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Faceman Peck

Arming Bear Traps on Vehicle Seats

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LOL, I love it. Moved to DayZ Suggestions.

Edited by smasht_AU

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Good idea, how would we disable these if we spotted them? O.o

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Good idea, how would we disable these if we spotted them? O.o

Pull it out :P

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And while we're at it- punji pits. I would also like to be able to place punji pits in cars.

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Trip wires are also needed, surround a vehicle or tent, come near it... oops.

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Think 007 remote controlled ejector seat... wait for some asshole to get in your bait vehicle and then hit the eject button from the tree-line off the road. Haha, not very post apocalyptic.

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And while we're at it- punji pits.

What a horrible and evil way to die....next we'll need sticks to test the ground :S

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Claymores with a true tripwire system.

Meaning, you don't just place them but set and get a wire across to something else.

I'd like a way to protect vehicles without making them unusable or too dangerous.

Speaking of vehicles, I'm thinking that they should have a reset timer. Unless you play on fresh server or a server which just experienced a huge reset either from hive or host fuck-up, you won't be finding anything.

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If we were allowed to do this we could booby trap vehicles, muhahahaha

And while we're at it- punji pits. I would also like to be able to place punji pits in cars.

Love both of these suggestions!

@Siorus ... loving your avatar. You look like one of the zombies in game. Our clan even calls that particular zombie the "myth buster zombie". I'm assuming this is why you have the pic as your avatar. Made me laugh!

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LOL, I love it. Moved to DayZ Suggestions.

thank you for moving it sir. I want nothing more than to take a bite out of some of the fancy pants players who keep hoarding the vehicles. Although I like the bicycle, I would love to booby trap seats in general. Please keep this thread alive! Help take a bite out of players!! :P

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And while we're at it- punji pits. I would also like to be able to place punji pits in cars.

Haha, thought I've seen the last of the "poop sticks" in UNSUNG.......

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The problem i see with this when someone goes to get in a car an there's a bear trap on the seat i don't think they'll just sit on maybe if its armed then can have the chance to disarm (or leave it) it an there's a chance it can go wrong an damage there aim or break there arm an cause them to bleed to stop them from driving it.

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Love both of these suggestions!

@Siorus ... loving your avatar. You look like one of the zombies in game. Our clan even calls that particular zombie the "myth buster zombie". I'm assuming this is why you have the pic as your avatar. Made me laugh!

glad to know im not the only one who thinks that zombie looks like the mythbuster dude

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I literally made a sound of pain whenever I saw the title. Great idea, I just hope I never have to encounter it.

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I alreay do this, I put the bear trap at each door and wait for people to break legs tryin to get in, after they break leg and get in i hop on my bike and follow them till they get out ot bandage and boom dead... rinse repeat.. fun shit lol

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