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Why the radio silence?!?

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Obviously some people aren't too thrilled that not much information has come out, and also that instead of that I've been travelling around visiting media and going to conferences. It's a fair point, we're trying to develop a game here not win an election. But there is some real value to the staging efforts that have been going on, an example being PAX where I am now. Initially, we weren't going to go. But when we looked at it, we realized the tremendous networking opportunity and a chance to discuss DayZ with some of the best and brightest minds in gaming. Already the trip has paid dividends.

The media stuff is also really important, they're a vessel to other areas of the industry. Yes, I end up saying the same thing again and again. That is just how it works. I cowboy up and deal with it. The apparent radio silence is more about me not really having anything to say, rather than ignoring things. My main effort now is "listening", which I have been carefully reading and collating the suggestion threads both here and on Reddit, as well as snooping on other sites.

Like someone put in another thread, what we are all more interested in now is what I actually DO not what I SAY. But, that doesn't remove the value in discussing the implications of what happened with DayZ, just maybe some developers/publishers will start putting more modding in games - and look at WHY DayZ was successful. I think that is more important even than the DayZ project itself.

So stay tuned, when I have finished collating the suggestion details and we have the backlog listed, I'll post more information.

Regarding patch 1.7.3, I'm not going to make the mistake of releasing a patch before it is ready. 1.7.3 just isnt ready yet.

As promising as visits to the media may sound to you right now you need to understand that they don't sound as promising to the people actually playing the game. What the interviews don't say is that everything you and the interviewer spoke about only hold true for the standalone that has yet to be released. God forbid one of the interviewers attempts playing the game on his/her own time and realizes that what you two were talking about were more like concepts than the current state of things.

That said I really dont mind you going off to show off dayz (what there is to currently show off) and talk about the project with the media. I really dont. What I DO mind is you deciding to leave right after you release a patch that makes the game essentially unplayable. Perhaps this was unavoidable, perhaps it wasn't. I'm sure the amount of the community vocal about the current state of the game would have been halved or more JUST if the graphical glitches had been fixed before 'interview season' started. A small hotfix, hell even a reversion. Most of the people here just want to play the damn game and don't care about fixing humanity/sickness etc. or adding dogs.

They just want to play.

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not comming off as some Bobby Kotick CEO is pretty valuable

THIS. I had to, HAD to post a response to this. You sir, get my beans, and my eternal respect.

I absolutely HATE Bobby Kotick, and what he's turned Blizzard into.

Take it from us, the consumers, Rocket. Don't EVER turn into worthless piece of shit like that guy.

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That said I really dont mind you going off to show off dayz (what there is to currently show off) and talk about the project with the media. I really dont. What I DO mind is you deciding to leave right after you release a patch that makes the game essentially unplayable. Perhaps this was unavoidable, perhaps it wasn't. I'm sure the amount of the community vocal about the current state of the game would have been halved or more JUST if the graphical glitches had been fixed before 'interview season' started. A small hotfix, hell even a reversion.

Well, Rocket pushed just before leaving. He did so specifically to stop the glitching. He failed at that, but he actually tried. Then he runs the media circus and I guess he got about a million offers to sell out, but he is still here, so I guess we will see some development now.

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It's understandable now why dayz hasn't been getting an update, make sure this update is a good one <3

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Was no outline given to the rest of the team? Rocket isn't the only person working on DayZ.

Ive no idea who the actual team are, or how many there are, has anyone?

Less than 10% of the player base continuing to play the game and the number is dropping. You can't expect that everyone who isn't playing anymore is just waiting for standalone. When you hype people up and disappoint them, they don't get "re-hyped" for the same thing just because you say its different.

This is the worrying bit, people are fickle and they will just go elsewhere, other games are out all the time.

The group i play in still play dayz nearly every night but we play private servers and Lingor Island because we are sick to death of all the problems(ill not list them again many others have all ready).

I still have a character on the main hive but it hasnt moved for 15 days probably because every time i login im back on the beach again or im chucked in a sandbag arena to fight to the death and many other things.

Complete waste of time playing it as i cant do what i want to do.

One comment about private servers i will make.

At least the admins seem to be able to do things like deal with the hackers, and keep control of the wrongdoing.

