. So, the pick-up truck driver speeds towards me, hits me at full speed but I don’t die, instead it breaks every bone in my body, makes me bleed, puts me in shock and knocks me out – oh, it also made me FLY ACROSS the whole map. I land somewhere, nothing is happening. My character is clearly in a very bad way, I have no idea where I landed – but I’m still alive with 11,000 blood (but falling rapidly). I wake up fix my wounds, low blood, mates are dead. Then, I get teleported by a hacker and blown up and die.

Nice - Thats luck and a half besides the teleport hack

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I was just back from searching the whole south coast for a car wheel to fix the white pickup truck west of zelenogorst.

Fixed the wheel, filled the tank (everything but wheels was red) and drove off to find some parts to repair the rest.

As i was 20m away from the barn i get shot at. I make my way through zelenogorst towards the south, hit some garbage, one tire is flat, i hear shots again and BOOM, i'm lying at the street with ~1700 blood.

Luckily i wasn't bleeding, so as soon as my timer was gone i crawled into the grass where i passed out again.

So i was lying next to my car wreck, waiting for that bastard or one of the countless zombies nearby to finish me, but nobody was coming for me.

When i woke up again i ate some meat to put me above 4000 blood and crawled into the woods.

Sad how people just snipe from a far and dont even want anything we have and leave us to rot - When I see a vehicle I ask for a ride - If they dont reply I keep on my way or follow tro see if they stop and try to steal it safely (Never happens though - I get shot from the driver or a person stacking us both)

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I got sniped in the forest northwest of Cherno, the first shot missed so I started running... a couple shots later and the guy hit me, it broke a leg and knocked me unconscious... but I fell behind a tree. I came to with around 1500 blood and managed to bandage myself. I then crawled through a black and white forest for close to 40 minutes, trying to get around to where I thought the shots came from. Never found the guy, never got shot at again... and I was pretty thorough about checking the area.

I eventually crawled all the way back into Cherno to get morphine, and witnessed a shootout take place in the apartments right across the street from the hospital. I snuck around back and fortunately there was a medical box at the base of the ladder, so I patched myself up and booked on out of there.

It took a full two days of scrounging for canned food before I finally found a box of matches in Berezino, and a cow in the orchard nearby finally got me back to full health.

That character lasted for another 19 days when a hacker wiped out everyone on the server. I had racked up near 600 zombie kills and 2 murders, 3 self-defense murders, and 2 bandit kills. Haven't really had a good survival adventure like that since then.

Very well done life - I cant seem to get past 9 days and 205 Zeds - Never a Murder or a Bandit kill and my Be a Nice Guy is at 3900 trying to get to 5000 (Unless I will lose my Gille) Thanks for the story

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so i'm moseying up to a deer stand, and BOOM!! gunshot really nearby, like right on top of me. made my heart skip a beat. sounded like an m14 or DMR.

i break into a sprint immediately running through the tree that is less than a meter away to my right, then break left through another tree. i continue evasion tactics, sprinting, zig-zagging through cover, waiting for the follow-up shots.

i begin to think about what just happened, that guy was SOOOO close, how did he miss me? i didn't see him at all, because i went into super-jackrabbit mode immediately rather than turn around and look and get a bullet to the face for my trouble. maybe he didn't see me till the last second either and just fired off a panic shot? in any case my pulse was racing and i felt lucky to escape such a deadly situation.

i've moved far enough now through enough cover that i'm pretty sure i've made a clean break. i begin to consider whether i should circle around and try to find this guy and get the drop on him. there are a few other deer stands in the area, and he might be looking to clear them out. if so, i can probably get him.

i mentally calculate where i would be if i was him, how long he was likely to have stayed at the first deer stand after missing me, the next-nearest deer stand, and the one after that. i start to move through the forest, carefully watching, pulling up the scope on my own DMR to scout ahead, when i notice...

DMR ammo 19.

/facepalm. so embarassing. nearly gave myself a heart attack.

LOL - I dont know how many times I have fired looking at gear and with my Turtle Beaches turned up so high it scares the shit outta me everytime

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Very well done life - I cant seem to get past 9 days and 205 Zeds - Never a Murder or a Bandit kill and my Be a Nice Guy is at 3900 trying to get to 5000 (Unless I will lose my Gille) Thanks for the story

The whole thing with crawling through the forest after getting shot, to crawling to the hospital was nerve wracking... passing out from blood loss really makes things stressful. That was the longest I've lasted in the game, but it was from before the hacking problem was so out of hand. Since then, I'm lucky to last two days.

