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Mountain Dew

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13 Neutral


About Mountain Dew

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  1. Mountain Dew


    Do u even play Dayz?
  2. Mountain Dew


    Looking for someone to play Dayz Sahrani with Teamspeak:
  3. Mountain Dew

    Dayz Origins

    No sorry but im always up around u guys time
  4. Mountain Dew

    Dayz Origins

  5. Mountain Dew

    LF Origins Squad/Clan

    Stop by the Confederacy of the Wastland ip:
  6. Mountain Dew

    looking for some people to play with

    get my message
  7. Mountain Dew


    Well i dont have a account on their forums that's why i ask you guys
  8. Mountain Dew


    Anyone know stronghold storage capacity?
  9. Mountain Dew


    Need help setting a schedule restart. Can someone help me
  10. Looking to start a small or big clan to build a base and a stronghold. Everything will be fresh, once i find atleat 4 people we will come up with a name and start making everything. RequirementsMust have a micTeamspeak installedTrustworthyMature I am one of the admins of the server Confederacy of the Wasteland: Our Teamspeak: feel free to stop by
  11. Im looking for some new players to play with (any age) and join me and some other friends. If you wanna join add me on skype:djordna_17 or TeamSpeak:
  12. Mountain Dew

    Looking for 2 or 3 People.

    When you find some feel free to play on DayZ Origins - The Honey Badger Den - IP: We also have people looking to team up with on the server
  13. Brand New Dayz Origins, Taviana server Active Admins Friendly Community New Server Fun Events and More Ip: TeamSpeak: Join now server filling up
  14. Is that something you can work on without the server up? once your done you just update the server files?