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The old snipers are to powerful thread. (with a solution)

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Well I am tired of getting sniped so easily even when running at full sprint. Snipers are to easy to use so what i was thinking is they also need to add a wind factor to make targets on the moved harder to hit.

Edited by mtls44555
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Runnin at a full sprint doesn't make you hard to hit, it just makes them lead you a bit more.

Start swervin.

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I still feel snipers are to easy to use and if this game is built of a simulator it should have something simple as wind.

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Based on the aim of half the people i've been shot at by, this would make them miss every single shot. Rather than 95% of them.

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Wind is a huge variable in long-distance shooting, and I think that it would be very appropriate if the feature was added in the standalone (though I doubt it).

Wind coming from in front of or behind a bullet can completely change the distance the bullet travels. A crosswind can completely change where the bullet lands horizontally.

For example: if you shoot at a target 550 meters away, a crosswind at 2.23 meters per second would cause that bullet to land over 35 centimeters away from the original target (at a muzzle velocity of 762 meters per second).

Edited by chris p. bacon
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I still feel snipers are to easy to use and if this game is built of a simulator it should have something simple as wind.

Its is, but Rocket removed it from the mod, its in ARMA:2

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Will need something to work it out then, not gonna pretend i know how they do it but I'm fairly certain they adjust for wind.

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It is very difficult to add wind into a game like this. In real life, you can actually feel the wind to determine a rough estimate of the MPH, but in a game, you don't have all your senses to be able to tell how fast the wind is moving and what direction. So, no...Don't add wind. Sniping is actually very difficult if the person running knows how to..DUN DUN DUN, Run....

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Well I am tired of getting sniped so easily even when running at full sprint. Snipers are to easy to use so what i was thinking is they also need to add a wind factor to make targets on the moved harder to hit.

If they're that easy to use, then why aren't you running around with one?

Carrying a sniper rifle is a pretty big tradeoff in terms of close in firepower or pack space. You can't simply sit wherever you want and shoot one without drawing a lot of negative attention.

Wind wouldn't really help any, it would just make the small fraction of competent snipers even more OP, since nobody would be able to return fire effectively.

Also, learn to zig zag. FFS.

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Well they could implement the ace mod for wind. Though all the video game "snipers" would all of a sudden get very angry when they have to zero his weapon after mils and have a extra equipment for mesureing wind values, such as the kestrel 2000.

Would also be funny if they would count in world rotation and what position you're in the world and what temprature is around you. I mean all the variables that goes into being a real sniper would be a fun thing to actually have in the game... sure it may be frustrating for the cod quickscoping elite super pro kids out there or whatever... but fun for us who know what they are doing, seeing them dance around like clueless circus monkeys.

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Its is, but Rocket removed it from the mod, its in ARMA:2

Nope. It's in ACE, but not default Arma 2.

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If you're dying from snipers; dying from anything, in fact, you need to step up your game and become a better player.

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If I get sniped while running in a serpentine fashion at full sprint, I don't really care because that sniper actually took the time to learn how to lead his shots. I can't count the number of times I was crouch walking through Elektro and watched more than ten shots from an AS50 land all around me or watched a DMR sniper unload three mags in my general direction.

It's laughable how most of the player base who camps sniper hill perceives themselves as real snipers.

Edited by Pony Vests

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Well I just hope in the stand alone there will be a server option for wind. Also wind could add other elements to the game not just for snipping. This is a little crazy but, dogs could possibly lose a sent or something if the wind changes directions and making it harder to track.

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Snipers are frustrating but they're just part of the risk. You just have to be extremely careful when crossing fields. Always be on the look out in treelines and on hills for possible sniper locations. Try to avoid crossing large openings (especially close to busy towns and the coast) unless you absolutely have to. If you're going to sprint then zig-zag.

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Snipers definitely wield disproportionate power. Make sure you beans and bump this suggestion thread if that's your belief.

