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About Kailla

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  1. Nah, im not saying have spawns at air fields, just general spawns inland in the main areas, there is currently a chance of spawning in Novy Sobor but it seems like a very rare chance that you will spawn there. I think adding spawns in zelenogorsk and increasing the spawn chance in novy sobor would make things more interesting, thats not making much of a change to what the current spawns are like but making a big difference to how active the map is slightly more inland.
  2. yeah you do spawn all the way from bottom left to top right, but the probability of spawning along the southern shore line is far to high. I agree with the OP totally, spawning in some of the other cities much more inland would make it more interesting. I have spawned at Novy Sobor a few times but that has been very rare, making spawn points inland more frequent will make the rest of the map much more active, people just head to cherno and elektro right now as they know those places are going to be active due to the spawn points, so all the interest is going to be in those cities unless this changes.
  3. Kailla

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    I wouldnt even mind if you had a different profile per server, that would stop the server hopping, and you and your friends could be living a different survival situation on different servers, this way you can experience more things within DAYZ yet there is no exploiting.
  4. People who keep saying 'stop crying' obviously fail to understand, we as participants in an alpha also need to report bugs/people using them to their advantage, so they CAN BE FIXED. I hate clueless people who make pointless posts like that and fail to contribute.
  5. yes its fair to be upset about dying to cheaters, i know i would be, i haven't personally died to these guys, and apparently neither has the OP, but i have seen these guys going into this wall on the hospital roof and vanishing, then getting a few kills. They have made a name for themselves on the server and have been bragging about how no one can find them.
  6. I have seen them glitching into this spot also, to be more specific, the hospital roof in elektro.. there is a ladder right on top which leads to a higher smaller section, you can prone straight into the ladder, which i have seen some players do, and they disappear, and seem to be getting lots of murders from there... And btw Aoridian, its not nice to automatically throw whining accusations at someone when they are reporting a glitch/people using it to cheat, the OP was far from whining, just trying to make one of the devs/admins aware of something that shouldnt be part of the game. So lets try and be mature about this and not start throwing silly little comments around..
  7. Kailla

    To the baby's moaning

    come on, not everyone is moaning, its just constructive criticism, everyone is aware this is just an alpha, and Rocket wants people to say what they are finding difficult/unrealistic/buggy etc. otherwise this wouldn't be an alpha!.. If people weren't "MOANING" as you say, rocket would not know what to implement in the next patch...
  8. Yeah i love the idea of being able to exit through a window.. Yeah i suppose then if you aggro a z far away from a city the only way to lose them with this current patch is to run towards a city or village and head for a house. Its realistic as hell and thats why i keep playing this mod even after dying a few times, i just find there may be some realism in making it a bit easier to lose zombies in a forest too? You guys all seem to find houses the best bet for losing them which is fine by me, but i think if we made forests slightly more effective for losing zombies it would make things better for players starting out. That way we are'nt making this an easy pick up and play game for people, we are just adding slightly to the realism..
  9. The thing is, whenever im running through trees or even up a hill i find that they stop every once in a while, but then notice you probably because or the sound you make while running, and they will start chasing again, this goes on and on. But as they run super fast they catch up to you at each interval, so i dont know about you guys, but at the moment it just seems like the only way to lose a zombie is either by luck, or some sorts of bugs/exploits people are finding unintentionally. I just hope a dev can shed some light on this.
  10. ahh good idea, hopping fences :P , see im afraid of running around houses, last time i did that 2 zombies turned into cherno + electro haha
  11. so there is a limit as to how far they will run? well that helps, i thought they will chase you all the way till ARMA III = |, i just want to find an 'easier way' as the only way i can find is LUCK, by running in a forest get behind a tree, crouch and run backwards, and if im lucky they will stop, but that doesnt seem realistic, neither does the fact that they run faster then us (which isnt the un-realistic part) and then they have to stop to attack us. if they're going to run faster then us then they should be able to kill us on the run, but as the ARMA engine does not allow the whole running and attacking thing maybe let us run abit faster then them. =D
  12. Ok so with the new patch you have no starting weapon right? thats cool, i love it, but if you aggro a z when starting all you can do is run right? now you can hide from zombies right? the thing is when you run into the forest and try to lose line of sight with a zombie they stop for a second as they lose you but as you are still running they must hear you again as they start chasing you again = \. Now im open to some tricks or hints from any other players, but maybe if we were able to run a slight bit faster then zombies and lose them in the long run? i enjoy this being a challenge and realistic but it feels like when starting the game if you aggro a z you may aswel just respawn as you cannot out run them..
  13. Kailla

    Spawn Protection

    kind of annoying that i just spawned on a different server as the previous 1 crashed and there was a guy just coincidentally sitting where i spawned and killed me instantly. I dont think spawn protection is a bad idea, it doesnt really aid you in any way apart from helping you get ur bearings like the OP said, if you die after 10sec of spawn protection fair enough...
  14. Kailla


    Disgraced what is your problem? people have registers to the forums to discuss things as a community, no need to interrogate them = \
  15. Kailla


    same just happened to us all on Dallas FRA Server