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Krosof (DayZ)

Welcome to a Fresh server US 905

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US 905

Welcome to our brand new server!! US 905 Hosted by The Judge

This server always have friendly and active Admins.

Our server is a low populated at the moment but we are getting more and more active players.

This is the server you want to be on! You alone or with your clan can come and build up a new life here with us :)

Our Admins will not kick/ban for killing other people,stealling vehicles or making wars!

""We have Zero tolerance for hacking and Scripting!""

We will give warnings for Ghosting.

Play here and be with the cool guys B) :beans:

P.s We all love atv's :') :P

US 905

Edited by Krosof
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I would like to thank you for taking the liberty of stealing all the vehicles before allowing the public to join. Fuck You.

Completely ruins the game when greedy bastards like you take everything... Cant wait for War z...

First of all I will address your concerns in a polite manner, something in which you seem incapable of doing.

We do not have all the vehicles. The server is used, 905 used to be run by someone else. Many of the vehicle spawns are covered in barbed wire. We can't delete the barbed wire yet, we're working on figuring out how. We've found a ural, a gaz, and a red car, and a white truck. All of which have been stolen, recovered, stolen again. We've left busses, the white GAZ, and other vehicles in town for others to use as we believe hoarding vehicles is no fun.

Just today I shot two people off an ATV that we then left, repaired and fuled at Balota.

I like how you come here and spew nonsense without any kind of proof. 905 is a hacker free envronment, we encourage everyone to come play and fight, make alliances, trade, or be a bandit. Don't come and lie about our server, try playing on it and enjoying yourself instead.

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I went on the server hoping to get a "Fresh start", and I look around the entire coast from Kamenka to Electro finding nothing. Don't adervtise as a new server if it was previously horded on... Sorry to jump on your case but don't say its new...

Fresh server and its already fucked up LOL

You'll be hard pressed to find a server that isn't recycled in the 40 a month range. If we were paying 189 a month then yes. However, we're not.

It's under fresh management, that keeps it fair and secure from scripters and hackers. We actively watch the scripts as soon as something odd happens. I'm sorry you walked up and down the coast and didn't find a vehicle. We don't know if it was previously barb wired, and we're working with the hosting company to remove it. Again, we're not allowed to access files that change the server. You can still have a fresh start on US 905, by the fact you're not going to be stomped by a clan who seeks to control every aspect of every spawn.

I understand your frustration, however we are doing our best to make the server a good place to play with action and fair play. The server has actually been running nearly a month now. Advertising it as fresh was incorrect in the above post.

Edited by TheJudge

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Wow.. spoiled much? We keep one vehicle that is large enough to hold the people who play with us. All the rest are found and moved closer to the coast for anyone to find. We have already had several clans roll through and try to keep everything for themselves, they were raided and the vehicles distributed. Sorry you didnt find one sitting on a very high traffic area of the coast, perhaps looking deeper inland would yield better results.

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do tents save on your server?

Sometimes. We've had tents save on the current patch but it's very hit or miss. I'd say save a basic kit and try every time we reset which is usually at 10:30 AM/PM EST. It's just a byproduct of this patch.

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just went against a hacker i personally put 2 shots in his leg 1 in his arm and one in his gut and my friend shot him in the head. that 5 shots from a one shot-one kill sniper idk his name but can u find his name and use the almighty banhammer on him. he has terrible aim

Edited by dinoSF

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Likewise just met a hacker. Didnt kill me when he could have but he spawned an ammo/weapon crate for me. Didnt try and kill him because he was nice, just aborted. Dont recall the name

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lol bye bye ural:D

edit: pmed judge

edit 2: helpful tip dont drive very loud vehicles (like that ural) into the middle of cherno its begging to be sniped

Edited by dinoSF
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just went against a hacker i personally put 2 shots in his leg 1 in his arm and one in his gut and my friend shot him in the head. that 5 shots from a one shot-one kill sniper idk his name but can u find his name and use the almighty banhammer on him. he has terrible aim

We're looking over the logs but without a name or a time it'll be difficult to look through the gigantic amount of information, but we are looking.

Likewise just met a hacker. Didnt kill me when he could have but he spawned an ammo/weapon crate for me. Didnt try and kill him because he was nice, just aborted. Dont recall the name

We're looking into this issue. People can have all the hacks/scripts they want but if they don't use them, we can't see them.

lol bye bye ural:D

Hello Ural again! Also Dino you never explained where you got that desert camo looking AWP 50 cal 338 sniper rifle we found on your corpse. Would you mind telling me where you got it? If you found it in a camp on 905, I'd like to know about it.

Does this server have day/night light cycle?? Or is it 24h day like most servers now?

Yes, it has a day night cycle. It's starting to become dawn at 9:00 AM EST now.

Edited by TheJudge

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I've cleaned up a little.

Good luck with your fight against hackers.

Moved to correct Forum.

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lol bye bye ural:D

edit: pmed judge

edit 2: helpful tip dont drive very loud vehicles (like that ural) into the middle of cherno its begging to be sniped

We understand that a Ural is begging to be sniped. We expect to come under fire when driving into a town with a big vehicle. It's the fact we don't care if it get's shot or blown up or taken. We like action, if someone steals a vehicle we're driving, more power to them. You revealed your position and became another kill. The entire situation was Just what we were hoping for. Fun. :)

Thank you for notifying me of where you located the weapon. Please try not to bring any more of them. :P

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Please dont, I have to read ten billion lines of logs everytime we get a report of a hacker or possible illegitimate weapons to make sure the user is clean. Id much rather tell someone to not bring them than punish someone who just thought it was a cool weapon or found it laying around. Infact if anyone has one they can bring them to me and Ill trade them a similar DayZ weapon in trade if I can find it. We toss them on zombies and hide the bodies.

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Last time I saw the white UAZ it was driving west near Batola, you might want to check that side of the map. I had no weapons at the time and the driver swerved in my direction so dove behind some wreckage and rolled away.

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You'll be hard pressed to find a server that isn't recycled in the 40 a month range. If we were paying 189 a month then yes. However, we're not.

what do you mean? we're paying 40 a month and its a brand new clean server. i see you're using host altitude, just ask them to give you a new instance id and you'll get a fresh start. vehicles may take some time to start spawning however

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what do you mean? we're paying 40 a month and its a brand new clean server. i see you're using host altitude, just ask them to give you a new instance id and you'll get a fresh start. vehicles may take some time to start spawning however

Yeah, takes a few days for vehicles with clean new servers unfortunately.

Either way, loving the server. Admins are nice as can be, chat regularly with console to players for fun. Yeah, vehicles may have been already gone, blah blah blah, but it's really not hard to find them.

On a side note, whomever was fixing up the ATV in the Balota airstrip in the one industrial building, thanks for the free gear. Ended up coming back after i found some scrap metal and you threw some gas and some Mt. Dew in it. Many thanks, I was thirsty :P.

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judge can you restart the server i found a hacker camp and i want to make sure it stays destroyed.

edit: i Know it is a hacker camp because a camp that big and that far south is not something any sane person who worked for his gear would have placed it in a town plus it had m4a3 acog gl in 3 of its tents

Edited by dinoSF

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