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I ran to meet up with 2 friends near Cap Golova when someone sniped them and then started shooting at me from the mountains(Pik Kazlovo). I bobbed and weaved(noobs wasted atleast 30 rounds from their 50s) until I hit the woods right outside Cherno. I ran all the way around to the back side of the mountain and found a sniper so I played a game of hot potato with a grenade, which he lost. As I was overlooking the beach, I saw a bush on the rocks near the lighthouse at Cap Golova, It did not look right so I lined up a shot with my pre nerf Enfield at about 500 meters and got a kill. We got a MK 48/L85/M107 but while I was dividing it up amongst my friends who died, a hacker killed everyone on the server.

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I ran to meet up with 2 friends near Cap Golova when someone sniped them and then started shooting at me from the mountains(Pik Kazlovo). I bobbed and weaved(noobs wasted atleast 30 rounds from their 50s) until I hit the woods right outside Cherno. I ran all the way around to the back side of the mountain and found a sniper so I played a game of hot potato with a grenade, which he lost. As I was overlooking the beach, I saw a bush on the rocks near the lighthouse at Cap Golova, It did not look right so I lined up a shot with my pre nerf Enfield at about 500 meters and got a kill. We got a MK 48/L85/M107 but while I was dividing it up amongst my friends who died, a hacker killed everyone on the server.

LoL - WTF with all the Hackers ruining a good day - I actually have only played with online friends once after that night I have never teamed up again, it was a diaster, we found a bus (6 of us ) and repaired it, driving through pusta to get fuel we heard another vehicle while ours was off and noticed 3 new trucks headed at us through the field, so we all tried to climb in but the driver took off leaving 2 behind which they got squashed - There trucks where so fast and where on us in no time - We cut up through Lopa through the field to the air base and 2 more where in front of us and a dirt bike, we headed straight at the bike and hit it as it stuck to the front of our truck with the guy still on it - The other 2 trucks blocked us and I said get out and shoot so we started shooting and they returned fire and the guy on the bike kept riding - we all died and in the logs of the server we noticed the trucks and bike where created illegally with no damage **( _dsasadsa = createVehicle ['LandRover_CZ_EP1', [4376.96, 9548.67, 0], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE']; )**

Nice story

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Nice - I was in a Server and all the sudden I was teleported to a beach with about 20 something guys all looking stunned - 1 Guy was spamming a DMR so I figured he was the hacker - I use a XBX Controller so ALT 4 isnt as fast for me and I died along with about 15 guys - I don't like hackers on my server but sometimes I cant help but laugh when things like this happen, I have to get a recording software to catch some of these incidents - Nice Story

Yeah I'd say I've been killed only once or maybe twice legitimately - the rest are hackers.

Another hacker story - me and two friends are fixing up a ural. It's a new spawn so we've spent the best part of 4 hours running to and from Skalisty and NWAF industrial spawns in the early hours of the morning . Low pop server, maybe 12 ppl. We get the car working when all of a sudden - server restarts. Greeeat. So we log back in and the car is missing on tyre again. Find it but it takes us a good hour to do so (unlucky spawns) - 10m from the ural when everyone is teleported to the NWAF and dropped from height to our deaths. One of our guys logs out, me and another guy stay and try to run back to the ural. 5 minutes later? Same thing happens! Except for whatever reason, the hacker didn't drop us high enough and a lot of people survive but pass out, broken legs and such.

I come to, look around - everyone who died the first time, their bodies are still there. I crawl around find morphine and an M249. I use the M249 and kill the apparent hacker - the only guy standing with hacked in weapons. He leaves he server (yay!!) but now there's 10 people crawling around looting high end gear. Me and my friend are looting and really nervous - in the middle of the NW Airfield! When suddenly he says:

"uhhh... I think it's OK"

"How do you know?"

"We're the only ones in the server...'

Sure enough everyone else had just logged out and left the two of us there. Came out of that one with L85s (plural), M4SD, M9SD, NVG, Rangefinder, AS50s, FN Fal, DMR - almost every high end weapon in the game right there on the dead bodies of those poor other people. Picked it up, ran to a safe spot and logged out. We thought it sucked at first after 5 hours trying to fix a car being hacked and killed - but after that loot haul it turned out the cloud had a very nice silver lining.

