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Kind of annoying not being able to suicide

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I understand that people shouldn't be able to spam respawn to get to good spawn locations, but I am stuck on an invisible bike and I can't kill myself. I would really like to see it enabled again but with a 15-30 min cd. Anyone agree?

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I agree.

Suiciding is part of what you should be able to do in a horrific apocalypse.

And also because I was stuck on that damned invisible bikes (dude, you ALT F4ed, I know :-))

Just for you to know, the only solution I had was having someone to kill me.

This is you:


Edited by Thadeum

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Depending on where you are, you can always gather a horde of zombies, jump off something high, or find a wall to swing your legs back and forth until they break. Broken legs = the ability to respawn.

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Be fast, and you shall be rewarded.

Other than that, break your leg somehow. Get spawned on the coast somehow.

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Stop Alt+F4'ing.

Why do people start blaming the game when if they were playing it correctly in the first place the problem would never have arose? I hope you're stuck on that invisible bike forever. I sure as shit won't kill you if I see you, I'll just set up camp beside you and fraps it for a couple of hours.

Edited by Jim Bean
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Yeah I kind of think that would be handy. There'd definitely have to be a cool down, or say the suicide option doesn't become active until like 30 minutes after you spawn or something.

But yeah, as others have said, there's always a way to die. Run into a wall of zombies, get someone to shoot you, jump off a building, drop a grenade in front of you. Or just let yourself slowly die of hunger/thirst

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They want the game to be *Realistic* they should have a suicide button, lol maybe even some animation to go with it shooting yourself, cutting your wrist etc.

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Stop telling this guy how he should move around to get killed, he is friggin' stuck on an invisible bike, his character is pedaling in the void, and he will never move out of there if not getting a bullet in his head!

He can't shoot, he cant move, he can't use items, he is STUCK on the BIKE OF HELL!

And for your information it can happen on ANY vehicle. I was kicked once by abusive admin due to the fact I legitimally used one of his car, and was trapped on the CAR OF HELL.

Edited by Thadeum
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I understand that people shouldn't be able to spam respawn to get to good spawn locations, but I am stuck on an invisible bike and I can't kill myself. I would really like to see it enabled again but with a 15-30 min cd. Anyone agree?

If you press escape, you will notice that respawn will be highlighted briefly. If you can get to it quick enough, you can kill yourself.

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Are you fucking kidding me, who needs a suicide button you idiot. Go into electro, cherno or just run into a bunch of zombies and let them eat your brains out not that hard, or run round in main sitting shooting like a lunatic yelling for General Aladeen.

[user warned. -Max]

Edited by Max Planck
Don't get personal please

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Are you fucking kidding me, who needs a suicide button you idiot. Go into electro, cherno or just run into a bunch of zombies and let them eat your brains out not that hard, or run round in main sitting shooting like a lunatic yelling for General Aladeen.

Probably is a good idea on the odd occasion to peruse the post.........

Edited by beno_83au

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I didn't alt-f4. My internet is really really slow so I have alot of connection bugs like items not saving when I log out. This is what happens when the hive didn't receive the information needed. This happens when you alt - f4 because it closes instantly hive doesn't get the information and when you internet is slow it happens because your internet couldn't upload the information fast enough. I don't alt -f4 my internet is just really fucking slow.

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I didn't alt-f4. My internet is really really slow so I have alot of connection bugs like items not saving when I log out. This is what happens when the hive didn't receive the information needed. This happens when you alt - f4 because it closes instantly hive doesn't get the information and when you internet is slow it happens because your internet couldn't upload the information fast enough. I don't alt -f4 my internet is just really fucking slow.

fairly sure the hive gets the info from the server, not from you.

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In that case the server doesn't get the time to pick up all the things it need to, to send it to hive.

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They want the game to be *Realistic* they should have a suicide button, lol maybe even some animation to go with it shooting yourself, cutting your wrist etc.

How would cutting your wrist kill you? <_>

Edited by caplockmw2

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What is Alt F4? I push it and nothing happens. Also, respawn does nothing, it is never highlighted.

I was teleported to the forest somewhere with a broken leg and no morphine. The only way to suicide was to but a weight on the W key and go mow the grass for an hour until I died of thirst. Some manner of suicide would be useful in situations where there is nothing around you but grass and trees.

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Well, suicide isnt really that bad idea, of course you have first find a gun to kill yourself, so anybody can´t spam this(the time to find your gun is longer then running into the first zombie and lets you get eaten btw. Because of this, it wouldnt be a classic respawn button.

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Stop Alt+F4'ing.

Why do people start blaming the game when if they were playing it correctly in the first place the problem would never have arose? I hope you're stuck on that invisible bike forever. I sure as shit won't kill you if I see you, I'll just set up camp beside you and fraps it for a couple of hours.

*NOTE; sometimes you get kicked by the server, due of high ping, or so. Happened to me once when I was on a bike, I fixed that glich by pressing V to do the jump. :D

Worked for me.

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The main reason it was disabled is because it was causing lag on the servers when everyone was spamming it.

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The main reason it was disabled is because it was causing lag on the servers when everyone was spamming it.

Thats why I suggested a cooldown or some other form of restriction

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