Smatcher (DayZ) 1 Posted September 3, 2012 So, im here to appeal to the Admin of the server FR151 to take my ban off...I'm really sorry that the Admin couldnt kill me, i was running in middle of nothing, i checked the area with termal weapon and i saw nothing, so i started running to my destination, and suddently a wierd player appeared and started shooting at me, i runned to the woods and after like 15/20 seconds i logged of because i thought it was an hacked to spawned near me....When i tried to log in again it appeared "Banned from the server(Alt+F4 during battle)"So yeah im sorry that i was too good for the Admin and i promisse if you unban me next time i will stop right in the place so you can kill me easly :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gogster (DayZ) 626 Posted September 3, 2012 In before the "server hoe's" tell you the server admin can't ban you for that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tweakie 199 Posted September 3, 2012 +1 for the admin who banned you.If you don't have the sack for playing DayZ, then maybe you shouldn't play DayZ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LooD 3 Posted September 3, 2012 So, being good at Dayz = being good at alt+f4? Ok, then. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Smatcher (DayZ) 1 Posted September 3, 2012 maybe good in DayZ is spawn just behind people and TRY to kill them, and maybe you 2 never aborted before while being shooteds? meh yea i will believe in that...Yet Gogster the admin banned and yea it was a bit fun... maybe a kick i would say ok, but, a ban? xDD ok.jpg 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gogster (DayZ) 626 Posted September 3, 2012 I wouldn't ban you for it, personally Alt+f4 is the least of my worries! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Khyron_UN 14 Posted September 3, 2012 i don't ban Alt - f4ers.... i announce them in the global chat so everyone knows who the coward is, I also do this to cheat clans hehehe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ganjademon 51 Posted September 4, 2012 I have never aborted while being shot at because its cheesy and the last resort of someone who cant actually play for shit.Glad you got banned, hope it stays. I would do the same thing.Die like a man or go play Hello Kitty Island Adventure, I hear there are less hackers there and you wont get banned for alt-f4! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Smatcher (DayZ) 1 Posted September 4, 2012 ahaha so many heroes here, i dont understand is why when I AM sniping people every1 i miss the 1st shot just abort, maybe they just abort for me xDD, god bless you guys armies need soldiers like you :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim Bean 157 Posted September 4, 2012 Fantastic. Alt F4 pussies get a reet good stroking. That's real noice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zarathustra (DayZ) 87 Posted September 4, 2012 My beans to the admin of FR151! Good show! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
malau (DayZ) 36 Posted September 4, 2012 i don't ban Alt - f4ers.... i announce them in the global chat so everyone knows who the coward is, I also do this to cheat clans heheheOh no ! The shame and the loss of face must be.........wait a minute....that's a meaningless punishment - mocked by strangers................the shame and the loss of face must be................. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Smatcher (DayZ) 1 Posted September 4, 2012 i dunno if you people are really dumb or pretending to be... the point is: alt+f4 is a pussie thing BUT an ADMIN TELEPORT BEHIND players to snipe them in back is a man thing xD, i will be spending time getting gear to getting sniped by a retard? no, alt+f4 for sure ^^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Imentiu 10 Posted September 4, 2012 (edited) SighFirst of all, we didn't teleport near you. We were 600 meters away in a tree line. We'd been watching you for 5 minutes. You were running through Zelengornosk spawning zombies everywhere. That's a pretty big give away. Maybe next time you should run through the trees rather across fields and down roads. Anyway, you know you both aborted as soon as you could (whilst shots were still being fired), don't try and act innocent. Please don't accuse people of being scripters when you have zero proof.Anyway, as for your ban, it's staying for a week then it will be lifted. Next time, don't ALT F4 when you get shot at. Edited September 4, 2012 by Imentiu 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deaded38 7 Posted September 5, 2012 It's funny because EVERYBODY aborts when they're getting shot at. Yet, they get pissed at someone else when they do it. You guys are fucking hypocrites. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LockeDown 144 Posted September 5, 2012 It's funny because EVERYBODY aborts when they're getting shot at. Yet, they get pissed at someone else when they do it. You guys are fucking hypocrites.Generalize much? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deaded38 7 Posted September 5, 2012 Generalize much?It's true. You're all that way. I'm that way. Difference is, I don't go on forums and try to make myself look like a "MLG H4RDC0R3 DAYZ P14Y3R" by saying I've never aborted in a tough situation. At least admit you do it. If not, I guess you can continue to attempt to make yourself look cool. