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1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

Lets Wipe The Hive  

937 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we wipe the Hive for 1.7.3?

    • Yes
    • No

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I also agree and would love a fresh start, just to easy to find a good tent and get geared up and go back again and get all the same stuff after server restarts.

And you Sir can have my beans!!


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I definitely agree. It's time to call a cull on the 'AS50 Wookies'.They were once such an elusive species, but an unexpected rise in natural resources has caused a population boom. Since there are too many predators, many of them have turned to cannibalistic methods in other to soothe their blood lust. Even with the lack of prey they still keep multiplying, it must be stopped!

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vote vote vote ... go go go .... and who voted "no"? ... that's unacceptable .... just kidding XD

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You're all going to hate me for this post, but oh well.

I have mixed feelings about resetting the hive at this point. A month or 2 ago I would've been all, "HELL YEAH BURN IT ALL", but with the standalone coming out within the next couple months, what's the point? Hackers will just respawn everything that they lost, people will find those tents and loot them, then take them back to their camps and duplicate them all over again. Even if the patch is supposed to prevent duplication there's no guaruntee that it'll work, we all know how rocky the game gets right after a patch. If it happens it happens, there's nothing I can do about that. But for some of us who come by our gear honestly and don't have duplicated tents to rely on anymore, it really doesn't solve much in the end.

We all start from scratch in a month or two regardless. I say let it play out from here.

P.S. I was the one who voted no... incase you couldn't tell :P

Edited by Nergalwaja
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You're all going to hate me for this post, but oh well.

I have mixed feelings about resetting the hive at this point. A month or 2 ago I would've been all, "HELL YEAH BURN IT ALL", but with the standalone coming out within the next couple months, what's the point? Hackers will just respawn everything that they lost, people will find those tents and loot them, then take them back to their camps and duplicate them all over again. Even if the patch is supposed to prevent duplication there's no guaruntee that it'll work, we all know how rocky the game gets right after a patch. If it happens it happens, there's nothing I can do about that. But for some of us who come by our gear honestly and don't have duplicated tents to rely on anymore, it really doesn't solve much in the end.

We all start from scratch in a month or two regardless. I say let it play out from here.

P.S. I was the one who voted no... incase you couldn't tell :P

With a wipe, and some database level detection algorithms, anyone "hacking" their gear back in could be more reliably singled out and tracked, as compared to right now where almost everyone is guilty of having picked up a replicated item due to server restarts.

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As I said on the last hive wipe thread: As much as I agree with a hive wipe, hackers will just get their gear back the next day and everyone else will get fucked because of that. A wipe is a waste unless there is a fix for hacked crates and weapon spawns.

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I voted no as well. In mediocre filled servers there is usually at least one hacker. Taking away my gear will give him/her an even greater edge. Wipe it all, when you can prevent people from hacking in items. So, basicly, never.

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wiping the hive would make me play again. everyone in ghilies and running around with as50s etc, is getting really boring now.

yes, the hackers would respawn everyhting back, but there would be a few weeks to a month of "normal" play again.

i voted yes

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Again I'll reiterate for those that are concerned with hackers.

Hackers are far easier to detect at the database level when your database isn't cluttered with hundreds of thousands of replicated items by error of design.

I'm not saying that will stop hackers from instantly spawning their high end gear back. What I'm saying is it will allow the Hive to identify which hackers are actually doing that, a little more reliably.

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With a wipe, and some database level detection algorithms, anyone "hacking" their gear back in could be more reliably singled out and tracked, as compared to right now where almost everyone is guilty of having picked up a replicated item due to server restarts.

Yes but even with those algorithms hackers are going to continue to find holes in the system to breach. BattlEye is getting better but it's not that great yet. Even as they continue to ban more hackers I'm still finding the same amount per server unfortunately. It's a problem that won't be properly dealt with until the standalone, as Rocket has said many times. Eliminating the hackers shouldn't be the main focus for the mod at this point. Cleaning up the bugs and testing some new design ideas is what we have to look forward to. So I'm still apposed to the restart.

P.S. This also didn't go through before your next post ChernoPTA, don't mean to look like a blind ahole :P

Edited by Nergalwaja

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Flawed logic and the vote is skewed, most people bothering to visit here are those wanting the reset.

