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51 Good


About ganjademon

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  1. ganjademon

    Help me make our server more popular

    Do you not require an amazing amount of bandwidth for a private hive?
  2. ganjademon

    UK135 is a bit quiet....

    Show me a server that gets no hackers and im off there too, just like im off to the land of rainbows, unicorns and candycanes as soon as we discover it too.
  3. ganjademon

    Help Plz I dont no how to fix it

    Try with just "tracert (iphere)" thats the old way, not sure what OS you have, I used the other line with 7 as it had aproblem keeping tracert open
  4. I've had 1 week at work and not been able to play much and I come back to find my server empty :( C'mon people, I was looking forward to some carnage! Come shoot at me! UK135 House of Towels
  5. Server admin could never prove a ghille suit legit or not, only things not in dayz are gonna get you banned unless you are in the logs making them.
  6. ganjademon

    This is a SIMULATION, not a GAME.

    What, you dont have a third person view in r/l? Damn thats harsh, I love my 3rd person view, could not live without it. Maybe you should look into whats wrong with you if you have not got it.
  7. ganjademon

    Help Plz I dont no how to fix it

    Verify the game if your on steam. Reinstall the latest patch. Make sure your internet is not playing up. This does not mean "does everything else work fine" it well might, my interent loses connection for less than a second, you dont notice while surfing etc but DayZ need a constant connection. BT have lots of problems especially. You need to run tracert to the server you connect to. win 7 is.......cmd /k tracert (ip here) You need to run it a few times, preferably just as your kicked.
  8. ganjademon

    UK 22 Server (I was a fan, but NOT now)

    Sometimes nothing spawns on a server restart, might just be that. Another restart is needed to bring them back.
  9. ganjademon

    Dayz Cheating Website.

    How does someone this stupid manage to turn on a PC, connect to the internet and communicate with us?!?! Mystery of the modern world right there.......
  10. ganjademon

    [FR151] Banned by be too good...

    I have never aborted while being shot at because its cheesy and the last resort of someone who cant actually play for shit. Glad you got banned, hope it stays. I would do the same thing. Die like a man or go play Hello Kitty Island Adventure, I hear there are less hackers there and you wont get banned for alt-f4!
  11. ganjademon

    why can i not join ANY god dam servers?

    Verify the files on Steam? or reinstall if not? Sounds like you have done something to the files, maybe another mod, maybe the are not up to date, maybe you edited something?
  12. ganjademon

    Server Ban for AS50 TWS: Debate

    Um...yes it is. You use hacked weapons dont you? You got banned for using them from somewhere didnt you? Now your butthurt? Good, pop on over to UK135 and I will ban you again for your hacked weapons. But keep up the tears, they make me laugh so hard, and I need a laugh in between issuing all these bans for hacked weapons......
  13. ganjademon

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    So I am supposed to pay £40 a month for a server and then im supposed to spend said month getting my arse handed to me by players who cant play for shit and use hacked gear to get the upper hand? Im not sure what planet you people are living on but its certainly not mine. I brought my server so people can come and have fun. Not just the kiddie with the hacked weapon and the "rocket said" argument. If you really cant have fun without using hacked gear then you fail so hard at life that I really pity you and you ar enot welcome on my server, ask the 74 banned people. Using hacked gear is as bad as spawning it yourself. You are cheating to get an unfair advantage because you are rubbish and cant actually play. I wish Rocket would say its fine to jump off cliffs or sleep on traintracks, by the looks of it we would rid ourselves our a massive, retarded section of the worlds population...... edit for spelling fail....
  14. ganjademon

    Server Ban for AS50 TWS: Debate

    So people should leave the server they pay for because a hacker is there and we should not kick them? lol, not in this lifetime. Cheaters are cheaters and need to be banned at every turn, then set on fire if possible, and people like you can join them too as we don't want hacker friendly people around here.