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PVE and PVP Servers

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Okay so I know this will ruin the game for some people, but also it will make the game for some. And before you say that people killing each other would be in the reality of a zombie apocalypse..

To this question Yes and No, Yes it would be a fact but at the same how many people would go and murder for self benefit in a real life situation. I think their should be dedicated servers for people so they can team up and raid places to get their good gear, without having to go to Electro watching the surrounding area's to see if it is safe not because of zombies. But because of Players constantly camping up on hills just for the sake to kill people. Now ask this in a real life situation. Would someone stay on a hill to kill people just because its 'fun'.

Now what I think would be appropriate is to have these dedicated servers to fields

Player vs Player

So those who enjoy killing people and getting the best loot are still having their fun. And those who think the challenge of facing both facts of danger of zombies and players stimulating can still enjoy what they wish

And Player vs Enviroment

For those who are sick of the fact (like me) of being sniped all the time all to lose their hard earned gear. I would love a chance to be able to run past a player to ask 'where are you going'

Rather than watching where his gun is pointed. And 3/4 of the time I dont even see the player before being shot down to the ground to all have to start again.

It might be abit easier but for me I would rather go into a town slaughter the whole population of zombies and not worry about sending off a shot to warn other players of positions.

Also it will make night time a bit more bearable

Okay to conclude this, Sure It would take away New players that you guys so much love to kill. But think of your first time and why so many people turn to player killing. To protect themselves.

And also people will get Bored of just vsing zombies so they would join a pvp server

Please post your opinion on this

Also if this did come to exist.

I would also think that your characters would be seperated from servers so a pvp character stays on a pvp server and cannot switch between the 2 as the same character

Preventing heavy gearing and unfair advantages.

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No. Someone suggested this before in another thread and was quickly shot down by others with good reason. I'll look for it.

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This is not some MMORPG where you have safe zones, DayZ isn't meant to be played this way. The only safe zone is to turn off the game.

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I can't believe no one thought of this before! This idea will surely cure cancer. OP is a genius.

Edited by mZLY

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  On 9/5/2012 at 5:33 AM, doomtrain said:

Anyone for a game of battleships with no ships?

game of battleships with no ships?

battleships with no ships?

no ships?


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  On 9/5/2012 at 5:25 AM, Enforcer said:

This is not some MMORPG where you have safe zones, DayZ isn't meant to be played this way. The only safe zone is to turn off the game.

Well it really is MMORPG if you look at the fundamentals of it all.

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  On 9/5/2012 at 5:25 AM, Enforcer said:

This is not some MMORPG where you have safe zones, DayZ isn't meant to be played this way. The only safe zone is to turn off the game.

Where I did use the search engine and nothing come up

I do not see why this is a bad idea as it looks at both sides, It is really unrealistic if Players just kill but at the same time not killing people has no gain. Which has turned to just havoc to me.

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I'd actually say its survival/horror sim, definitely not MMORPG. And you can have searched, use 'PvE servers' as a search term. There must be at least 25 threads identical to this one.

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  On 9/5/2012 at 8:08 AM, Dreathker said:

Well it really is MMORPG if you look at the fundamentals of it all.

it could be considered an MMO but definitely not an (MMO)RPG

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like i wrote other times this has been suggested: nothing would change because it's impossible and unfair thet you can collect stuff in pve and then join pvp and so beside of what you have collected in pve you'll find yourself on the coast without anything and soon be sniped. then you will never survive a pvp if you get used to pve and nothing else

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It removes from gameplay, And i guess you ask why?

When red dead redepmtion first come out, it had only the one server type for the free roam, PVE and PVP took place all the same, while the PVE'rs (carebears) would try to rack up points while the PVPers would hunt down the PVEs and kill them, but after all these PVErs complained they got given their own servers, (freidnly servers) where you couldnt kill people. Which although it gave back to the PVEers making their gameplay easier it removed the gameplay from the PVPers as although they can indeed hunt others gain for killing each other, half the fun was in hunting the pve players. so in essence you are punishing bandits for their gameplay as you are removing the players which they enjoy killing.

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Never quite understood the appeal of PVE

Why in gods name would you want to play only vs ai when you could play versus human players.

Finding beans and medical supplies is boring when thats all their is to do. But when coupled with a hostile world where other players are, then even finding beans and medical supplies is fun because of the potential for PVP encounters at any time.

But if people want pve servers, they can have it. As long as items are not transferable between pve and pvp servers. Don't want people loot hunting on pve servers where its less dangerous, and then coming to pvp servers with those items.

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No, in ANY way, PVP should always be possible.

Think EVE Online, except in starter systems, PVP is enabled EVERYWHERE.

I'm okay for having different types of geared servers, but PVP should always be available.

I'm thinking maybe servers with equipment restrictions.

PVP right now is boring (and rageful) for a few reasons;

OP sniping (add wind and remove one-hit-kill-at-any-range snipers) and mil-equipment duping being the core problems.

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First off, learn to use the search function.

Second off, stop crying because you suck at Day Z and constantly get killed. Maybe if you'd stop running around Cherno for two hours out in the open, you wouldn't get sniped as much.

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  On 9/5/2012 at 8:08 AM, Dreathker said:

Well it really is MMORPG if you look at the fundamentals of it all.

If it was a MMORPG it would run on my cell phone and i hade to use 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 to attack.

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Wow just realised how many people really cry over my suggestion lmao, and make assumptions about me I've died 3 times the whole time I've played and right now I'm on 270 zombie kills. Forget I made this post I was just sick of hackers.

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Make PvE worse, far worse. There are many threads out there for ideas to make the environment more hostile. No duping/hacking plus way more lethal environment should basically solve rampant PvP by bored max-kitted players imho.

Too many fail games make PvE like an easter egg hunt and PvP a big greifing party crash. PvE should be brutal and so should PvP.

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