Which is where the system goes wrong with normal dayz because the hive team have too many rules which prevent admins doing their part.

If your going to work together for the full release in a similar manner, BI and rocket are going to have to get a better solution to stop some of the worst excess.

Unless they plan to host all the games themselves.

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At least we have had some news.

Quote from Twitter from rocket

In my hotel room working on graphic artifacts. Enough is enough!
:P Edited by Chimaera

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Fanboi much? Someone points out actual flaws in your precious rockets mod to which you have absolutely no counter point to so you resort to incoherent flaming.

Until massive overhauls are made the mod will continue to lose people. Those people lost aren't coming back for the standalone either.

Really? Judging by your signature,

"Currently Looking for: SVD Camo, M4A1 Holo w/203 rnds, M249 w/ammo

Have to trade: NVG's, Rangefinder, 2x Ghillies, 2x Camo clothes

PM here on forums if interested"

Yeah you seem to really have lost intrest and never plays, probably wont play stanalone either. THIS IS ALPHA. ´course alot of things are shit, and it will continue to be shit unless ppl post accurate bug reports instead of flaming and then let team rocket ( :D ) work on thoose issues.

I have said over the last week "!(/"/!#" THIS GAME IM NOT PLAYING ANYMORE" when i for the 5th time have been killed by hacker or retarded bug/glitch, but, i still end up coming back because it is just awsome, and the mroe info ppl conttribute about bugs and glitches, the better next patch will be!

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What i read was ..blah blah blah ..OCULUS RIFT ! :D

Any word on implementation or is not far enough down the track (the standalone and the product) yet for consideration ? Dayz has been the most enjoyably painful game i have played since i first walked into a pc store and ripped myself off with a new pc many many moons ago and the Rift looks like the most exciting peripheral (long time trackir user) to come out for gaming since..well..since the beginning.

The two combined would surely see a sales boost in extremely comfortable warmed toilet seats with armrests ;)

Go hard Rocket, you got plenty of us salivating at how the dogs are going to work , what the next patch will fix/ break and hanging in for the long haul.


Edited by Hetstaine

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Really? Judging by your signature,

"Currently Looking for: SVD Camo, M4A1 Holo w/203 rnds, M249 w/ammo

Have to trade: NVG's, Rangefinder, 2x Ghillies, 2x Camo clothes

PM here on forums if interested"

Yeah you seem to really have lost intrest and never plays, probably wont play stanalone either. THIS IS ALPHA. ´course alot of things are shit, and it will continue to be shit unless ppl post accurate bug reports instead of flaming and then let team rocket ( :D ) work on thoose issues.

I have said over the last week "!(/"/!#" THIS GAME IM NOT PLAYING ANYMORE" when i for the 5th time have been killed by hacker or retarded bug/glitch, but, i still end up coming back because it is just awsome, and the mroe info ppl conttribute about bugs and glitches, the better next patch will be!

are you really going to de-rail this thread, you know, like the one thread that the dev posted? I know de-railing threads seem like a popular thing to do in these forums, but can we have one that's not tainted with moronic rebuttals?

ie- post something constructive rather than belittle other posters. the player base dropping is a legitimate concern while your comment brings nothing new to the table...

rocket, have you thought of maybe trying a kickstarter to help gather some cash to hire some support for the mod? maybe give people some custom skins for their contribution?

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You've been in crunch mode for months and are still going hard at it, Rocket. Well done on keeping up with the high intensity of industry and community focus.

Aside from unintended and unwanted side effects of your ongoing alpha patching, I would stress that one of the main attractions of DayZ for me is that you are making changes to the game (a.k.a. experimenting) and forcing the player to adapt and think on their feet, whilst experiencing new survival scenarios.

It would be interesting to know if you plan to build in a dynamic element (think Left 4 Dead's weekly 'Mutations' or even an extrapolation of Minecraft's procedural level generation to other DayZ game elements) to include changing rules in the final product. Unpredictability of the non-player aspects of the game is important and attractive to many gamers. Personally, I think it is something that fades in a static game environment as the player becomes more familiar with their surroundings. Change shakes a player's sense of control and helps to build upon that great sense of unease by unleashing those base survival instincts which I'm sure the majority of DayZ players felt in their first week of play, but which perhaps has died off slowly as they keep coming back for more.

