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Best vehicle idea to connect main cities [called 'Drezyna']

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Hand car... OK. The rest of the world seems to call it Dressine, or something in that order. :D

Would be a great addition to DayZ, next to having an acual fixable diesel train locomotive.

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Hand car... OK. The rest of the world seems to call it Dressine, or something in that order. :D

Would be a great addition to DayZ, next to having an acual fixable diesel train locomotive.

Till you reach max speed of 200 you are out of the hole map :-)

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I don't know if that is a good idea,because there are many trains that you can find,so you repair one train another guy repairs a train.You are going in tha same raill way that he is.You are chilling out and then the trains hit each other.Not ok for someone that had saw and rocket laucher and PDW.


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I totally agree, every time I see the tracks I think that there should be a way to get either trains or handcars going. Though it would be fairly unreliable as players would likely leave them in the middle of the track, screwing up everyone.

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i love this idea.

sooner or later someone will make a transport business with schedule, prices and what not i'll bet.

cool would be some new tracks going inland with railway switches you could really use.

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