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LockeDown 144 Posted September 8, 2012 It's true. You're all that way. I'm that way. Difference is, I don't go on forums and try to make myself look like a "MLG H4RDC0R3 DAYZ P14Y3R" by saying I've never aborted in a tough situation. At least admit you do it. If not, I guess you can continue to attempt to make yourself look cool.I won't admit to something I don't do. Enjoy the cynicism; I know it feels good, but know that you simply aren't right. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deaded38 7 Posted September 8, 2012 I won't admit to something I don't do. Enjoy the cynicism; I know it feels good, but know that you simply aren't right.Of course you won't. You need to keep reminding yourself that you're just that fucking hardcore at a video game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16190 Posted September 8, 2012 It's funny because EVERYBODY aborts when they're getting shot at. Yet, they get pissed at someone else when they do it. You guys are fucking hypocrites.Hello thereSorry, chum not everyone.RgdsLoK 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LockeDown 144 Posted September 9, 2012 Of course you won't. You need to keep reminding yourself that you're just that fucking hardcore at a video game.Oh yeah, I'm so uber-1337; best around. Hence why most of my stories end up with me getting offed without putting up much of a fight. So hardcore; truly.Your arrogance shows nothing but your own indignation. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DrainBamaged 38 Posted September 9, 2012 I don't alt-f4, ever, even if it's a hacker killing me. I die a lot too ... to both skiddies and legit players. And I'm certainly not some uber-leet-player.Furthermore, it's my policy, on my servers, that when admin are playing the game we run around with the absolute best loot we can scrounge up, and we encourage people to shoot at us. We deliberately take potshots at known-noobs to get them into fight or flight mode. And we never bitch about dying, alt-F4, or reset the server because we were killed. I'd rather that I (and my admins) die to noobs who can loot our gear, than go all day without dying.The only time we, as admins, don't won't to be killed, is when we're testing glitches/tents/vehicles, etc., or getting screen-caps/frapse of skiddies and their duping camps. When we're doing that we will announce in global chat that we're doing it. I like to think that the core group that I have playing on US 1550 and US 2522 recognize us as proactive admins (both in playing the game and protecting the server) and abide by the requests as they come up.So ... no ... not everyone alt-F4s.~DBaka Gravel, admin of US 1550 and US 2522(And sorry, in advance for the dbl/triple/quad posts. It does it everytime I post with a single mouse click.) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DrainBamaged 38 Posted September 9, 2012 I don't alt-f4, ever, even if it's a hacker killing me. I die a lot too ... to both skiddies and legit players. And I'm certainly not some uber-leet-player.Furthermore, it's my policy, on my servers, that when admin are playing the game we run around with the absolute best loot we can scrounge up, and we encourage people to shoot at us. We deliberately take potshots at known-noobs to get them into fight or flight mode. And we never bitch about dying, alt-F4, or reset the server because we were killed. I'd rather that I (and my admins) die to noobs who can loot our gear, than go all day without dying.The only time we, as admins, don't won't to be killed, is when we're testing glitches/tents/vehicles, etc., or getting screen-caps/frapse of skiddies and their duping camps. When we're doing that we will announce in global chat that we're doing it. I like to think that the core group that I have playing on US 1550 and US 2522 recognize us as proactive admins (both in playing the game and protecting the server) and abide by the requests as they come up.So ... no ... not everyone alt-F4s.~DBaka Gravel, admin of US 1550 and US 2522(And sorry, in advance for the dbl/triple/quad posts. It does it everytime I post with a single mouse click.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lukasaurus 1 Posted September 12, 2012 I hate ALT+F4ers. On AU46, "Ricky" robbed my mate of a camo suit and AS50 as he logged just as he died (he def died, because my murder count went up by 1 and it said along the bottom of the screen), taking his body with him. We should have switched to the other server and looted him there, but it was getting late. Annoying thing is, he had been shooting at us and one of us died, and the rest of us didn't log or wuss out. We stayed until he was dead. But as soon as I shoot him, boom, he is out of there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Smatcher (DayZ) 1 Posted September 12, 2012 dear admin of FR151, i dont have proofs of anything, but for me its a bit strange i get get shotted from a place where i scouted with a thermal weapon, if i might miss you? i mean we? yea we could, its not normal but it could have happened, still you might dont know the the sniper you pmed on the northwest airfield was from our group too, i wont say here in public what you said to him, still after what u said to him he changed server, just in case xDAll i have to say is thanks for remove the ban, and give a advice to you to dont bother so much with the snipers and try pay more attention on the hackers xD, in the day before my bann i died in your server by a bombs rain xD quite funny start to raining bombs instead of "raining mens" xDDBest regards,Smatcher Share this post Link to post Share on other sites