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Good times

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Fresh spawn into Electro.

First item I find?

Mountain Dew. The only loot in the entire building. Whether or not somebody picked it all clean and left only it behind I have no idea, but eager for adventure, I picked it up and shoved it into my pocket.

Not long after, I found an Assault Pack (The one with 12 slots, which isn't fantastic). I had never seen one before, so perhaps the Dew was working it's magic for once? Seconds later, I stumble upon an AKM. Awesome!

Knowing I was on a lucky streak, I made my way further into the city; ending up inside the church. I heard somebody running around behind the building after I pluck a Makarov and three clips from the ground. I aim at the door, ready to pump them full of lead at any moment. I continued hearing the footsteps behind me, so I unzoomed - only to find a turban shoved up my ass.


I turn around and run back a few steps, the male who decided he'd like to know what was behind my lower cheeks also running backwards and straight through the wall from where he'd come. A hacker.

He then continued to run around me in circles, pissing me off for a good thirty seconds before I went over direct chat and told him to fuck off; so he shot me in the head.



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Mmm, I found my mountain dew like that. It was in an industrial building.

It was just sitting there...taunting me. But I still have kept it ever since.


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Having a mountain dew makes you think you have some sort of superpower allowing you to insult any hacker cheater.

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Awh, well I think he planted the Mountain Dew with a script to find whoever was holding it. I swear hackers plant them around to do different things to players. I once got one, went for diner, logged into a server, and insta-died. Not sure if it was just bad luck, or the Dew...

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Ran to Electro again on a different server. Getting shot at by an As50 from sniper hill, so I decide to flank from the coast; but suddenly I hear a noise through direct chat. I tell the idiot in my call to shut up for a moment and I look around, only seeing a sheep. Then I hear it again; "Baah, baah." was he pretending to be the animal?

So I walk over to see if it was, as it looked like it had a backpack on. I press the button for direct chat and as soon as I say "Are you-" he blows up, killing me.



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Pfff mountain dew is lucky, current life and the 1st thing i found was mountain dew. 1 trip to the NW airfield got me a m4a1 holo + m24 + NVG's.

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A sad tale indeed and I empathise fully with your reaction to this unfortunate turn of events. I did however find this:

...a turban shoved up my ass.


strangely arousing, so some good came of it.

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Okay, I've finished my session of Day Z for the day and died about 5 times; mainly from hackers.

Oh well - there's always tomorrow~!


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Try lower populated servers. Less chance of meeting hackers but less interaction with other players...which may be a good thing if you're trying to gear up.

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