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Faster servers to join?

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I've noticed that some servers are quicker to join than others. As someone who is often killed, quick loading servers are much better than long ones. Are there any active ones people may recommend?


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I always found US servers substantially faster to join, even though I am located in Australia, I put it down to the hive also being located in the US

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I'm not entirely sure, I think lighter servers (lower populations) are faster to load, and I find myself getting into servers faster if they've recently restarted.

I mostly use ANZ and NZ servers, a lot of them take a long time, but I found ANZ 5 and ANZ 7 to usually be quite fast to load for me

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I'm not sure if this helps, or will be an issue for you, but I always make sure that dayz AND arma2 version are matched when I log on.

Commander is best at this as it will change versions with a click of your mouse.

I have very rarely had to wait longer than a few minutes and I play on fr, de, us and au servers.

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US 1211

Hosted on an NFO dedicated server and runs bloody faste. No log, no desync. But like every other server needs to restart every 6 hours.

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have a look at my signature and see if its something for you :)

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