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SO i tried out lingor island...wow

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If you like lingor have a look at my signature mate.

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What makes it good? This isn't a flame post, but i was just curious what about lingor makes it interesting/comparable to chernarus? I find it intriguing and all the videos i see don't convince me it's anything more than just that. What do you think?

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What makes it good? This isn't a flame post, but i was just curious what about lingor makes it interesting/comparable to chernarus? I find it intriguing and all the videos i see don't convince me it's anything more than just that. What do you think?

Its kinda just a new and fun, non-hive, place to play around. I find the different survivor skins make it more interestin. Also lots of vehicles, good sound effects.

Its all just kinda well done and enjoyable as a break from Chenarus. If you force yourself not to look at a map online you can have the experience of exploring and navigating again, I think there are deinately problems but its fun to try.

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I like Lingor for many reasons. A few reasons would be, I would says 99% of buildings are enterable. New map, with lots of little towns closer together. not as much open space to run around in. Action is always happening, due to most towns having something of interest.

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just finished my first Lingor Island session and i have to say, i like it very much. That not being meant the setting itself but rather being thrown into a completely new enviroment where you´re totally lost at start. That´s just awesome. I´ve never looked up for a Lingor Island map or saw any videos on the web with people playing Lingor Island (i made that mistake with Chernarus) so i spawn at night! only equipped with my flashlight. Headed away from the coast, found some basic equipment including flares and chemlights, still no idea where the fuck i am. Finally found a map and started heading "inland". Witnessed a player fighting off a huge horde of zombies (too scared and to poorly equipped to help him) and ran into another player in some kind of factory building and had a painful encounter with one of his granades after he stated he´d be friendly. Dived for cover and survived, successfully outstealthing my predator.

It took me a while to find my first gun since the firestation i explored didn´t drop any. I don´t know if the loot spawns are altered or if i just had bad luck. I liked not knowing where to get my equipment. After a few hours i finally found at least a Makarov. I´m not the experienced dayz player by any stretch but even i already know where to find equipment in Chernarus. With Lingor Island the experience starts anew.

It´s nice to see some new buildings, new enviroment not yet knowing where the hotspots of the game are, even not knowing what a big city on Lingor Island looks like. With a lot of small villages someway connected you get the sense of zombies being everywhere. There are far less "safe places" like the woods and fields in Chernarus. And i like the sex tourist zombies with the sandals and panama hats :)

I also find private servers more interesting in general right now since you have to stay on that particular server or you lose your character. Choose a server and just deal with any situation thrown at you: is there a clan holding important loot spots, deal with it. Find a way. Are overpowered snipers holding down an entire city, deal with it. Are there two rival clans at war, with you in the middle, deal with it. find a way to survive or even thrive in that enviroment. shoot your way out, talk your way out, play whole fractions against each other, etc. after all that´s basically what Fallout was all about.

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Hmm from what im reading from you guys, it looks like its worth a try when im back from class ill try it out!

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Its new, it has more enterable buildings, it has more military spawns (as in a LOT) and some of the zombies wear sombreros.

It is pretty much PvP heaven.

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If you like lingor have a look at my signature mate.

I like your sig for the Hemmingway Quote.

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What makes it good? This isn't a flame post, but i was just curious what about lingor makes it interesting/comparable to chernarus? I find it intriguing and all the videos i see don't convince me it's anything more than just that. What do you think?

IMO it is way better for these reasons


-3x's the amount of military loot so you actually have options

-Less servers, means less horded vehicles

-Less people/server=less stress on hive (things actually save FPS is amazing)

-It is totally different scenary, it feels like your in the first jurrassic park movie.

-New buildings (the only familier ones are market and office/school and some others but mostly all new.

-There is no "north" as in to say unlike cherno where "north is safe and away from danger...there is no "safe" or "dangerous" since you spawn on the coast of any of the 4-5 islands...there are still "high traffic areas" like the very southern military base (you can also spawn there) but over all it is balanced (oh and the prison is kind of similar to the NWA but that is only cause it is the only real unique structure.


-You can fill up a car or vehicle by just standing near the gas station

-you can mount a military flash light on your shoulder instead of having to have it in your weapon slot.

Edited by Slyguy65

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I added ace mod and acex_sm mod to lingor island for more realism. also bumped the zombie numbers up a little to make it more interesting.


24/7 Daytime 62 Vehicles DayZOahu.webs.com Lingor Island

Just search oahu in game name. go to the website and get the files needed and come join us.

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Best part of Lingor island is NO MORE ARTIFACTS! And vehicles/tents save!

What more could you ask for? :)

Also the hotels are fun and great place to make bases. Or one of the mansions.

Edited by Kuramashi

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Had my 1st Lingor session today, I like it alot. Very hard to get an idea when you spawn and have no map, tons of smallish town to loot and Zombles seem less aggro ???

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