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About Imentiu

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  1. Imentiu

    [FR151] Banned by be too good...

    We love you too
  2. Imentiu

    [FR151] Banned by be too good...

    We do what we can about hackers but it's a game wide problem that I'm not able to stop on my own. Not sure what me sending a PM to a player has to do with anything but ... cool I guess? Sometimes I like to just mess with players rather than just killing them :)
  3. We had a similar problem to this that went on for 3 weeks. The bad news is we tried all of the above too and nothing would fix it/destroy it (Satchell charges, AS50 rounds, etc etc). In the end, the total hive reset of all vehicle locations due to the bug in saved us. I'm not 100% certain if this will work, but it might be worth looking in to a script that you can use to teleport the heli back out (I know this is possible as hackers have done it to a chopper while I was in it). However ... this could end up getting you a global ban if BE picks it up so be careful. Alternativley, maybe contact a dev and see if there is anything they can do to force the chopper to despawn.
  4. Imentiu

    [FR151] Banned by be too good...

    Sigh First of all, we didn't teleport near you. We were 600 meters away in a tree line. We'd been watching you for 5 minutes. You were running through Zelengornosk spawning zombies everywhere. That's a pretty big give away. Maybe next time you should run through the trees rather across fields and down roads. Anyway, you know you both aborted as soon as you could (whilst shots were still being fired), don't try and act innocent. Please don't accuse people of being scripters when you have zero proof. Anyway, as for your ban, it's staying for a week then it will be lifted. Next time, don't ALT F4 when you get shot at.
  5. Insta death is due to a scripter killing everyone. It has nothing to do with the server it's self (unless of course the server admin was the one to run the script). You really shouldn't trash a servers reputation with false accusations when you have no idea of the issues that caused your death.
  6. Imentiu

    Sorry we ran over your tents...

    The only funny thing about this is that the guys seems to have spent so much time trying to destroy a camp, even taking the trouble to remove all the gear, only to not realise that it'll all just respawn again after a restart. The camp owners pretty much just trolled you.
  7. Imentiu

    Server help needed.

    Yes, this is an issue with the later versions of scripts.txt. It seems to be caused the line:- 30.08.2012 04:25:46: Name (IP) GUID - #41 "addons\dayz_code\compile\object_vehicleKilled.sqf"; object_setHitServer = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers"\z\addons\dayz_c" You may find that the correct formatting was lost when updating scripts.txt, so the script is not ignored as the scripts.txt file does not expect the extra spaces. Copy and paste the above line from the official scripts.txt source in to your servers scripts.txt (make sure the formatting remains correct with the spaces). If this does not fix the problem, just comment out the problem line (Ctrl+F for "SetHit") for now and that will stop the kicks.
  8. Imentiu

    Vilayer "scheduled restarts"

    This is a common bug, it's not related to your server but happens across all of them. If all tents etc vanish, then another restart should bring them back.
  9. Every vehicle on our server was reset to the spawn locations and in spawn conditions. Add to this the fact that vehicles won't save their repaired status anymore and it bassically means every vehicle apart from bikes are worthless. DayZ team - PLEASE can we have some kind of update on this issue!? It's really hurting the community of my server as no one can set up camps and repairing up vehicles is totally pointless.
  10. Imentiu

    Mortar Hacker Confirmed LU 1337

    To be fair, I cannot see a mortar in here. Pipebomb is the file name for a Satchell Charge and can be obtainted perfectly legit. It's quite possible he put the satchell charge down on the road and blew it as you drove by, considering you're on the main coast road. However I don't know the exact circumstances. I'd see if you have a log for the spawning of a Mortar anywhere to prove it for sure.
  11. Imentiu


    This doesn't seem to really be proof of anything I'm afraid.
  12. Hello We're supposed to report all of our servers ban's on here so here goes. The text file attached contains the name of the player with their GUID & IP, along with server log records of why they were banned. Some of them are total gems. Script kiddies of the month goes to these guys for using the most easily identified scripts in the game:- 15.08.2012 13:33:30: Uzi ( 72802c8354ba42155e6df1e5e27f2d51 - #0 "[] spawn{player addAction ['Spawn Weapon', 'C:\Users\Uzi\Downloads\aimloader\Scripts\addweapon.sqf']" 15.08.2012 13:41:24: Getownd ( 710bff98bfc4405ebbc203ae1e7a8c4f - #0 "[] spawn{player addAction ['Spawn Weapon', 'C:\Users\Getownd\Desktop\AimJunkies\Scripts\addweapon.sq" Special mention goes to Vic, who even had the incredible forsight to name his cheat folder as "Cheats" 15.08.2012 11:44:06: Vic ( e3d4df2e6d1644942d68733b8950b6a1 - #0 "[] spawn{player addAction ['Heal', 'C:\Users\Vic\Desktop\Cheats\AJ\Scripts\heal.sqf'];};" Great job guys, couldn't of made it easier for us to ban you. Anyway, more of these goodies contained with the .txt file. The list is update to date as of 16/08/2012. FR151 bans with server logs 16th Aug.txt
  13. Check your remoteexec.log and see what he tried to run. That will give you an idea of what he was up to.
  14. Pretty certain yes. I appear in my own logs many times with various things and I know I've not scripted anything in. I believe at this stage MedBox0 is just hospital visits and the medical boxes spawning in showing in the logs rather than someone scripting them in. However maybe someone else has more info on this?
  15. Imentiu

    New Official Scripts.txt

    I simply opended the scripts.txt file through File Manager, copy and pasted in the new code and saved it. That seems to have worked for me and the file is not renaming and is keeping the correct contents. I will need to do more testing though to make sure it's ok.