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twinturbonet (DayZ)

Poll: Reason to why you would leave DayZ?

Reason on leaving DayZ?  

272 members have voted

  1. 1. Why would you leave DayZ?

    • Bugs.
    • Hackers.
    • Another game caught my interest.
    • Another game caught my interest until the Stand Alone.
    • Life changes... (school, baby, etc.)
    • I don't care... Why am I on the forums!? I should be playing DayZ.

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Maybe I came off too dickish, I really did want to say that the way you are approaching this question is very valid, unlike some of the whine posts that come out day after day (oh no you were killed by a hacker have never heard that story before). There is a reason people are leaving but I feel as though you missed an area, playing but doing so on private servers. I have been splitting my Dayz time between my old haunts and private lingor servers. Some of the people I play with will only play private servers because they have fixed some of the bigger bugs and can ban hackers without all the problems.

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If you stop playing the game, the impact of your opinion on said game diminishes, period.

IMO, all of the people who don't play anymore SHOULD step away from the forums as well, if they have nothing constructive to offer. Apparently a certain demographic of ex-players feel the need to whine and whine and whine while they wait for a patch or the standalone. This just makes them enormous tools.

The people who left the game mostly left due to the bugs and hackers. (thread end game achieved)

While I appreciate their frustrations, clogging this forum with their pointless BITCHING accomplishes nothing.

I don't understand your argument. How are opinions of people who stopped playing recently invalid? The problems that made them leave are still present, if they weren't they'd be playing again. You make no sense.

Maybe they are playing a different game to me if they think it's "unplayable" then. Maybe they should stop playing.

You mean the game which a big part of is supposed to be scavenging but which is nonexistent at the moment thanks to duping and scripting? The game that's objective is to survive yet you can die any moment by "kill all" script without having any influence on it?

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I don't understand your argument. How are opinions of people who stopped playing recently invalid? The problems that made them leave are still present, if they weren't they'd be playing again. You make no sense....

The argument is, if you stop playing, you're no longer contributing to testing, therefore if you have said your piece about why you left you should then remove yourself from the discussion until you are directly involved again as you will have nothing new to contribute.

If you're bothered enough with current problems to stop playing, then you should (for the most part) wait patiently and quietly.

You are owed nothing by DayZ, and you all are basically yelling at your monitors, "fix glitches, get rid of hackers!". Big help there.

*Bonus: Newsflash for those who aren't paying attention, hackers will ALWAYS be in the mod. It's also likely that the standalone will see hacking as well (but at a far lower rate). If you can't handle hackers in your game to some degree, you should not be playing online.

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You forgot the 'This game isn't as good as rocket and the hype would have us believe.' option.

The game has no content.

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The argument is, if you stop playing, you're no longer contributing to testing, therefore if you have said your piece about why you left you should then remove yourself from the discussion until you are directly involved again as you will have nothing new to contribute.

If you're bothered enough with current problems to stop playing, then you should (for the most part) wait patiently and quietly.

You are owed nothing by DayZ, and you all are basically yelling at your monitors, "fix glitches, get rid of hackers!". Big help there.

*Bonus: Newsflash for those who aren't paying attention, hackers will ALWAYS be in the mod. It's also likely that the standalone will see hacking as well (but at a far lower rate). If you can't handle hackers in your game to some degree, you should not be playing online.

Errr, you can't test the mod, the amount of hacking, broken coding etc makes it unplayable, and the devs are aware of these issues but not acting on them. Add in the fact NO wipes have taken place EVER and this isn't really 'testing'.Feedback of 'this mod is fucking broken so i am leaving' is still vital feedback, its feedback that tells the devs they need to fucking act and fix things.

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The argument is, if you stop playing, you're no longer contributing to testing, therefore if you have said your piece about why you left you should then remove yourself from the discussion until you are directly involved again as you will have nothing new to contribute.

How the hell does that matter if I play or not if nothing has changed, no new patch or anything has been released. I know what's in the current version. I don't need to play every day to continue knowing it. It's not changing. It doesn't matter if the last time I played was a week ago or today. My feedback would be the same. You make no sense.

If you're bothered enough with current problems to stop playing, then you should (for the most part) wait patiently and quietly.

You are owed nothing by DayZ, and you all are basically yelling at your monitors, "fix glitches, get rid of hackers!". Big help there.

I'm not yelling anything. Can't get rid of hackers because it's just how the arma works. However it could be easier for server admins to keep the hackers out of the game without resorting to private hive.

And glitches? Important parts of the game are nullified. Scavenging is almost nonexistant you just need to go to electro/cherno to find a bunch of bodies with high end gear. You can't really test the mechanics if something that important is broken. There are many hotspots that got totally deserted due to artifacts. How do you test a game that's so broken?