Best of luck with PAX and kudos for (1) keeping your vision, (2) making medium-to-long term plans, and (3) taking the time to feed information to us all through various public channels. You are doing great things for the industry and paving the road for many up-and-coming developers. Show 'em how it's done, Dean!

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The media stuff is also really important

You think that media stuff is important? I disagree, your game is more important then the media crap,

devs should be like this: Game first, money later. (developing costs money i know, youre not the only one i bet working on this mod though. If you are gathering money or whatever, for the mod/game whatever. How come the rest of the dev's are simply doing nothing either?)

Never is like that though, 4+ weeks of pure annoyance with the graphical issue's, not even any reply from you Rocket on all the posts made to request it being solved. The least you could have done, is log on an external computer from wheverever you where. And reply properly with a single sentence : I am aware of the issue and we will do our best solving it within X weeks.

But after this topic, about the mediacrap which just makes me troll myself. It's finally going to be fixed? That satisfies me quite alot, as i have been playing citylife in the meanwhile of all these crappy glitches. And constantly checking back on the mod wether it was fixed or not.

Rage/Satisfied post :P.

So yeah, im still pist. But finally a topic has been made about this crap going on, which makes me happy quite abit again :)

Hope its actually gonna be fixed ... soon....

Edited by steffeh
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if you don't pump out the new patch tomarow I'm gonna curse you motherfukers

lol at that post ^_^ Certain truth in it though xD.

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well, after hackzors go wild, i stop playng but the game is good, i will play stand alone =D, still play in private hives, but not as much

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Not long ago Rocket u would made a post and it would explode with replies (good or bad) .

Now after the Radio silence as u call it we got 5 pages ...

Take from this what u will , but people move on quick and like alot of people

said one sentence from you on game breaking bugs would have gone a long way .

Wish you all the best with your standalone and if it comes with BE i wont be buying it .

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Not long ago Rocket u would made a post and it would explode with replies (good or bad) .

Now after the Radio silence as u call it we got 5 pages ...

Take from this what u will , but people move on quick and like alot of people

said one sentence from you on game breaking bugs would have gone a long way .

Wish you all the best with your standalone and if it comes with BE i wont be buying it .

People are not leaving DayZ they are just waiting for it to get fixed.

Great games are really hard to come by these days.

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I understand decision about waiting for release 1.7.3, but I still don't like that radio silence.

DayZ community is like restaurant of hungry people that alredy ate their soup and now they are waiting for main meal. I think they don't want to get it right away, they rather great meal than fast food. But on other side, they would like to know if chef didn't kill himself in process of skinning deer and if cannberries finnaly arrived into kitchen, so he can make sauce from it. And they want to know how long will it take to get away all those ants and bugs from tables and from salad.

We need some waiter to ensure us that even if things are not ideal, staff is doing everything they can to satify customers, and that would show us which steps are made to ensure it.

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I think that stable DayZ mod is of the same or bigger importance as promoting of the standalone.

What I'm trying to say is, that once we have hopefully bug free 1.7.3, it should give Devs more breathing space for work of standalone.

Pitty that duping, hacking and combat disconnect can not be sorted out in mod and have to wait for standalone...

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its simple really, if the mod has bugs, but not THESE BIG kind of bugs

Example :

graphic raping views

Zombies running to your face from 10000miles away

If those 2 get fixed im pretty sure people will end up thinking meh, its fine for now.

Therefor less pressure on the dev's which right now seem lasy (Fact) and therefor as well can continue developing with alot less whine per day ^_^

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I have no idea if this question was posted before, it's late and i'm going to bed so i really don't feel like looking and i'm also aware that this is the wrong place for Q/A but tents and vehicles being broken, is this coming in .3 or a weekend update kind of thing anytime soon?

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no probs mate, just keep doing what your doing. I'm glad you liked the occulus rift it looks awesome, so does that mean standalone will be occulus ready?

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Hello Rocket!

Not to be a bother, but may you release a tiny little hotfix for the tent save issue for servers?

Take care!

I heard somewhere somewhere that they are already making a server side fix for tents and vehicles

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