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How do people feel about tents? (not about the bugs)

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No, that not at all what is fun to me. It's more about the excitement of going fresh again and thinking, fuck I lost my m16. I've gotta go back to nwaf and get a new one while I've only got a Winchester. The fun is starting over. If all you like doing Is killing people, in a nOn tense environment where you don't stand to lose anything, why don't you just go play a game designed for that. On the other hand I'm gonna keep playing my SURVIVAL game.

If SURVIVAL is difficult/exciting for you, you're a moron. Literally. Go sit on a hill, kill a boar, start a fire, then sit there for 4 hours eating meat.

The reason tents and vehicles add so much to the game is because they are the subtle beginnings of territorial conflict. For those players who are actually IN clans, you start noticing who is grouped with who on your server, where they tend to be, where their STUFF tends to be, and how best to take theirs and keep yours.

You might be the kind of guy who maxes a char to level 40 in an MMO and instantly rolls another one to start at level 1, but for many people, that's not a game, that's a hamster wheel.

Yes, it's exciting to play a game for the first time and be "completely lost," but it's pretty tough to keep getting that feeling from the same game. It's not something any dev should try and aim for, because it'll always be trumped by the actual act of PLAYING A NEW GAME.

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Tents shouldn't able to be owned by a player. Unless they are protecting it then it should be something anyone can uplift.

As they are, I use them to give myself and anyone who finds them less reason to enter coastal cities or if they do they at least have morphine and bandages.

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Some people don't find gearing up to be fun. Some people don't find dying to be fun. Some people don't find looking for food to be fun. Some people don't find PVP to be fun. And so on. And so on.

I'm fully aware that there are aspects of this game that some people don't like. That some people think make the game too hard. That some people think are too punishing and that they should be able to ignore them completely and just play at max level with no consequences every single day. But if we're so worried about what some people find fun at the expense of the entire game, then you'll always be stuck catering to some peoples' fear of effort, risk, and failure.

Seriously, just play Chernarus in Arma II or something.

Edited by BazBake
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Bugs aside, tents are fine.

If you want to survive then that's fine, don't store stuff in a tent.

For me, this game is all about the PVP AND surviving, I try and keep my character as long as I can whilst being in the most dangerous areas of the map 80% of the time.

My team and I like to get into big squad fire fights and it's always good to have a little gear backed up, all of the gear we get is either from proper loot spawns,helicopters or off players we've killed so why shouldn't we be able to save it?

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The new tent I bought for camping has a mosquito net, so I don't really worry about bugs.

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Well, neither will I be reborn with a different coloured jacket, with knowledge identical to that I had previously. Even in your scenario I can still run to some other players campsite.

If you really want to lose everything when you die in DayZ, your cd key should become invalid. How would you like that?

Reductio ad absurdum.

Ultimately though, I don't really care, I'll play the game as it is. I still think the idea of permanent death is integral to the game in terms of the emotional aspect Rocket likes to talk about in interviews. The more you can carry across from one life to the next the less you care about the death of your character. At least that's my point of view.

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I do not see having a tent much different from keeping your gear after death. It removes the survival factor from the game, which was the intent of the mod. Makes it too similar to other FPS where you die and respawn with gear.

There is no value to your character other than their gear as of right now. Lose you gear you are truly starting over. Have a stash somewhere? Then death is just a slight inconvenience.

It is just too much of a safety net from permadeath as it is, and removes the risk of encountering or doing most anything.

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They should just remove tents completely. Its so stupid

"O i died, let me go back to our clans tents and re-equip!" - this still applies when duping is fixed.

No point in making people lose all there gear upon death, cause they will just run to there closest tent and re-gear.

Edited by HighPiez
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So what about if you die in pvp comabt, your teamates control the location you died in. You spawn 2 mins away and re-gear by looting your own corpse. That is far easier than previously finding and storing weapons in a location.

By removing storage you just give even more power to squads/clans, and make it harder for lone wolfs.

I think most of the people complaining about storage are survivors who avoid confrontations. It's easy to survive in this game that way, so you are only going to die once a fortnight, so permadeath is just, 'oh I lost my zombie kills...' But even the very best pvp players die regularly. Rocket's stance is to allow scope for all kinds of playstyles. A lot of people like to collect and build bases. It will be a major part of the game, as evidenced by the underground building features, that have been talked about in the SA.

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If SURVIVAL is difficult/exciting for you, you're a moron. Literally. Go sit on a hill, kill a boar, start a fire, then sit there for 4 hours eating meat.

The reason tents and vehicles add so much to the game is because they are the subtle beginnings of territorial conflict. For those players who are actually IN clans, you start noticing who is grouped with who on your server, where they tend to be, where their STUFF tends to be, and how best to take theirs and keep yours.

You might be the kind of guy who maxes a char to level 40 in an MMO and instantly rolls another one to start at level 1, but for many people, that's not a game, that's a hamster wheel.

Yes, it's exciting to play a game for the first time and be "completely lost," but it's pretty tough to keep getting that feeling from the same game. It's not something any dev should try and aim for, because it'll always be trumped by the actual act of PLAYING A NEW GAME.

It's really funny how wrong you've got me. I'm not about killing a boar and eating it. I love the pvp in this game. I fucking love it. But the problem with it is when you die, or kill someone else, that person should be gone, and his gear passed on or gone as well. With tents, people pretty much make it just another shooter. Your playing it wrong if you think survival only means being a mountain man. The thrill of this game comes from the player encounters, knowing it is life and death for one of the parties involved.

And your totally wrong about your assumptions of me and mmos. I always get bored before I get even close to maxing anything.

