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ididi9 (DayZ)

Tranquilizer Gun

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A gun that knocks out players/zombies/animals for 30/60/120 seconds.


Basically the idea is for a weapon, most likely found in farm houses or some sort of loot places like that. The weapon could have a range of about 200m. There would be 3 different ammo types, each more rarer as they can stun for longer, One stuns for 30 Seconds, one for 60 seconds and one for 120 seconds. Maybe it would take around 10 seconds for it to work and in that 10 seconds you start loosing colour and sound and if you take antibiotics then you can stop the tranquilizer from knocking you out.


I think it would quite a interesting weapon mainly because of the PvP benefits, Players who didn't want to be bandits could use this to stun threats and get away. Bandits could use this in group to take down people. Also because it would be nearly silent you could use it to stun zombies rather than shooting them and annoying more.

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me and my friends were talking about this idea a couple of dayz ago... so if u are a hero u can take out hostile survivors without losing humanity... you should lose a bit but not as much for a murder.... as well when someone is passed out u should be able to gear them even if they pass out from blood loss so u can take there weapon without killing them.

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Yes to humans and animals.

I say no to zombies unless it is a headshot because in most versions of zombies they have no circulatory system to spread the tranquilizer throughtout the body.

But overall, good idea! I like it. I personally would like to be able to drag dead and unconscious bodies and put them in vehicle as well.

Imagine getting knocked out and you wake up in the middle of Green Mountain like WTF HAPPENED

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Totally okay.

I'm thinking two shots would be necessary to completely know someone out as a single-shot KO would be VERY annoying. Make the gun single-shot and reload (like real world gas-powered tranq-guns) each flechettes individually.

How about making the first hit give the target blurry vision similar to what you get under 4k blood for 3-5 minutes?

A second shot would knock out for a minute or two and double the blurry vision time-upon a wake up.

An adrenaline shot (because epi-pens make no sense) would remove the blurry vision and give a protection against knockout for 5 minutes.

Edited by Axelord FTW

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Yes! A solution to having to take lives just for small things I need like ammo. Not being a full-on bandit, but me and my small trio do occasionally go on a hunt for more ammunition and weapons. It'd be nice to still leave people with the supplies it can take a painful amount of time to get like the map, hunting knife, hatchet, all the stuff that's useful but we already have; rather than having to slaughter people. As to Axelord, I'm not sure about it taking two hits but then a one-hit would seem a little too OP. The ammunition would have to be scarce for this.

I think there should be one gun, and instead have varying ammo types for the different knockout times. It's not like firing the same dart with the same chemicals in is going to have a different time because it was fired from a different gun. I also say stick to 30 and 60, maybe just 30; 120 seems too much.

NOTE: Trolls/bandits/troll bandits could easily stockpile ammo of the 60/120 and shoot someone with it every time they wake up, leaving them in a never-ending coma which they can only escape from by switching server. This would have to be rectified with a delay of sorts, ~20 seconds.

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Very good idea, a great promotion for the hero skin as well. I want to be a hero but with all the shoot on sight you just never get the chance so I have to kill or be killed, this would be a great alternative.

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I guess I'm the only one who thinks that this is a really stupid idea.

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As to Axelord, I'm not sure about it taking two hits but then a one-hit would seem a little too OP. The ammunition would have to be scarce for this.

NOTE: Trolls/bandits/troll bandits could easily stockpile ammo of the 60/120 and shoot someone with it every time they wake up, leaving them in a never-ending coma which they can only escape from by switching server. This would have to be rectified with a delay of sorts, ~20 seconds.

This would be my concern. How it would be exploited and abused by people who are not looking to get kills per se but rather going for QQ points from whoever they shot.

The tranqGun would be an equalizer. Fitting a niche playerbase. With my idea, it would be used for stealing supplies off other players. With a single hit KO, people would use it to knock people out first and then just finish the job.

With two shots for KO, it would be used more as a deterent againt aggressive players without being forced to kill them.

I'm personally not fond of killing other people. I'd keep a two-shot TranqGun on me for such situations where I either need to debilitate someone enough that they might no longer be a threat without posing too much of a threat to them as they could still escape and avoid zombies.

And with an Adrenaline shot counter, this would not be OP enough to make a second shot easy to follow up. I'd make them spawn as much as current epi-pen and I'd remove the epi-pen an give its current effect to Adrenaline shots.

Edited by Axelord FTW

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Yes to humans and animals.

I say no to zombies unless it is a headshot because in most versions of zombies they have no circulatory system to spread the tranquilizer throughtout the body.

You've got to get used to the fact that these aren't the undead, they are the infected. Essentially people that have been turned feral by some kind of pathogen. They do have a circulatory system, I've made many of them bleed as have you.

Edited by Bribase

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I love the idea but I'm a little torn. Aren't tranquilliser rifles really only available in zoos? The idea is awesome but it seems to sacrifice some realism. Not necessarily a bad thing.

How about non-lethal (now called less than lethal for legal reasons!) rounds for shotguns? They are readily available in the form of 12 guage beanbag rounds and would likely have been deployed when the authorities thought the outbreak of infected was simply rioting and civil unrest as opposed to an impending zombie apocalypse.


Of course, shotguns are of limited use in PvP. The proposed weapon may just have to be added for shere non-lethal griefing awesomeness!

"Shooting noobs on the coast are ya? Try being one for the day. I'll just leave your axe and a tin can."