And the game doesn't owe me anything? It does actually. It owes me a reason to keep testing. That's either fun or a sense of contributing. The game is a deathmatch on a big map with almost everyone packing as50+AWS while being constantly nuked by scripters. Not that fun. Sense of contributing? Well everyone coming to the forum to talk about issues with this game is always being flamed by fanboys and there is no communication with the devs here. I don't have a feeling that anybody gives a shit about the feedback. So yeah, if the game isn't fun then I don't have a reason to keep playing aka testing it.

*Bonus: Newsflash for those who aren't paying attention, hackers will ALWAYS be in the mod. It's also likely that the standalone will see hacking as well (but at a far lower rate). If you can't handle hackers in your game to some degree, you should not be playing online.

There is a difference between someone occasionally having an aimbot or wallhack and an ability to instakill everyone on the entire server in a game with permadeath. If you can't see the difference you're the one that should go.

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illogically people saying hackers would make them leave DayZ... what the alpha mod?

people really are thick

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Mate hes a grade AAA fanboi retard. There is NO point engaging him, its a lost cause.Hes just told you he doesn't value your opinion in the sightest.. and he thinks hes testing.... Oh bless...

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im playing this and War Z when it comes out

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How the hell does that matter if I play or not if nothing has changed, no new patch or anything has been released. I know what's in the current version. I don't need to play every day to continue knowing it. It's not changing. It doesn't matter if the last time I played was a week ago or today. My feedback would be the same. You make no sense.

Yes it does matter how recently you have played in terms of how much you should contribute to the progression of a games development.

If that doesn't make sense to you, then your grasp of logic differs greatly from mine. Your type of feedback is bouncing off the walls and phase cancelling itself, pointless at this juncture.

I understand if you have made friends here, and want to still be a part of the board, that's great.

But to say that repeating the same thing over and over is productive, doesn't make sense.

I'm not yelling anything. Can't get rid of hackers because it's just how the arma works. However it could be easier for server admins to keep the hackers out of the game without resorting to private hive.

And glitches? Important parts of the game are nullified. Scavenging is almost nonexistant you just need to go to electro/cherno to find a bunch of bodies with high end gear. You can't really test the mechanics if something that important is broken. There are many hotspots that got totally deserted due to artifacts. How do you test a game that's so broken?

The way I choose to play avoids PvP which in turn avoids hackers (I was nuked once). Sorry if your rampant killspree deathmatch fun (if thats what you do) is ruined by a like minded person who would rather push button kill you all, then have to actually aim a weapon, and fire, but you're the same jerks who would kill my 20 day character for little to know reason whatsoever, so my sympathies are jaded at best.

Glitches are a problem sometimes, but I find many many military spawn locations which are glitch free. Sorry if your loot bloated PvP hotspots are useless to you now, still not a problem for me.

And the game doesn't owe me anything? It does actually. It owes me a reason to keep testing. That's either fun or a sense of contributing. The game is a deathmatch on a big map with almost everyone packing as50+AWS while being constantly nuked by scripters. Not that fun. Sense of contributing? Well everyone coming to the forum to talk about issues with this game is always being flamed by fanboys and there is no communication with the devs here. I don't have a feeling that anybody gives a shit about the feedback. So yeah, if the game isn't fun then I don't have a reason to keep playing aka testing it.

There is a difference between someone occasionally having an aimbot or wallhack and an ability to instakill everyone on the entire server in a game with permadeath. If you can't see the difference you're the one that should go.

You may perceive me as some sort of "fanboi" but the fact is I am a an older, longtime gamer, who very rarely gets hooked by a game anymore, and it takes a unique experience to inspire me to stay in a game for more than a couple of weeks.

Ever since I played BioHazard in March of '96 I have been waiting for this game. A giant open world, sandbox style, survival horror game, and to see one that's an MMO as well, was the icing on the cake.

Mate hes a grade AAA fanboi retard. There is NO point engaging him, its a lost cause.Hes just told you he doesn't value your opinion in the sightest.. and he thinks hes testing.... Oh bless...

I've done some testing for Nintendo and Ubisoft in the past, thanks.

And, I'm testing just as much as you are "mate". Playing an Alpha is one way it's tested. Am I missing something?

And before you start the name calling, and labeling of people, it would help to know a little something about that person you are addressing.

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Yes it does matter how recently you have played in terms of how much you should contribute to the progression of a games development.

If that doesn't make sense to you, then your grasp of logic differs greatly from mine. Your type of feedback is bouncing off the walls and phase cancelling itself, pointless at this juncture.

I understand if you have made friends here, and want to still be a part of the board, that's great.

But to say that repeating the same thing over and over is productive, doesn't make sense.