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Yeah I'd say I've been killed only once or maybe twice legitimately - the rest are hackers.

Another hacker story - me and two friends are fixing up a ural. It's a new spawn so we've spent the best part of 4 hours running to and from Skalisty and NWAF industrial spawns in the early hours of the morning . Low pop server, maybe 12 ppl. We get the car working when all of a sudden - server restarts. Greeeat. So we log back in and the car is missing on tyre again. Find it but it takes us a good hour to do so (unlucky spawns) - 10m from the ural when everyone is teleported to the NWAF and dropped from height to our deaths. One of our guys logs out, me and another guy stay and try to run back to the ural. 5 minutes later? Same thing happens! Except for whatever reason, the hacker didn't drop us high enough and a lot of people survive but pass out, broken legs and such.

I come to, look around - everyone who died the first time, their bodies are still there. I crawl around find morphine and an M249. I use the M249 and kill the apparent hacker - the only guy standing with hacked in weapons. He leaves he server (yay!!) but now there's 10 people crawling around looting high end gear. Me and my friend are looting and really nervous - in the middle of the NW Airfield! When suddenly he says:

"uhhh... I think it's OK"

"How do you know?"

"We're the only ones in the server...'

Sure enough everyone else had just logged out and left the two of us there. Came out of that one with L85s (plural), M4SD, M9SD, NVG, Rangefinder, AS50s, FN Fal, DMR - almost every high end weapon in the game right there on the dead bodies of those poor other people. Picked it up, ran to a safe spot and logged out. We thought it sucked at first after 5 hours trying to fix a car being hacked and killed - but after that loot haul it turned out the cloud had a very nice silver lining.

That worked to your benefit - I have never had that much luck

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So me and my clan mates just found a megaload of stuff (as you can tell from my current load out, scripted-in items), well guess what, it was a trap. Our spotter guy (aka. guy who stays back to watch out for people while raiding a camp) noticed someone running towards my location, and not just any slow jog we see everyday, this guy was the faging flash (if I remember right, his username was SAMSUNG, he keeps changing names though, but it's always caps). So I ordered for a tactical retreat, but for every meter we cover, he would cover say.. 200m and spraying at whatever his last location was. Eventually we made it to Elektro and holed up in the fire house and brought out our packed sniper rifles (except for me, since well, I started rolling with one as my primary). A hour long, long-range shoot out happened. AS50s, M107s, the hole shebang of sniper rifles, laser gun sounds echoed through out Elektro. He wouldn't just keep still, as in in less than 10 minutes, he took up so many different 400-600m range from us positions. Eventually, we were able to get a lucky round onto him, and bam dead.

Edited by ExESGO

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12th day in Chernarus, living off supermarket runs and the occasional factory run near Polana, honest life; Everything went good until the day i found a Wiskey crate, damn, i've been sober since when the SHTF but i coudnt pass this opportunity.

Next day i wake up naked, on the shore of Balota, Damn! The hangover was too much for me to bear so I ran to a building to get my mind straight, i shoud know better, i was too groggy to run and ended tripping on the floor breaking my legs; Talking about bad luck?

After a day of crawling for food, water and the essentials, i manage to get a AK74 in the control tower, unfortunatelly all i realy wanted was some morphine for the pain. I make a decision, I need to go to the hospital.

Its already night, im hungry and crawling for my life, but something unexpected happened, an Inffected runs towards me, I shoot him and he is down, but to my surprise i see the outline of a man with an AXE, he saw me too, crawling, the vision of my gun makes him want to flank me, I take a shot, Bam! He start runnin away, BAM, BAM. He is now deceased, My heart is Pounding, im shaking, but i havent time for morality issues, i need food and medicine.

He could have company,but at that point im passing out, I need to reach his cold dead body, Desperation overcomes my shame, i look into his bag...

Then i saw a entire medical supply including antibiotcs, morphine, blood bags, bandages, painkillers; Everything, including food! I grab it all, use the morphine for my pain and run to the forest.

I guess ill be living an 13th day.

P.S.: No, i didnt realy found a Wiskey bottle, call it poetic license, i was just a victim of the spawning bug.