It's unrealistic to believe that all inexperienced snipers can pickup a rifle and shoot a target 600m+ away first time consistently, but that's how it is in DayZ. It's better then quick-scoping, but only marginally.

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Nah, they're fine. If you're tired of being hit, stop being out in the open.

The real problem with this is the AS50 TWS going around. It is starting to replace the normal AS50 with most snipers, and can spot you through most concealment. Outside of solid cover (hiding in a building with no windows, or on the otherside of a hill/large rock) there is nothing you can really do. Zig-Zagging just gives them a slower target, and poor judgement on turning time could literally mean you are just dancing in place as you slowly edge forward, providing a slow upright target.

I so wish the Devs would wipe the servers. You can't stop the dupers from duping more good gear, but you can stop them from using hacked gear for a time.

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Its is, but Rocket removed it from the mod, its in ARMA:2

ace is not arma 2

range finder hands with spot names is sucks!

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ace is not arma 2

range finder hands with spot names is sucks!

Did i say ACE?

Clearly i dident.

You havent played any Mission or scripted your self.

So yes Vanillar ARMA:2 has this.

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In most games, you get a significant boost to certain in-game skills to make up for a lack of player skill, something I call VRE, or the Vicarious Role Effect. To mimic the feeling of playing a certain role, the game supplements players who decide to take on these roles with performance boosts so that the player never feels overwhelmed by their actual lack of skill.

Sniping in real life is recon, concealment, and a shot through the head or chest to disable or kill. Most players would not be able to deal with this. In fact, to mimic this playstyle in a modern setting, players would need an enormous map, a lot of patience, and distance away from the battlefield. They might even require spotters so they don't get snuck up on with light scopes for targeting so cumbersome movement doesn't reveal their position.

Since most maps are small (except in Battlefield), playing as a sniper would be a huge fucking nightmare, so games traditionally have used VRE to give sniper rifles significantly enhanced killing potential compared to weapons with identical stopping power. In other words, to make up for the fact that most players suck at sniping, sniper rifles were given enhanced killing potential to make sniping useful. (There are explosive-tipped rounds sometimes used in the military which actually can make snipers very deadly).

Personally, I've sniped with shotguns, I've sniped with LMGs, I've sniped with pistols on small maps when my rifle ammo runs low. I've sniped with anything that will put a projectile where I'm aiming it. And generally this is only possible in games where VRE is low. Where VRE is low, it's the sniper that determines the danger of the rifle, not the rifle that determines the danger of the sniper.

Where VRE is high, you'll notice that the size of the map doesn't dictate which weapon gives you an advantage as a sniper. You'll see snipers in close-quarters combat quick-scoping because the game gives the rifles extra stopping power. Sometimes the game removes scopes from non-sniper rifles completely or makes weapons incredibly inaccurate with their first shot (seriously, TF2, what's with firing a pistol round and it flying off sideways). Generally, they compartmentalize the weapons so people take on specific roles. Otherwise, the sniper role would be superfluous with an M16 on semi-auto mode and an ACOG sight in 90% of the maps in COD.

Edited by BazBake
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Snipers definitely wield disproportionate power. Make sure you beans and bump this suggestion thread if that's your belief.

It's unrealistic to believe that all inexperienced snipers can pickup a rifle and shoot a target 600m+ away first time consistently, but that's how it is in DayZ. It's better then quick-scoping, but only marginally.

Not all inexperienced snipers can do that. Even if you put in wind and shit, Arma veterans are gonna come in and rape anyways, except now it's gonna be harder to counter snipe them. There isn't really an issue here, other than bad players sitting out in the open. Instead of bitching about what's killing them, they should learn from it and play better. I rarely die to snipers now, and when I do it's because I fucked up, not because sniper rifles are OP.

Did i say ACE?

Clearly i dident.

You havent played any Mission or scripted your self.

So yes Vanillar ARMA:2 has this.

Single player ARMA has this, I don't think multiplayer does (too much stress on the servers I'm guessing, as well as issues with lag and stuff).

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