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About Nadja92

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Dorset, UK
  • Interests
    Motorsport, Music, Drawing
  1. Nadja92

    DayZ Memes

    Please tell me this hasn't been done.......
  2. So, if all the easy ways of getting rid of zombies is being adressed, how will you ever lose them? (Talking about running up hills, around walls, through buildings) You can take bushes away, that's too easy. Before I get insulted, I'm asking about losing a big group of them, without a weapon that you didn't mean to aggro (as in, I tried being stealthy but it didn't work out) I can't imagine me killing 10+ with a hatchet.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eu-xFvLaE68 . I found this song from a Sky advert showing some movies, not that warm bodies movie. Anyway, this song makes me think of DayZ every time I listen to it, which makes me love it. I imagine being alone
  4. Nadja92

    Character Tracking/Signaling

    I love being able to visualise you eating your beans and walking around seeing trash :) Now the only thing I could see working is the heat from the fire, can't really have a pop-up message saying "These beans were eaten 30 minutes ago." If you were near a fire that has been dead for a little while, your temperature symbol could glow, but not raise, signally it's only been dead for say, 10 minutes..
  5. Nadja92

    Fix property of bushes

    If you can't shoot them in a bush, then surely they can't shoot you from the bush? Go up and slap that pansy in the face!
  6. Nadja92

    I need to know if m desktop can run DayZ

    open run and type dxdiag, then paste here.
  7. Nadja92

    wait or late? what if next gen consoles come?

    Agree with those saying no-console. I just don't see it being as good.
  8. Nadja92

    Vehicle suggestion- The RV

    If we're going to suggest any vechicle, could I please get a so it makes no sound aggro?
  9. Nadja92

    DayZ Standalone Suggestion - Loot

    Okay, not glow, but at least put a stroke around it....but it would be useless at night, haha.
  10. I feel bad for the person who spoke, "friendly, friendly" and my partner shot him, only for him to get shotgunned in the face. Sometimes it backfires.... haha
  11. I vote no. Just because it would be unfair, player zombies know where people would be, unlike npc zombies. Could camp on loot spawns, etc.
  12. Nadja92

    Standalone Suggestions

    Sadly I like the idea of ALT+F4ing should a hacker come kill me, but if the standalone addresses this issue, then they can fix the forced disconnect issue.
  13. Nadja92

    Arming Bear Traps on Vehicle Seats

    What a horrible and evil way to die....next we'll need sticks to test the ground :S
  14. Nadja92

    Arming Bear Traps on Vehicle Seats

    Pull it out :P
  15. Nadja92

    Standalone Suggestions

    I do like the idea of a journal, especially if you're just sat their waiting for zombies to pass. Also want Ghillie suit for women to work. And goodness me I would freak out if there was full-on mist.