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this idea is awesome

However I think some people are right...humans and animals fine...zombies no

When was the last time you saw a zombie catchin z's?

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I love the idea but I'm a little torn. Aren't tranquilliser rifles really only available in zoos? The idea is awesome but it seems to sacrifice some realism. Not necessarily a bad thing.

How about non-lethal (now called less than lethal for legal reasons!) rounds for shotguns? They are readily available in the form of 12 guage beanbag rounds and would likely have been deployed when the authorities thought the outbreak of infected was simply rioting and civil unrest as opposed to an impending zombie apocalypse.


Of course, shotguns are of limited use in PvP. The proposed weapon may just have to be added for shere non-lethal griefing awesomeness!

"Shooting noobs on the coast are ya? Try being one for the day. I'll just leave your axe and a tin can."

You can find tranquilizers at heaps of places, not just a zoo.

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why not add a zoo and a tranquilizer? Problem solved...and I get to cook exotic animals..everyone wins

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This would be my concern. How it would be exploited and abused by people who are not looking to get kills per se but rather going for QQ points from whoever they shot.

The tranqGun would be an equalizer. Fitting a niche playerbase. With my idea, it would be used for stealing supplies off other players. With a single hit KO, people would use it to knock people out first and then just finish the job.

With two shots for KO, it would be used more as a deterent againt aggressive players without being forced to kill them.

I'm personally not fond of killing other people. I'd keep a two-shot TranqGun on me for such situations where I either need to debilitate someone enough that they might no longer be a threat without posing too much of a threat to them as they could still escape and avoid zombies.

And with an Adrenaline shot counter, this would not be OP enough to make a second shot easy to follow up. I'd make them spawn as much as current epi-pen and I'd remove the epi-pen an give its current effect to Adrenaline shots.

You could suffer from a chemical overdose if, say, you were shot enough times? Edited by a_professional_medic

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Tranquilizer darts aren't like you guys probably think. They aren't in instant knockout on impact. It takes up to several minutes for them to work. When used on animals, it calms them down, and then they lay down to go to sleep shortly afterwards.

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Tranquilizer darts aren't like you guys probably think. They aren't in instant knockout on impact. It takes up to several minutes for them to work. When used on animals, it calms them down, and then they lay down to go to sleep shortly afterwards.

Bullets don't work exactly as you think either, and you don't die from starvation in an hour and a half. Oh well.

Anyway, I'm not going to give the whole "yeah, we've had this discussion on these boards before in a 12 page thread and it's weird that no one uses the search function anymore."

Tranqs -- shot to the head=instant knockout, shot to the body = slowed movement and pain then unconsciousness.

Rubber bullets -- shot to the head = instant knockout, shot to the body = pain, shot to the arms or legs = fracture.

Taser -- shot to the head = unconsciousness, shot to body = shorter unconsciousness, shot to the legs = pain, immobility.

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Bullets don't work exactly as you think either

Actually, they do. Because firearms are part of my hobby.

Rubber bullets -- shot to the head = instant knockout, shot to the body = pain, shot to the arms or legs = fracture.

Taser -- shot to the head = unconsciousness, shot to body = shorter unconsciousness, shot to the legs = pain, immobility.

Seems you don't understand how rubber bullets or tasers work either. A rubber bullet to the head can kill. When police use them (which isn't often and the only people who really use them are prison guards), they are told not to aim for the head. Same for beanbag rounds.

A taser to any part of the body is going to have the same effect as long as both barbs make contact. It doesn't matter if you are hit in the neck or in the legs. You will seize up in pain and fall to the ground. You do not get knocked out and the pain stops immediately once the current stops. As soon as the flow of electricity stops, you can get right back up.

Edited by GruntyAssassin
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Tranqs -- shot to the head=instant knockout, shot to the body = slowed movement and pain then unconsciousness.

seriously? i believe drug that used in tranq is suited to work in muscle tissue, so i doesnt matter where it will hit.

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First, these aren't my ideas. These are just ideas from the other thread with the twelve pages of posts that the poster didn't find in his search...or didn't search for. But since we're on the subject...

Actually, they do. Because firearms are part of my hobby.

Do tell.

Seems you don't understand how rubber bullets or tasers work either. A rubber bullet to the head can kill. When police use them (which isn't often and the only people who really use them are prison guards), they are told not to aim for the head. Same for beanbag rounds.

So can night sticks, tasers, choke holds, tripping over your shoelaces, cancer, and masturbation.

A taser to any part of the body is going to have the same effect as long as both barbs make contact. It doesn't matter if you are hit in the neck or in the legs. You will seize up in pain and fall to the ground. You do not get knocked out and the pain stops immediately once the current stops. As soon as the flow of electricity stops, you can get right back up.

A taser to the head can cause brain damage and unconsciousness. While the difference between a taser shot to the torso and legs is probably the same, a taser can cause defib and kill targets.


Which tranquilizer are you talking about? Etorphine is a muscle relaxant, but it's also an opioid narcotic a thousand times stronger than morphine used to knock out elephants. Dexter uses it on the other serial-killers he hunts so it seems a good candidate for whatever was suggested before.

Edited by BazBake

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You could suffer from a chemical overdose if, say, you were shot enough times?

Might work out. As long as you can't stack KO/Unconscious timers over each others, it should be fine.

I'm sticking to my original idea.

Simulate the current effects of low blood when shot once and knocked-out if shot again within 5 minutes.

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