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Lingor Island patch

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There was a patch today for Lingor Island on DayZ Commander. I wish it was a choice to play on the hive. Too bad its for private servers only. Might be fun.

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Just played it for the first time. Seems cool but the entire server got wiped by a hacker. That was also my first time dying to a hacker.

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Lingor has got loads of private servers, but also one common hive that I know of, official lingor hive that is. You are gonna get wiped by hackers in every game. Lingor atm is not bad, I have not seen even one. But with time hackers are going to be common there as well.

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Lingor has got loads of private servers, but also one common hive that I know of, official lingor hive that is. You are gonna get wiped by hackers in every game. Lingor atm is not bad, I have not seen even one. But with time hackers are going to be common there as well.

Mate, theres no such thing as an Official lingor hive. Some hosting companies have set up several lingor server on the same DB and thus working as a "main hive" for that hosting company.

Most lingor server are however private single hives. as mine for example.

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Yea, I tried it and I couldn't connect to any servers. Every time I tried, it just put me in the main menu. I enabled the lingor island in the expansion menu and I also even tried connecting through the game itself and not DayZCommander.

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