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New Playable Race

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Hello fine gentlemen and ladies i posted this thread since i was thinking of a new game mechanic that lets you play as the other side the zombie and see the game from their perspective, hunt down Humans whether they be AI or players and i guess kill them by stealthy sneaking on them or gain a sort of mutation possibly for killing them(big claws) by all means we need to keep the game realistic but there's zombies and mutation isn't that far out. Let me explain why i think playing as a zombie with a couple of points.

1. You can run super fast without tiring.

2. You will be indistinguishable form normal zombies.

3. If you enjoy stalking players and being incognito this will be very fun.

4. You never need to scavenge again.

5. You can possibly alert normal zombies to the player your stalking.

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I've played as a zombie in the Arma2 editor, it's not possible too. you can move but it's buggy and you can't attack.

Melee attacks arn't supported by Arma engine, it works for Ai cause it's been scripted in to the mission. But it wont for players.

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Being a zombie would be cool. Very hard to do in practice though I imagine, maybe for A3!

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A3 would be the best choice though it's not really that hard in practice the only hard part is acting like a normal Zom and stalking survivors.

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I agree that being able to play as a zombie would be a great way to...

1) Increase the apparent AI of the zombies as a whole.

2) Increase the paranoia from players about zombie encounters.

3) Give players who are solely entertained by killing players an in-game way to do it.

I wouldn't give the player-zombies any kind of "special powers" though. Let them crouch or go prone to appear as a "hopper" or "crawler". And perhaps let them "groan" to alert nearby zombies to their target, but that would have to have some limits to it to keep people from "alerting" zombies to a target several city blocks away.

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I agree that being able to play as a zombie would be a great way to...

1) Increase the apparent AI of the zombies as a whole.

2) Increase the paranoia from players about zombie encounters.

3) Give players who are solely entertained by killing players an in-game way to do it.

I wouldn't give the player-zombies any kind of "special powers" though. Let them crouch or go prone to appear as a "hopper" or "crawler". And perhaps let them "groan" to alert nearby zombies to their target' date=' but that would have to have some limits to it to keep people from "alerting" zombies to a target several city blocks away.


At least someone likes it lol

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I agree that being able to play as a zombie would be a great way to...

1) Increase the apparent AI of the zombies as a whole.

2) Increase the paranoia from players about zombie encounters.

3) Give players who are solely entertained by killing players an in-game way to do it.

I wouldn't give the player-zombies any kind of "special powers" though. Let them crouch or go prone to appear as a "hopper" or "crawler". And perhaps let them "groan" to alert nearby zombies to their target, but that would have to have some limits to it to keep people from "alerting" zombies to a target several city blocks away.

I wish this idea was implemented. Its possible to somewhat control the number of those playable zombies, because there would be certain number of slots to take (you would simply choose what you want to be). Playable zombies could be spawning all across the map so it wouldn't be like they occupy the southern coast and massacre defenceless ppl). There were suggestions about zombies wandering through forests - this would do it.

Its not true that meelee attacks are not supported by the ArmA engine. AI cant use them, but player can - they are just not used in game.

Right now many people complain that zombies are not really a threat - at least not after you find any weapon and get familiar with the game. These intelligent zombies could help to make this a zombie survival instead of a bandit survival. They wouldn't be Op - they wouldnt be able to use firearms, so they have to get really close and they would be as resilient as survivors. They don't even have to be as fast as AI zombies (AI zombies speed is high to compensate lack of "intelligence").

I think that they should make some constant noise (growling, moaning) like a AI zombies - the faster they would run the louder they would groan. Their noise would also attract ai zombies like a noise of the thrown objects - ai zombies would investigate it (so its not like they would tell every ai zombie around "hey there is a human here!").

If they have to eat (much like survivors but those zeds could only use human meat, so they would have to kill survivors and gut him) than there would be natural way to control playable zombie population - too many zombies and too few survivors would mean death from starvation. It would be also only way to regain health for them.

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em... no!

it would be exploited too much and make no sense in the end. for one people would not act like zeds at all making it unreal from the other end. people would hop on TS one dude play as a zombie and check out the loot spots for the best weapons (without risk) then tell his buddies where to go and escort them to the spot... wheres the fun in that. this is by far one of the worst ideas posted, it would ruin the game play in so many ways. so yeah...

n o

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as fun as it might be defo open to unavoidable exploitation. ZOmbies are supposed to be inherently stupid, labotamised even. Only a matter of time before some mates link up as survivors and zombies :S

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I was hoping this thread would be about racing tractors... or something.

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The first problem is People dieing and walking around with there non turned friends.,Kind of like a party of guys with a zombie pet.,

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This has been suggested before and people do like the idea, but I myself are against it.

I believe that when you die, you die, there's no controlling zombies etc, you die. This isn't something that I'd expect to happen in Day Z.

It doesn't mean it won't happen, but I personally can't see it happening.

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If you want to roleplay a zombie you have to smash your head on the table about 100 times to become really stupid then start playing. Zombies are the most honest "players" in the game. They always attack you.

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To stop a zombie/survivor team-up just have zombie players randomly spawn AI zombies nearby occasionally, A single AI zombie could do some damage to a group if they're caught unawares.

Also, rather than spawn immediately as a zombie, you should have to die from a non-headshot, and then respawn on a certain button press (so you can do it when its most convenient/pant-shittingly terrifying for the person looting you) as a zombie in the same location. You'd want the person who killed you to come closer so you can gnaw his leg off but at the same time if he puts one through your skull its back to the beach and no zombie-play for you.

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Would you still randomly make the zombie sounds? Sneaking up on survivors would be hard if I was constantly making creepy noises.

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Melee is possible using the same mechanic as a Hatchet. Not a good idea for Dayz though imo.

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