P.P.S.:That character was my first life and this was my first kill! He ended up dying for a Hacker. He lived to 16th day, maybe i talk about that later.

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I stalked my way in to NW airfield barracks to the south, as I vault over the glitched park bench in the middle of the hallway door, a survivor strolls out of one of the side rooms and taps the trigger of his AKM letting out a burst of rounds the sprinkle around me but misses. He ducks back into the last side room of the barracks while I tuck myself into the side room just after the bathroom. I shout out to him: "We can both live through this, walk out now and I wont drop a grenade in on you (I have 1 M67 Frag)." 2 mins pass, cautious that if I leave first, I'll get a bullet the back of my head, I shout to him again. "Last warning, leave first and I will not blast you into zombie chum." No answer, another 2 mins. I quietly stalk down the hall in thrid person finding him laying prone with his akm trained on the doorway. I back away and toss a grenade in...or so I thought, it bounces off the door frame landing at my feet, I quickly duck into a side room. Ears ringing but in one piece, I sneak back over and notice him in the last room still, now kneeling and freaking out, he is aiming frantically at the doorway. I lean out with my AK-74 Kobra on full auto and blast him at the percise moment he shoots. His rounds miss, mine hit home, dropping him like a meat sack...

At that point, I begin to loot the rooms, not finding much. I turn around to see the hallway FULL of zeds...only one way out. I start blasting, some glitch through the windows and knock me out. Bleeding out and blacked out, I come around to a zombie about to eat my face. 11000 blood down to 6400 blood and more zeds keep coming. I shoot my way out of the horde and sprint out into the woods leaving NW airfield. Down to 3300 blood, I black out again and come around. Finally safe, I eat all my cooked meat, and discover a cow nearby, which promptly smoked and cooked up, saving me big time.

Edited by Citizen Snips

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I stalked my way in to NW airfield barracks to the south, as I vault over the glitched park bench in the middle, a survivor strolls out of one of the side rooms and taps the trigger of his AKM letting out a burst of rounds the sprinkle around me but misses. He ducks back into the last side room of the barracks while I tuck myself into the side room just after the bathroom. I shout out to him: "We can both live through this, walk out now and I wont drop a grenade in on you (I have 1 M67 Frag)." 2 mins pass, cautious that if I leave first, I'll get a bullet the back of my head, I shout to him again. "Last warning, leave first and I will not blast you into zombie chum." No answer, another 2 mins. I quietly stalk down the hall in thrid person finding him laying prone with his akm trained on the doorway. I back away and toss a grenade in...or so I thought, it bounces off the door frame landing at my feet, I quickly duck into a side room. Ears ringing but in one piece, I sneak back over and notice him in the last room still, now kneeling and freaking out, he is aiming frantically at the doorway erratically. I lean in out with my AK-74 Kobra on full auto and blast him at the percise moment he shoots. His rounds miss, mine hit home, dropping him like a meat sack...

At that point, I begin to loot the rooms, not finding much. I turn around to see the hallway FULL of zeds...only one way out. I start blasting, some glitch through the windows and knock me out. Bleeding out and blacked out, I come around to a zombie about to eat my face. 11000 blood down to 6400 blood and more zeds keep coming. I shoot my way out of the horde and sprint out into the woods leaving NW airfield. Down to 3300 blood, I black out again and come around. Finally safe, I eat all my cooked meat, and discover a cow nearby, which promptly smoked and cooked up, saving me big time.

Very nice - I really hate that Barrack - I always choose the other one - Nice story

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I'd finally arrived at Cherno, the most feared and admired place in all of Chernarus; capital of the apocalypse. From the bushes I was laying in I had a good view of the northern hospital and the nearby apartment blocks. I slowly crouch into one of the buildings, hoping some of the former inhabitants had left things there. With a hatchet in my hand, I walk up the stairs, only finding tin cans, some food and a lot of pistol magazines, but no pistol. Entering the next building, I get more lucky. A Makarov handgun, tin cans, some food, some drinks, a water bottle, and a pair of binoculars. I glance through the window, to see the hospital. I know I am low on bandages and blood, so I'm anxious to get into the medical building. Maybe too anxious.

