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Are all the 20 minute players gone?

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I've been noticing lately all the , "I HATE THIS GAME, THIS GAME IS BROKEN QQ I QUIT!" threads are slowing down.

Has it come to the point where only the hardcore and the ones who actually realize this is a mod in alpha and accept the bugs for what they are who are the ones staying around?

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I still see plenty of ragequit threads, but the forum seems to be mostly flooded with "I FOUND A THERMAL AS50 CAN I GET BANNED FOR HAVING IT?"

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A lot have left due to the scripting, it's not just the bugs. If anything I think the departure rate has increased in the last few days.

I'm actually just on to see if there was any update news today, I don't intend to play anymore on the current build.

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Before social media took off, people would open their windows and yell at people passing below on the street: "I just quit playing Rainbow Six, because hacking is fucking rampant!"

The world is a better place now...

Edited by Dallas
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There's still a few "This game is dead" threads kicking about so I'd say no, not just yet. Besides, we will only have to go through it again once stand-alone release comes out anyway. I dare say it will be well after Christmas before we the foundations of a stable community established!

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I am not sure, although the "players in the last 24 hours" has decreased...this may be due to it being mid week. One of the servers I play on has had a massive increase in players, in the afternoons.

Anyway....water finds it's own level, and I am sure we will see people come and go through this phase. Personally I am enjoying this mod immensely and I cannot wait for the stand alone.

Edited by Flybynight1

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LOL Dallas.

As to the OP, I think it probably is just cyclical. The popular thing to QQ about now is how now that the standalone is out, the mod will not be getting all the attention anymore from the developers and they're just money hungry bad people for not giving us updates every 3 days for the mod now that there's going to be a standalone.

It could also partly be that the amount of time it took for most of the relatively casual gamers to download it, try it, try to make it fit their playstyle, get frustrated for one reason or another, and quit has passed.

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  On 8/30/2012 at 3:12 PM, Dallas said:

Before social media took off, people would open their windows and yell at people passing below on the street: "I just quit playing Rainbow Six, because hacking is fucking rampant!"

The world is a better place now...


beans for that.

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Wow you people are pathetic. You think yourself better because you are enjoying a game full of bugs and gamebreaking hacking? People are leaving because this game offers nothing else but deathmatch on a large map with countless ways of duping items while being constantly nuked by hackers, while if you dare to come to the forums to give feedback and criticize the game (that's in an alpha stage) in any way, mentioning bugs, undeveloped/broken/missing features you are told to shut up, suck it up, qq and gtfo codfag "because it's alpha". I don't think that's how the alpha is supposed to look like. And something being called an alpha suggests that the game is in development, which it's not. There is near to 0 communication from the dev team. We don't know what bugs/issues they are aware of so you constantly see people making the same topics over and over. Hell, we don't even know if they care at all. Maybe they just want to introduce the dogs and leave everything else as it is. I don't know. And then there is the forum where you get flamed for giving negative feedback about things in a game in alpha stage. Hello, that's what you are supposed to be doing while testing. Saying that everything is okay, excusing everything that's broken, and discouraging people from giving feedback is not helping at all when testing games in alpha. If you do that you're the worst kind of tester. Even those who test the game and never give feedback are better.

TL;DR (because I know you need one, since you people often have problems reading even past threat title) You think you are the "elite", better than everyone else? Liking and white knighting for a game in alpha stage doesn't make you anything. Thinking that you are better because of that, flaming and discouraging people who give negative feedback makes you look stupid.

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Interesting thing to note: The players in last 24 hours has been going down over the last month. It was well over 200K, every day, and is now barely over 100K daily.

However, the average lifespan has been going up. It was 29 minutes when I started, and is now over an hour.

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  On 8/30/2012 at 3:02 PM, maclawa said:

I've been noticing lately all the , "I HATE THIS GAME, THIS GAME IS BROKEN QQ I QUIT!" threads are slowing down.

Has it come to the point where only the hardcore and the ones who actually realize this is a mod in alpha and accept the bugs for what they are who are the ones staying around?

Oh no, we have a bad-ass over here.

  On 8/30/2012 at 4:18 PM, SillySil said:

Wow you people are pathetic. You think yourself better because you are enjoying a game full of bugs and gamebreaking hacking? People are leaving because this game offers nothing else but deathmatch on a large map with countless ways of duping items while being constantly nuked by hackers, while if you dare to come to the forums to give feedback and criticize the game (that's in an alpha stage) in any way, mentioning bugs, undeveloped/broken/missing features you are told to shut up, suck it up, qq and gtfo codfag "because it's alpha". I don't think that's how the alpha is supposed to look like. And something being called an alpha suggests that the game is in development, which it's not. There is near to 0 communication from the dev team. We don't know what bugs/issues they are aware of so you constantly see people making the same topics over and over. Hell, we don't even know if they care at all. Maybe they just want to introduce the dogs and leave everything else as it is. I don't know. And then there is the forum where you get flamed for giving negative feedback about things in a game in alpha stage. Hello, that's what you are supposed to be doing while testing. Saying that everything is okay, excusing everything that's broken, and discouraging people from giving feedback is not helping at all when testing games in alpha. If you do that you're the worst kind of tester. Even those who test the game and never give feedback are better.

TL;DR (because I know you need one, since you people often have problems reading even past threat title) You think you are the "elite", better than everyone else? Liking and white knighting for a game in alpha stage doesn't make you anything. Thinking that you are better because of that, flaming and discouraging people who give negative feedback makes you look stupid.

Just a question, but... are you bipolar? In the other thread you're doing the exact same thing you're condemning the game for here...

You either have a serious chemical imbalance, or there's something else I'm clearly unaware of.