Dupers will still dupe in a matter of days. A lot of legit people will feel hard done by, and turn to the dark side of duping too.

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Again I'll reiterate for those that are concerned with hackers.

Hackers are far easier to detect at the database level when your database isn't cluttered with hundreds of thousands of replicated items by error of design.

I'm not saying that will stop hackers from instantly spawning their high end gear back. What I'm saying is it will allow the Hive to identify which hackers are actually doing that, a little more reliably.

And like I said previously, the focus of the mod should no longer be dealing with hackers. They're here to stay, all we can do is deal with it as best we can. Let Rocket clean up things such as artifacting, disappearing animals, and ethereal zombies and throw some new stuff our way to see how it plays out.

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As I said on the last hive wipe thread: As much as I agree with a hive wipe, hackers will just get their gear back the next day and everyone else will get fucked because of that. A wipe is a waste unless there is a fix for hacked crates and weapon spawns.

You're implying that you have more chance against scripters if you have better weapons. How does that work? He can turn you into a chicken and teleport you 5 km above ground, how's a better gun going to help you?

Hive reset will not fix things. But it will give you a week or two of more or less normal gameplay. Normal as in spawn percentages will be actually reflected in people's gear. If you wanted to fix the gear issue you'd have to get rid of scripts and duping. For that we need to wait for standalone.

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Wipe it. Put everyone on the coast. 0 humanity for all. Servers do not load chars into game until every server is full...3...2...1 FUCKING RUN FOR THE AXE !!!

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Wipe it. Put everyone on the coast. 0 humanity for all. Servers do not load chars into game until every server is full...3...2...1 FUCKING RUN FOR THE AXE !!!


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I agree... Kind of. Alright, the only reason we should wipe is if all the duping is fixed. And I say we ONLY wipe all the tents and reset all the vehicles. Don't wipe players inventories, because it would really piss off players like me who play legitly an spend hours finding their as-50s and m4's.

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I agree... Kind of. Alright, the only reason we should wipe is if all the duping is fixed. And I say we ONLY wipe all the tents and reset all the vehicles. Don't wipe players inventories, because it would really piss off players like me who play legitly an spend hours finding their as-50s and m4's.

Eh re-gearing legit isn't a long drawn out process. I'm not sure why anyone should be concerned with their primary inventories. If you did it once you can do it again.

Plus lets be honest if they did a Hive wipe and left inventories intact, people would just put their AS50 TWS's...that we need to get out of the Hive as it is, in their inventories, and the point of cleaning the slate and getting relevant and reliable alpha metrics is more or less lost.

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If it makes everyone feel better sure.

In reality it won't do a damn thing unless the problem is solved. Treat the disease, not the symptoms.

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If it makes everyone feel better sure.

In reality it won't do a damn thing unless the problem is solved. Treat the disease, not the symptoms.

The context of your statement is somewhat confusing.

Right now the largest producer of replicated weapons and items is the Hive itself and its database save state problems with DayZ Sure lots of people dupe things intentionally, but since was released I am sure that the amount of "duped" or replicated weaponry has multiplied by a factor of at least 10, completely without any input from players whatsoever.

If 1.7.3 fixes the Hive save state issue, and weapons and items no longer replicate due to tent inventory states being a single save state from when the tent was originally placed and given its first "save", then the largest contributor to the explosion of replicated items is treated,....that is the disease that can be treated, as things stand, not a symptom.

Far as preventing willful replication, again, with a clean slate that doesn't have tens of thousands of unintentionally replicated items in it, its a little easier to start tracking people who are replicating items with intent...so again, this isn't treating a symptom, its cleaning out the infection that is already present to make new infections far easier to spot and drill down on.

They won't ever fix "duping" in this alpha, the client and server structure just isn't there to completely allow for unique ID checking for each single item. Perhaps in the standalone, but that doesn't apply in regards to the alpha mod.

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I support this, i'd like to see this at every new patch and maybe even make it a fortnightly event. The only thing I would suggest is try to keep the current characters alive but all their gear gets wiped.

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don't care,do whatever you want..i'm ok with the fresh start

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