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The Crossbow Crusader Challenge.

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I'm going to issue a challenge to you survivors. I thought this up a couple of days ago and only just played through it. Ill explain below.

I'm not a hardcore DayZ player, but i play regular and have done for months and months. If you're like me you may find it hard to find purpose when you have an extremely powerful weapon and a bunch of supplies. It seems you become more stressed about losing said item rather than enjoying it. I'd always pass on the crossbow for better weapons. Afterall, its aim is wonky, each bolt takes up a slot and it isn't particularly accurate. Perfect.

After starting a new game a couple of hours ago the first weapon i came acoss was the crossbow with 2 bolts. So i said to myself, what if i just survived using this?

I've never had this much fun in a long time.

Theres something very satisfying putting a bolt through a zombies head, then running over to the body to collect it. Or taking down a guy wielding a AK with just a crossbow(i'd imagine). I was in a house with about 4 zombies chasing me, i'd shoot one, and wiggle around the room trying to gather the bolts I'd used. Every bolt you find feels like a blessing because you're so short on space for your ammo.

So here are the rules. Feel free to post any others if they're good, and will make the challenge fairer on yourself. Remember, do this challenge properly or don't do it at all. You'll only be cheating yourself. :)

-You are allowed to use no other weapon other than the crossbow to kill things.

-Melee weapons are permitted until you find a crossbow

-Once you find a crossbow, even if you have no bolts, you aren't allowed to use any other weapon.

-Guns are only allowed to be put into your backpack. You cannot aim, shoot, wield or carry any other weapon, besides in your backpack. You can give them to whoever, just YOU are not allowed to use them.

Simple and few, but effective.

Let ze games begin! I want to hear some good stories surrounding this. :)

This is my crossbow.

There are many like it, but this one is MINE.

My crossbow is my best friend. it is my life.

I must master it as i must master my survival.

My crossbow without me is useless. Without my crossbow, i am useless.

I must fire my crossbow true.

I must shoot straighter than the bandits who are trying to loot me.

I must shoot straight at the zombies who are trying to eat me.

I must kill them before they kill me. I will.

Edited by Malmortius
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I can do this... I did a hatchet week not so long ago, and that was fun. I think i will try it out!

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I found a massive stash of (duped) frags once. I decided to see how long I could survive using no other weapons. I turns out you can do ok.... Not as subtle as the crossbow though.

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I found a massive stash of (duped) frags once. I decided to see how long I could survive using no other weapons. I turns out you can do ok.... Not as subtle as the crossbow though.

Fraggles guide to survive in Chernarus... with only frags! I would totally read that xD

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I found a massive stash of (duped) frags once. I decided to see how long I could survive using no other weapons. I turns out you can do ok.... Not as subtle as the crossbow though.

...or as quiet! :P

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I've had a lot of fun with the crossbow before. I always dumped it for a better weapon though.

Maybe I'll give it a shot on my next life... so, soon.

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I've had a lot of fun with the crossbow before. I always dumped it for a better weapon though.

Maybe I'll give it a shot on my next life... so, soon.

Yep, ive never thought about the crossbow until now.

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I am a miserable shot with the crossbow. But I have one in this new spawn and will try to use it until head shots via M1911 become too tempting to resist. Something about the classics, after all.

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Crossbow is so misaligned it's pretty much useless.

Only on servers with crosshairs is it actually somewhat viable, but on all the other servers it's a piece of junk.

Also, bolts like to randomly disappear inside zombie's bodies

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Omg, this reminds me of what happened to me the other day. I wanted to troll my friends hard, so I changed my name, and logged into out server to hunt them down. I was hunting down my friend close quarters with an AS50, while he had a crossbow with 1 bolt, so I thought I was safe... I was wrong... I will standing behind him as he looted something to be funny, and he turned around and shot me in the head with the crossbow.. 1 hit i'm dead. Headshot. Not a fun time for me :( haha

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I actually would like to use the crossbow, if the damn thing aimed properly.

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When I was learning the game I spent about three weeks thinking that the crossbow was the ultimate stealth weapon. Then I discovered the wiki :(

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I found a massive stash of (duped) frags once. I decided to see how long I could survive using no other weapons. I turns out you can do ok.... Not as subtle as the crossbow though.



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Just had a great shootout with a guy who had an automatic. I only had 4 bolts.

He killed me but i seen him faint, and was bleeding. Hopefully he died :(

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Try to get completely geared up without using any weapon. I did this a couple weeks ago, carried a flashlight and a primary weapon on my back, but never actually used the primary, it was my gift for the next person that I ran into. Some dude with no gear was sure pleased when I rode up on a bicycle in Kemeka and threw down an m4sd & ammo and then rode away into the sunset.

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I did this crossbow challenge for a couple of days on my own initiative. It was massive fun but I was up in Berezino at the time and it was so damn quiet I ran into no-one to try it out on! That said, I acquired some nice vehicles and loot. I learned how to aim the crossbow by going into one of those industrial building with the big blue doors and shooting at the wall, doesn't take long to get the hang of it. I killed about 200 zombies in a couple of days, around 75% of which were headshots (I was practicing in case I ever had to use it on a player). I'd definitely recommend others try it.

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Many people like putting a dot on the screen after seeing where the arrow hits the wall while doing some practice.

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Crossbow is overpowered, been doing the same with empty bottles and tin cans. That is what i call fun!

damn right.

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all the crossbow needs is a good zeroing: aim it at a wall, shoot and see where the bolt hits, after that body shoots at zeds become extremely easy and with time headshoots become constant.

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So I decided to try this challange... It lasted all of 5 shots. I couldn't retrive any bolts and sometimes the zombies wouldn't even die! Crossbow is not for me, I'll just stick with the hatchet :P

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