Edited by Sol
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  On 8/30/2012 at 5:00 PM, Sol said:

Just a question, but... are you bipolar? In the other thread you're doing the exact same thing you're condemning the game for here...

You either have a serious chemical imbalance, or there's something else I'm clearly unaware of.


I'm not condemning it. I'm just not pretending that it's something else. Calling it by it's name. And I enjoy it for what it is. A deathmatch. With people trying to make it something else than deathmatch, blaming PvP state on people and them being assholes instead of blaming the mechanics and asking devs to put something in the game that would give a reason not to shoot people on sight.

Edited by SillySil

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The daily players are going down because I'm pretty sure a ton of people are getting fed up with the script kiddie problem, because it is a HUGE problem. If I didn't love this game so much I would have quite already. I don't blame the people who leave because this game is totally without a doubt broken right now, and all the Rocket fanboys who would probably do sexual favors for him disagree, but it's the honest truth. Only the lucky ones manage to survive and not get teleported to or sniped away by some fag with ESP. People don't want to spend so much precious time in a game like this just to get slaughtered by a 12 year old kid and some hacks his daddy's credit card bought him.

Sure the mod is in Alpha, but can you really say it's still being developed? Rocket and his team don't care about this mod on ArmA's shit engine, they know they're dreams and goals aren't going to be fulfilled here. That's why a standalone is being developed, and that's why we receive monthly updates that seem to break more than they fix. He doesn't give a fuck, even he knows the mod is broken beyond repair!

So when you want to run your mouths to a player who is fed up with this mod, don't. Just because you play on a private hive with all your fucking boyfriends doesn't mean everyone else is just as lucky. If you can enjoy the game, then do it. But don't fucking ridicule players who aren't interested in a broken mod.

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Yea I gotta admit that I've been playing since DayZ was practically new and played for months. Loved the gameplay and it is beyond addicting but the amount of scripting crap going on in the last month and a half has caused me to not even OPEN the game since late July. It's too bad but its expected too. Just waiting for Standalone!

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That's the ultimate issue. From what I've read, scripting pretty much cannot be stopped on the ArmA 2 engine, period. That means the only way there will be less hacking is in standalone. As far as I can tell, it's that simple.

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mm noticed that too, our server (nl112) seemed to fill up like crazy but now hardly ever (read a never now) getting to max player count.....doesnt help that it randomly closes itself down somtimes....but meh.....still we get around 15-20 players....

I blame the recent patch, well the not so recent 1.7.5 and the lack of being able to do anything with tents/cars etc....

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  On 8/30/2012 at 4:18 PM, SillySil said:

Wow you people are pathetic. You think yourself better because you are enjoying a game full of bugs and gamebreaking hacking? People are leaving because this game offers nothing else but deathmatch on a large map with countless ways of duping items while being constantly nuked by hackers, while if you dare to come to the forums to give feedback and criticize the game (that's in an alpha stage) in any way, mentioning bugs, undeveloped/broken/missing features you are told to shut up, suck it up, qq and gtfo codfag "because it's alpha". I don't think that's how the alpha is supposed to look like. And something being called an alpha suggests that the game is in development, which it's not. There is near to 0 communication from the dev team. We don't know what bugs/issues they are aware of so you constantly see people making the same topics over and over. Hell, we don't even know if they care at all. Maybe they just want to introduce the dogs and leave everything else as it is. I don't know. And then there is the forum where you get flamed for giving negative feedback about things in a game in alpha stage. Hello, that's what you are supposed to be doing while testing. Saying that everything is okay, excusing everything that's broken, and discouraging people from giving feedback is not helping at all when testing games in alpha. If you do that you're the worst kind of tester. Even those who test the game and never give feedback are better.

TL;DR (because I know you need one, since you people often have problems reading even past threat title) You think you are the "elite", better than everyone else? Liking and white knighting for a game in alpha stage doesn't make you anything. Thinking that you are better because of that, flaming and discouraging people who give negative feedback makes you look stupid.

Your TL;DR was too long....so I didn't read.

TL;DR. I didn't read any of your rant.

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  On 8/30/2012 at 5:00 PM, Sol said:

Oh no, we have a bad-ass over here.

Just a question, but... are you bipolar? In the other thread you're doing the exact same thing you're condemning the game for here...

You either have a serious chemical imbalance, or there's something else I'm clearly unaware of.


Beans for our resident Dr. Phil

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  On 8/30/2012 at 3:29 PM, Flybynight1 said:

I am not sure, although the "players in the last 24 hours" has decreased...this may be due to it being mid week. One of the servers I play on has had a massive increase in players, in the afternoons.

i have seen the same thing, the low population server where i play has now 20-40 players in the evening. zero hacker deaths sofar, (not 100% sure, maybe one hacker death).

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normally my server has been hacker free, annoyingly though i was killed by some dude in a super fast invincible bus screamin "fuck you" as he tried to run me over, since the logs are about as useful as a chocolate firegaurd i've had to drop it down to regular difficulty so nametags are back on.... lowers the fun and suspense while hiding etc but it means the hackers have now nowhere to hide and i will ban them out-right...

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  On 8/30/2012 at 5:30 PM, dollada06 said:

Your TL;DR was too long....so I didn't read.

TL;DR. I didn't read any of your rant.

I wasn't really expecting anything else from a fanboy. You can go back to your fanboy corner now and continue circlejerking.

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The bugs don't bother me. For an Alpha mod this is actually pretty stable to be honest.

The thing that ruins my fun is constantly being teleported by a scripter. I don't really care if someone hacks to accumulate items/gear (although that is just fucking stupid), but it pisses me off that people go to the trouble of running a script just to be a fucking asshole.

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