I fire one AKM bullet at the windows on the ground floor, which shatter with a high shreek. Wrong move. Immediately the city comes to life, and I hear groans which would not even appear in my nightmares. I rush to the roof, not even worrying about snipers, and look to the street. A horde of zombies, maybe thirty of them, gathers in front of the apartments. That is the moment I know it will be one of my last minutes.

I go back down, searching for every available weapon or magazine I missed. Nothing. I rush back up, followed by a few walkers. I shoot all of my AKM bullets into them, and then kill the last ones with my hatchet. The sound of the fight attracts even more of them. My heart pounds in my chest, sweat pours through my clothes. Then I get an idea.

I gather a few tin cans from the rooms, and then get back to the roof. The first one I throw to the side of the building, leading the horde slowly away from the door. The second can lands at the back of the building, making a safe passage to the hospital and other parts of the city. I take my chance and rush down the stairs. Suddenly I hear a loud scream. A man jumps up behind me, blood covering the lower half of his unnaturally gray face. He swings his clawed hands at me, screaming even more. My hatchet breaks his ribs and skull, dropping him on the ground. Colour fades from the world around me, and I know I've lost a lot of blood. I rush towards the hospital, get some medical supplies, and leave.

Looking over my shoulder, I see the scattered horde filling the northern half of the city back up again. I smile. This was a good day.

Edited by TheRunningBean

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I'd finally arrived at Cherno, the most feared and admired place in all of Chernarus; capital of the apocalypse. From the bushes I was laying in I had a good view of the northern hospital and the nearby apartment blocks. I slowly crouch into one of the buildings, hoping some of the former inhabitants had left things there. With a hatchet in my hand, I walk up the stairs, only finding tin cans, some food and a lot of pistol magazines, but no pistol. Entering the next building, I get more lucky. A Makarov handgun, tin cans, some food, some drinks, a water bottle, and a pair of binoculars. I glance through the window, to see the hospital. I know I am low on bandages and blood, so I'm anxious to get into the medical building. Maybe too anxious.

I fire one AKM bullet at the windows on the ground floor, which shatter with a high shreek. Wrong move. Immediately the city comes to life, and I hear groans which would not even appear in my nightmares. I rush to the roof, not even worrying about snipers, and look to the street. A horde of zombies, maybe thirty of them, gathers in front of the apartments. That is the moment I know it will be one of my last minutes.

I go back down, searching for every available weapon or magazine I missed. Nothing. I rush back up, followed by a few walkers. I shoot all of my AKM bullets into them, and then kill the last ones with my hatchet. The sound of the fight attracts even more of them. My heart pounds in my chest, sweat pours through my clothes. Then I get an idea.

I gather a few tin cans from the rooms, and then get back to the roof. The first one I throw to the side of the building, leading the horde slowly away from the door. The second can lands at the back of the building, making a safe passage to the hospital and other parts of the city. I take my chance and rush down the stairs. Suddenly I hear a loud scream. A man jumps up behind me, blood covering the lower half of his unnaturally gray face. He swings his clawed hands at me, screaming even more. My hatchet breaks his ribs and skull, dropping him on the ground. Colour fades from the world around me, and I know I've lost a lot of blood. I rush towards the hospital, get some medical supplies, and leave.

Looking over my shoulder, I see the scattered horde filling the northern half of the city back up again. I smile. This was a good day.

Nice storie - I aways hit behind the Hospital and roof before I even attempt to break the glass - And when I do shoot the glass it takess me a full mag - LoL

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Anyone ever experienced someone ALT + F4ing when they are shooting you?

Was looting a few guys I killed on the top of those apartments north side of Cherno, suddenly I get hit three times by an L85, he misses with about 5 more shots, I turn to face him and see him disconnect.

He had me easy and I had already resigned my self to certain death but I guess he thought he fucked up and disconnected before I could fire back, he left me on like 3000 blood haha.