Explain to me how does it matter if the last time I've played was a week or a day ago if there is no patch or update in between.

The way I choose to play avoids PvP which in turn avoids hackers (I was nuked once). Sorry if your rampant killspree deathmatch fun (if thats what you do) is ruined by a like minded person who would rather push button kill you all, then have to actually aim a weapon, and fire, but you're the same jerks who would kill my 20 day character for little to know reason whatsoever, so my sympathies are jaded at best.

You misunderstand. The game has turned into a deathmatch on a big map with everyone packing as50+AWS with hackers constantly nuking people. It doesn't have anything to do with how you or me play.

And don't blame people for killing you on sight. Every mechanic in the game favors killing on sight. Not only the potential threat is eliminated but they get to take all the things you have on you. And there is nothing to loose by killing you. Except few bullets which you're going to replace shortly if you keep killing people. There are no downsides to killing people on sight. That's why people do it. Blame the mechanics.

Glitches are a problem sometimes, but I find many many military spawn locations which are glitch free. Sorry if your loot bloated PvP hotspots are useless to you now, still not a problem for me.

You mean you no longer go blind in cherno, balota, NWA, berezino and stary? What other military spawn locations are you talking about? NEA? Anything else?

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I've tweaked the title a bit so people don't get the wrong impression about why you did this poll.

To the rest of you, stop overreacting. Read.

Thanks! :beans:

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Sucks. :(

Yup, system is only 3 months old too. Looking like a bad motherboard at this point.

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When i leave it will be because of boredom lets face it this mod isnt that great when it comes to replayability

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Explain to me how does it matter if the last time I've played was a week or a day ago if there is no patch or update in between.

You misunderstand. The game has turned into a deathmatch on a big map with everyone packing as50+AWS with hackers constantly nuking people. It doesn't have anything to do with how you or me play.

And don't blame people for killing you on sight. Every mechanic in the game favors killing on sight. Not only the potential threat is eliminated but they get to take all the things you have on you. And there is nothing to loose by killing you. Except few bullets which you're going to replace shortly if you keep killing people. There are no downsides to killing people on sight. That's why people do it. Blame the mechanics.

You mean you no longer go blind in cherno, balota, NWA, berezino and stary? What other military spawn locations are you talking about? NEA? Anything else?

1) Because be it a day or a week ago, once you say your "final word" and leave the game, you no longer have new experiences with the game, and therefore have nothing new to offer to the conversation except never ending complaints.

2) Here we go again with the KoS is the "best way to play" crap again, Mr. Sil. Apparently NOT for me, as I have survived 20+ days with my latest character. At the very least maybe we can agree that this game falls into the genre "survival horror", so I'm doing a decent job of surviving, regardless of multiple attempts on my life by murderous people like yourself. If you are impatient, then by all means go back and forth with the gutless murderers trading rounds in skulls for the same backpack. You might find what I do boring, but I don't need you or any other player telling me "the best way to play", I found the way I prefer to play, and it just so happens to be a way that avoids many of the things you all complain about.

3) I did not experience the GFX glitches until fairly recently, and I have had some decent results with flush and changing settings personally. I frequent the tents at Stary and Berezino fairly often. Sometimes if I server hop, the GFX problems go away too. It seems you have forgotten the existence of Deerstands and Heli Crash sites, but I assume that's too much trouble for you based on how important you seem to think it is to save time in your never ending cycle of shoot, loot, die, repeat.

You all can KoS, I never said you shouldn't, but I will defend the idea that it is not the end all be all of DayZ strategy.

The down side to KoS, is encouraging KoS, IMO.

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My option was not there.

No endgame. Surviving & zombies are to easy. After your maxed out, you're bored, at least I am.

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I still play regardless of anything that is going on, I'm not too worried about bugs, as when I downloaded this mod, I knew it was an alpha, and expected there to be bugs.. that's why it is in alpha, so I can deal with these. but I would like to see some of the hacks dealt with, I mean I played CS for seven years, beta to 1.6 as well as source(competitively) and it had it's share of hackers.. but the hacks in this game (referring to DayZ) are much more detrimental, when a player can teleport you from where ever you are, into a vehicle or under a bus.. or w/e that shit really sucks, I could deal with the occasional aimbot/wallhack, the usual hacks you see in most online FPS type games, at least these require the hacker to find you first and actually play a little bit, with an advantage.. but this mod, on the arma 2 engine at least for now allows way to many other things to happen.. if they want to make you do push ups and drop grenades on yourself, they can do that...

