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Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

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Rough outline of what to expect in the pending update.

I will update this as more stuff is put in. Changelog will then follow it.

Performance and Optimization

- Reduction/elimination of the new server lag. This is caused by the ArmA2 server expecting immediate response from the central server. Vehicles are the main cause of this, as whenever they are damaged everything stops while the server ensures this is recorded in the database.

- Bugs fixed that were possibly causing very significant netcode overhead (will need mass-scale testing to verify this).

Infected Behavior

- Infected can no longer see/attack through walls.

- Entirely new mocap'd attack and running animations


- Additional Idle Infected sounds

- Revised Attack sounds

- Many new action sounds, including IV, bandaging etc...


- This update will REQUIRE the beta patch, so it is worth installing this now and getting used to it.

- Read up at the BI Forums about the beta patch install. It's pretty easy.

Current Changelog

Developer's Note:

* Requires ArmA2 Beta.


* [FIXED] Wire Spools, Toolboxes, hedgehog (tank trap) kits not spawning

* [FIXED] Bodies still being deleted too quickly sometimes

* [FIXED] No backpacks or medical boxes spawning

* [FIXED] "No Speaker..." debug report spam

* [FIXED] Infected spawning too close to players (minimum 30m now)

* [FIXED] Infected not spawning inside buildings any more

* [NEW] Infected can't attack through walls

* [NEW] Infected can't see through objects any more

* [NEW] Infected visibility increased (but limited by LOS)

* [NEW] Infected attack range increased (but limited by LOS)

* [NEW] Infected can cause greater damage when they hit you

* [NEW] You can hide from an infected chasing you

* [NEW] Optimized server cleanup routine

* [NEW] Player body exists for five seconds after disconnect (UNCONFIRMED IF WORKING)

* [NEW] Infected see based on eye direction, not on body direction as before

* [NEW] 30Rnd_545x39_AK added to loot table

* [NEW] More infected attack animations

* [NEW] More infected feeding animations

* [NEW] Replaced monkey infected crawing run animation

* [NEW] Heartbeat when cursor on a player with very low humanity (heart beats faster the lower it is)

* [NEW] Humanity GUI indicator removed

* [NEW] New Infected and Action sound effects (more AWESOME stuff by Michael Manning)

* [NEW] Initial version of double-barreled shotgun added (by Artyom)

* [FIXED] CZ550 spawning far too often in farms

* [FIXED] Winchester decreased spawnrate (% given to double barrel shotty)

* [NEW] Recombine shotgun rounds between 2 and 8 rounds

* [NEW] Recombine 45ACP rounds between M1911 and Revolver rounds

* [FIXED] Tent placement is completely screwed (now can place anywhere except in building)

* [FIXED] Items for Eating and Drinking not removed instantly (allowed some duping)

* [NEW] DayZ: Now with additional cruelty!. Spawn with only a bandage, painkillers, and a torch.

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Sounds good just so happened to check the forums right as you posted this right before going to bed HAHA. Any idea on when skins or tents/vehicle saving will be fixed?

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:heart: new mocap and fixed walls? i hoped for this.

very excited to see what/how has changed.

great news.

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Will you release the update on this topic or where can I find it?

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You're a god, Rocket. Keep up the good work!

Any chance of the web guys making an RSS feed for updates and whatnot? Would like to get news on updates on the fly without having to check the forums.

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/Golfclap :)

Does the new running animation imply a change to zombie speed?

I think it would be best if zed speed was decreased to slightly above player speed and make them able to attack while moving, so they would naturally slowly catch up to a running player and be able to attack them without stopping for the animation.

Very happy about the performance fixes, I hope they work out. Now about that rampant disconnecting... *nudge* :P

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This is more than what I would have expected at this time of development, awesome news.

Edit : I thought of an idea for close combat against zeds : would it be possible to use like the drag body feature of arma, so that zeds that are chasing you can grab your leg, make you fall and you would have a short timing to shoot at them and make them loose their grab ?

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@Rocket: you're on track man! Good to see that full-time work in BIS on DayZ is paying off so fast. Good luck with debugging and keep us posted :)

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really nice patch. I could not play with my friends, because it was bad sync. now i hope it will be repaired. primary question - when? =)

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