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Alright - New story - I won 2nd place on Boneheads give away on this site, I was in Palovo and he was by NW, so I decide to haul ass to meet him for my new Halo and Gillies, on my way (No Shit either) Crashed Heli - I haven't see none in a week so I stop and loot it, Fal AN PVS 4 - 2 mag and cheap Bisons, Now I tell him im on my way again and about 1000m up another one, I get 4 more mags (There were 2 Fals and M107, NV.s - Now I am stoked and thinking he is not going to wait - So I get by the Airfield and head behind it to the big barn and guess what was in the field? Another F.ing Heli, WTF - This is my Server with 3 peeps including me, I am thinking hack now but I hold off on looting it because I wanted to share it with Bonehead - I wait at the barn and i have the wrong update so he couldn't join - I say F It and hit the Heli, no more then 100m from it I get DEAD and sitting at Death Screen - WTF, so I tell him forget the Halo I died - I spawn back in my Server and it doesn't ask me to choose a character - I spawn where I died in my Gillie and I have all my shit but the Fal (Hacker?) There was only one in the Server when I died - I did meet him on a Server of his choice and got my spare Gillie and Halo (Thank you Bonehead - I have been wanting one forever) I need to go out and buy a Lottery Ticket because this was pure luck and not a BS story either - I did still have 2 Fal mags on my person, but 4 Mags and gun was gone from my Backpack... I will trade the M1A4 cco NVs Nav and Gillie for a L85? also some of the big ass bullets for it too (M203's)

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Alright - New story - I won 2nd place on Boneheads give away on this site, I was in Palovo and he was by NW, so I decide to haul ass to meet him for my new Halo and Gillies, on my way (No Shit either) Crashed Heli - I haven't see none in a week so I stop and loot it, Fal AN PVS 4 - 2 mag and cheap Bisons, Now I tell him im on my way again and about 1000m up another one, I get 4 more mags (There were 2 Fals and M107, NV.s - Now I am stoked and thinking he is not going to wait - So I get by the Airfield and head behind it to the big barn and guess what was in the field? Another F.ing Heli, WTF - This is my Server with 3 peeps including me, I am thinking hack now but I hold off on looting it because I wanted to share it with Bonehead - I wait at the barn and i have the wrong update so he couldn't join - I say F It and hit the Heli, no more then 100m from it I get DEAD and sitting at Death Screen - WTF, so I tell him forget the Halo I died - I spawn back in my Server and it doesn't ask me to choose a character - I spawn where I died in my Gillie and I have all my shit but the Fal (Hacker?) There was only one in the Server when I died - I did meet him on a Server of his choice and got my spare Gillie and Halo (Thank you Bonehead - I have been wanting one forever) I need to go out and buy a Lottery Ticket because this was pure luck and not a BS story either - I did still have 2 Fal mags on my person, but 4 Mags and gun was gone from my Backpack... I will trade the M1A4 cco NVs Nav and Gillie for a L85? also some of the big ass bullets for it too (M203's)

No win on Ticket and when I went bck to my Server and to my Camp the tents where gone and all my hard working gear is gone - Happy I got Halo though

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My two best moments:

Cherno grocery store...I was carefully approaching back doors,crouched, zeds nearby. Dead guy/flies near front doors.

Suddenly, BANG BANG, ...pistol shots from close (missed completely). I had no headset so i'm in spint mode, doing a quick dance to look around. I see bandit skin pop up from prone to crouched about 10 feet from me. How'd I not see him? As he's done crouching, I empty a 1911 a clip into his legs. He's shouting at me in voice: "Bullshit..How the hell are your legs not broken". II reload but I have only 2 shots left. I plug him quick as he's attempting to crouch again. He's KOd. My legs snap, I'm KOd too.

Both of us are writhing on the ground, out of ammo and bleeding. I't s a Kodak moment.

I got lucky and wake up first. Switch to my CZ with 4 shots left, finish him off. The whole time we didn't pull a singe Zed. Luckiest moment for me.

Another time, I'm runing across NW airfield, from Hangar side to Barracks, at the end of the runway (grass/bushes). I spot a pair of black boots sticking out of a bush (almost missed it..had to circle back). It's a ghillied sniper in the grass prone, doing circles as he heard me almost run over him. I quickly plug him with 1911 again. Guy was watching the hangars which moments before I had decided not to bother looting. Most rewarding kill. Died anyway to another guy at the bararcks moment later.

Very satisfying kiling bandits/snipers

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My two best moments:

Cherno grocery store...I was carefully approaching back doors,crouched, zeds nearby. Dead guy/flies near front doors.