If the thrill of death is no longer a consequence, why are you playing dayz. DayZ is supposed to be an unforgiving game. Not die and them run to your tent, get kitted from it a gain then go hunt the guy that killed you. There was intended to be a consequence for death. To make the game a little more engaging. Not just your run of the mill zombie run n gun.

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I agree, it does affect folks who are not running in packs the most.

But it is still more difficult to not have storage somewhere. If your whole team is killed, then it is over for them. It reinforces the need to work together to survive.

The team you just killed won't be back in full gear in the next 5-10 mins to take you out, they are, in effect, removed from play for a time.

Another mechanic I would not mind seeing is the ability,as through the ACE mod, to revive someone within a limited scope of time (say up to 3-4 mins tops).

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By removing storage you just give even more power to squads/clans, and make it harder for lone wolfs.

I think most of the people complaining about storage are survivors who avoid confrontations. It's easy to survive in this game that way, so you are only going to die once a fortnight, so permadeath is just, 'oh I lost my zombie kills...' But even the very best pvp players die regularly. Rocket's stance is to allow scope for all kinds of playstyles. A lot of people like to collect and build bases. It will be a major part of the game, as evidenced by the underground building features, that have been talked about in the SA.

Personally I think that being a loan wolf (survivor) should be hard and being a loan wolf (bandit) even harder. In theory, at least at this point I like the idea of factions being the way to go for most people, provided most of it occurs in game rather than via external websites or VOIP. I’d like to see the game strongly encourage cooperation, for both survivors and bandits.

Funny, I’m sure I’ve seen the opposite argument around here before where people claim it’s the survivors that want the tents for hoarding.

No doubt there will be all manor of changes to the game as it progresses and new features are added, it remains to be seen what player actions are deemed to be contrary of the intent of the design. It’s going to be an interesting ride.

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So what about if you die in pvp comabt, your teamates control the location you died in. You spawn 2 mins away and re-gear by looting your own corpse. That is far easier than previously finding and storing weapons in a location.

I guess if you die battling over the right to snipe newbs in Cherno or something and you get a really lucky respawn. Otherwise, no. What you said makes no sense.

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The problem I notice the most with tents is that the model itself reflects a huge amount of light at a distance, so they become immediatly visable to anyone with them in their line of sight. They should have the ghillie suit texture. Then they'd be a lot easier to hide.

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The problem I notice the most with tents is that the model itself reflects a huge amount of light at a distance, so they become immediatly visable to anyone with them in their line of sight. They should have the ghillie suit texture. Then they'd be a lot easier to hide.

Yeah Ive noticed also on the graphics settings i have I can see them through trees/bushes from certain ranges because they render before the trees do. Same with stuff like castles and heli crash sites.

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I mainly use tents to store loot for other players now, especially noobs. I've noticed others doing the same thing. For the most part they're tents full of food. water, backpacks, etc but I've seen several tents packed with vehicle repair items. These tents are almost always right near where the loot spawns.

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If the thrill of death is no longer a consequence, why are you playing dayz. DayZ is supposed to be an unforgiving game. Not die and them run to your tent, get kitted from it a gain then go hunt the guy that killed you. There was intended to be a consequence for death. To make the game a little more engaging. Not just your run of the mill zombie run n gun.

The "thrill of death," aka the 10 minutes it would take me to re-gear sans tent? How about the thrill of fighting other groups to keep your vehicles and tents secure? Because I found that to be the feature that kept many people playing. I, and most end-game players, can grab gear from a coastal city in no time flat, it's just not even a factor in our gameplay. How many tents do you see stocked with backpacks, compasses, binoculars, matches, etc? You don't, b/c end-game players literally just pick it up within 30 seconds of spawning.

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I really dont understand why people automatically expect that tents should dissapear upon player death.

If I go and make a tent in my garden, then jump in front of a train, the tent will remain, obviously.

Will you reappear in a different location after you are turned into a pancake? No. Terrible example.

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How's this, limit to ONE tent per user.

Reduce the total number of items to 25 and have a disparate 3 slots for weapons.

For a maximum of 28 items including weapons.

Right now, it's 50.

And tents, if they don't decide to screw you on a server restart, can be dupped easily (even more than anything else)

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I never used em. I think you should be able to get into the tent and if someone tries to loot it (if your on) you can surprice him to protect what is yours (don't think this is possible right now). Ofcourse you should also be able to shoot through the tent but if you do (as the looter) you should destroy what ever is in the tent and endup having nothing to loot. This would make it harder for people to loot.

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My old shantytown had six tents in it, all full of gear. Tools like compasses and pistols also count as weapons, so they fill up pretty quickly when you want to have toolboxes and maps and hunting knives for everyone on your team each server restart. Add in a tent with just medical gear, for when you don't want to risk a city run, and you'll only have room for a few copies of each of your favorite guns. Reducing the capacity of tents would just require more tents to be built in the same spot, making tent cities bigger and easier to find.

The most important thing to do with them is get rid of the bugs, so they don't restore their contents after a server restart. If smashing tents actually destroyed them, like with vehicles, then they'd be tolerable. It's inevitable that people will be caching gear to beat death, whether it's in tents or cars, but if it's vulnerable, that counts for a lot.

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I guess if you die battling over the right to snipe newbs in Cherno or something and you get a really lucky respawn. Otherwise, no. What you said makes no sense.

As many people go there to snipe snipers as anything else. 'Really lucky respawn' lol, it's not that lucky and you can just die until you get the one you want.

My point is that this is a common way to re-gear in 2-10mins exactly what you had before without tents.

What EXACTLY doesn't make sense in what I said, and why does it not make sense?

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