I also understand that dealing with hackers is very hard, because you might manage to detect "x hack" but, with all the people in the cheating community a new method of doing it is out a few days later... and as far as I'm concerned, if a game is online, and enough people play it, you will never stop hackers.. EVER.. but I'm pretty sure it would be possible to at least block the commands issued to your client to stop these things, if not in a patch, it would definately be possible in the standalone. and as I said before, people using aimbots/wallhacks in other games like CS or Quake, CoD/BF3... they hurt the game, but at least they can't join in a server, press a button and instantly kill everyone online, they're forced to play somewhat, just with an advantage...

Edited by JADNOne

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1) Because be it a day or a week ago, once you say your "final word" and leave the game, you no longer have new experiences with the game, and therefore have nothing new to offer to the conversation except never ending complaints.

But why does it matter? There is no patch, nothing changed you just have more of the same. That's my point. And if a problem that made you leave hasn't been fixed yet, your complaint is valid. Again you make no sense with this.

2) Here we go again with the KoS is the "best way to play" crap again, Mr. Sil. Apparently NOT for me, as I have survived 20+ days with my latest character. At the very least maybe we can agree that this game falls into the genre "survival horror", so I'm doing a decent job of surviving, regardless of multiple attempts on my life by murderous people like yourself. If you are impatient, then by all means go back and forth with the gutless murderers trading rounds in skulls for the same backpack. You might find what I do boring, but I don't need you or any other player telling me "the best way to play", I found the way I prefer to play, and it just so happens to be a way that avoids many of the things you all complain about.

Not best way to play. Best way to play if your goal is to survive and gear up (which is a part of surviving). I'm not telling you how to play, you can be a medic of cherno who dies 30 times a day. I'm just telling you, if your goal is not to get killed (without staying away from towns and people) then KoS is the best option. There is just no trade off.

And hell if the point of the game would be simple to survive I could have over 40 days now if I'd take pleasure in playing the most boring game ever. Drinking at ponds, eating cows and just lying down in a bush deep in a forest or an edge of the map on an empty server with no danger or challenge to that.

3) I did not experience the GFX glitches until fairly recently, and I have had some decent results with flush and changing settings personally. I frequent the tents at Stary and Berezino fairly often. Sometimes if I server hop, the GFX problems go away too.

Just because you don't experience the problems it doesn't mean they don't exist. Prick. You are gonna tell people that there is no problem as long as you're not the one experiencing it. And you call me an asshole? Great alpha tester you are by the way.

It seems you have forgotten the existence of Deerstands and Heli Crash sites, but I assume that's too much trouble for you based on how important you seem to think it is to save time in your never ending cycle of shoot, loot, die, repeat.

Deerstand and crashes. I knew you'd bring that up. First it's military locations then it's all places with military loot. Backpedal more.

The down side to KoS, is encouraging KoS, IMO.

Well change the game mechanics so it actually has downsides in-game and less people will do that. Don't blame people for following the most efficient path of gearing up and getting rid of threats that the game has set.

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hackers fucked me over im now writing a hate thread to show that i cant deal with the fact that i have to gear up again which is basically the entire goal of the game

Seriously? I'm not bitching about permadeath. That's what makes this game. But that's the idea, that it's a simulation. You can't hack in real life. I don't even care about hackers who spawn copters and gear. But the ones who have the power just to kill everyone on the server with a click of a button. That ruins the game. It doesn't give you a fighting chance. It's bullshit. I'm still playing DayZ because I love the concept. But if this hacker problem doesn't get fixed soon. This game may be fucked before it even gets started.

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I still play regardless of anything that is going on, I'm not too worried about bugs, as when I downloaded this mod, I knew it was an alpha, and expected there to be bugs.. that's why it is in alpha, so I can deal with these. but I would like to see some of the hacks dealt with, I mean I played CS for seven years, beta to 1.6 as well as source(competitively) and it had it's share of hackers.. but the hacks in this game (referring to DayZ) are much more detrimental, when a player can teleport you from where ever you are, into a vehicle or under a bus.. or w/e that shit really sucks, I could deal with the occasional aimbot/wallhack, the usual hacks you see in most online FPS type games, at least these require the hacker to find you first and actually play a little bit, with an advantage.. but this mod, on the arma 2 engine at least for now allows way to many other things to happen.. if they want to make you do push ups and drop grenades on yourself, they can do that...

I also understand that dealing with hackers is very hard, because you might manage to detect "x hack" but, with all the people in the cheating community a new method of doing it is out a few days later... and as far as I'm concerned, if a game is online, and enough people play it, you will never stop hackers.. EVER.. but I'm pretty sure it would be possible to at least block the commands issued to your client to stop these things, if not in a patch, it would definately be possible in the standalone. and as I said before, people using aimbots/wallhacks in other games like CS or Quake, CoD/BF3... they hurt the game, but at least they can't join in a server, press a button and instantly kill everyone online, they're forced to play somewhat, just with an advantage...

My thoughts exactly.

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