Suddenly, BANG BANG, ...pistol shots from close (missed completely). I had no headset so i'm in spint mode, doing a quick dance to look around. I see bandit skin pop up from prone to crouched about 10 feet from me. How'd I not see him? As he's done crouching, I empty a 1911 a clip into his legs. He's shouting at me in voice: "Bullshit..How the hell are your legs not broken". II reload but I have only 2 shots left. I plug him quick as he's attempting to crouch again. He's KOd. My legs snap, I'm KOd too.

Both of us are writhing on the ground, out of ammo and bleeding. I't s a Kodak moment.

I got lucky and wake up first. Switch to my CZ with 4 shots left, finish him off. The whole time we didn't pull a singe Zed. Luckiest moment for me.

Another time, I'm runing across NW airfield, from Hangar side to Barracks, at the end of the runway (grass/bushes). I spot a pair of black boots sticking out of a bush (almost missed it..had to circle back). It's a ghillied sniper in the grass prone, doing circles as he heard me almost run over him. I quickly plug him with 1911 again. Guy was watching the hangars which moments before I had decided not to bother looting. Most rewarding kill. Died anyway to another guy at the bararcks moment later.

Very satisfying kiling bandits/snipers

Nice - I love how they brought the Bandit Raghead back - I have never killed anyone but I do love hiding in bushes behind Elctro Firehouse Tower wall and watching all the guys and gals walk within 3m of my head and not even notice me, I do keep my M9SD pointed just in case

Great stories

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Fully geared noob, after a hacker killed me and i killed him.

Decided to try out a night server for the first time, with my awesome NVGs.

I was looking for vehical parts, came across a factory on the map, with a large expanse of field inbetween me and the factory.

I scout alittle, and run through the field...

SUDDENLY my screen goes white and i hear a "PWOSSSSSHHHHHHHH"

Realise that something exploded or somebody must of thrown up a flare, about 2-3 seconds after i saw it.

Took off my Night visions, turn around, i get shot at, my guy falls to the ground, unconscious, bleeding out, broken legs, less than about 4k heath.

...Still alive, cant bandage to stop the bleeding because my player will have to get up from prone, allowing for a big "HERE IAM STICKER".

So i stay there, prone/semi-unconscious, put my NVG back on, i see the player who shot me, right infront of me (afew meters), i line up my shot, i fall unconscious again.

Regain consciousness, prone, looking for this guy that shot me, hes gone, he must of gone back to prone position with full health and tactical advantages.

Stupid dickhead was waiting for me to get back up, so that he could just sit and wait for me, to take me out.

Didnt give him the satisfaction, had about ~1000 blood left, Combat logged out.

(Hey, i waited around for him to try take me out, i couldnt move, bleeding out, and unconscious, serves him right for being a bigger pussy than me)

Anyways, changed server, morphined myself, bandaged and spent 2 hours trying to hunt, while being a retard and falling unconscious every 2 seconds.

Edited by Mazzar

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^Pussssyyyyyyyyy. He's not a pussy for not finishing you, seeing as you're laying down and he'd have to put himself in an easy position to get killed from if he tries to finish you. It's easier to wait for you to bleed out, but instead you couldn't handle losing your hacked gear so you combat logged.

This is why we can't have nice things.

So, here we go on my story.

Fully geared up, I found a V3S with tons of shit in it, I drove to the NW Airfield to check the barracks for some guns for my friend (Namely an AK, since he felt like going to Cherno and basically Leeroy Jenkins-ing shit). We see a helicopter begin landing and 4 people get out (maybe 5, I think one might have combat logged once the first shots rang out) and I shoot 2 with my M107. I miss a few other shots and they all run to the Air Control tower because of the zombies I aggroed that ran at them. They sat there for a little while, and I had my friend run back to our truck and grab Satchel Charges (I was planning to just destroy the control tower if they didn't leave soon). One peeked out of a window (No clue how I didn't see him) and shot me in the side/leg, breaking my legs and causing me to lose blood. I quickly shot back and had my friend lay suppressive fire on their building while I bandaged myself. As he gave me a blood transfusion, I saw him peek his head up again. He's down. Just one left, so I switch to my Mk 48 Mod 0 and have my friend ambush from the top while I come in from the bottom. I see him laying on the stairs and unload 20-30 M240 rounds into him, and watch the satisfying "Connor was killed" message show up. I fly the helicopter and hide it up north while my friend follows me in the V3S.

Just another day in the life of a sniper.

Edited by Shenannergans

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