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Borys of Ebe

Hacked or just rubbish?

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I know that this topic has been covered extenstively but please indluge me. I've been killed in the back end of nowhere twice now. I put the first one down to poor tactical awareness but twice? I travel almost exclusively in the forests and only hit small towns when I'm alone. I harldy ever fire my weapon and check my back regularly. Veteran bandits, am I am legit target or has some guy teleported behind me? Do I just have to harden up and admit that I've got to get better or is this a hack? Cheers for any feedback...

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Invisible people and teleporters.. If you are on a higher pop server it is possible.

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Happened to me once - Some friends and I were traveling to NW AF, choosing a path trough nowhere. Suddenly a grenade exploded and we all got killed in 2 secondes ... There were 10 people on the server, 5 were with me .

It's a sandbox game people take every path they can to not get spotted ... I assume you were unlucky .

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It depends on the situation. If multiple users have been killed before and after you there's a good chance its a hack

If you hear a gone shot after you've hit the floor and nothing happened with other players on the server you could have walked across someone's line of sight then they continued to watch over you until they have a clear shot.

Record your game-play and watch it back helps out alot!

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If what you say about your awareness is true, I say it's a hacker.

Sometimes it's just bad luck, though.

Edit; Oh yeah, there's also invisible people. Hackers seem to love that.

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man
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if you're looking at the map and saying to yourself "hmm it seems to me no one would think to travel/hide gear here," chances are someone else is also looking at the map and thinking the same thing. personally i enjoy playing on servers with no waypoints, makes it harder to just cut through the woods and people travel along roads, which is much more realistic.

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Thanks for the repsonses... So I guess the answer is that I may have been hacked but may need to get even more paranoid because there are a lot of other paranoid people out there doing the same thing I'm doing. Maybe I should just sprint down the road to Cherno... I should have known though, when three guys in the server went down in quick succession. I should have logged then! I am satisified now though as atleast I know what probably happened. Cheers again!

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I would really recommend you to go on some low pop servers, you won't be disturbed there.

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Won't be disturbed? I've been teleported into the air on a 5 player server before.

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I would say you got haxored or were extremely unlucky. Sounds like you have a great attitude to survival though.

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I would really recommend you to go on some low pop servers, you won't be disturbed there.

From experience I'd have to disagree.

The last 5 days i've played on servers with <7 players on them and have been killed like 8 times and only one of those times was while stocking up in cherno and once in NWAF.

On one server with 6 players, people died constantly and not always the same guys (ie. they were not suiciding most likely). My 12 day character got shot in the woods near Tulga by a guy in a ghillie and with an M4 SD on that server.

Today on a 5 player server I ran through the woods southeast of devil's castle and just died instantly (still 12k blood in the you are dead screen), didn't even hear a shot, just dropped dead while running. Not sure if you don't hear shots if you get hit in the head and die instantly (logically the bullet reaches you before the sound does obv).

You are probably more safe on low pop servers, but still very far from safe.

Edited by jurrasstoil
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I was on a night time, first person only server, with just me and another guy online at that time.

I've found him traveling in the woods, middle of nowhere, when i was going from NEAF to NWAF.

Then again ESP + Teleports are NOT a rare thing either.

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Thanks for the repsonses... So I guess the answer is that I may have been hacked but may need to get even more paranoid because there are a lot of other paranoid people out there doing the same thing I'm doing. Maybe I should just sprint down the road to Cherno... I should have known though, when three guys in the server went down in quick succession. I should have logged then! I am satisified now though as atleast I know what probably happened. Cheers again!

Depending on the amount of players on the server at the time, 3 players dying in quick succession is by no means a certain indication of a hacker lurking the forests. From what you've said, I'd simply label you as unlucky. Often times, it really comes down to whether or not you heard a gunshot before you died. If you just die out of nowhere, now that's a different story.

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Tbh having played mostly on lower pop servers I have to agree and suggest that you try a lower pop server. I rarely get bothered there. I've only been messed with once before by teleporters and that guy spent two mags trying to kill the long side of a barn. While I found his concern for my safety touching I couldn't help but find a few bullets to be to close to my ears.

Either way there's always a chance some sniper see's you and picks you off so his team can get in there and loot it. If it's only happened twice this might very well be a legit kill.

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Good players have plenty of ways of tracking you, even out in the middle of nowhere.

I'll start by first saying that most times I kill a player that doesn't see me, I've been following him for some time getting into a better position. If I shoot the second I see a person and miss, I've thrown away the element of surprise and given them the opportunity to alt-F4. So, if I see someone far off, or running, I don't immediately open fire. I track them and wait for the right time. Thus, by the time you're killed, they might have spotted you awhile ago.

Second, to know where players are, you need to know how to exploit the AI, especially the zombie spawn distance. If I see zombies (or even dead zombies) in a town in the middle of nowhere, I know a player is around. Then, I try to think of where that player might be headed based on where we are. For example, if I find zombies in Lopatino, it would be a pretty safe guess the player/players are headed to NWAF. If I find zombies in Novy, chances are, they're headed to stary. Then I can try to head them off.

Third, zombies will wander from a set starting point. So, if I come across a deer stand, and the zombies are wayyy out in the field, they didn't just spawn. Someone spawned them 2-3 minutes ago. They're either in the deer stand, or they've already hit the deer stand and moved on. If I come to the deer stand and the zombies are a few feet from each other and walking away, it means I spawned them. If there are 3 deer stands in a cluster, I might head to the third one hoping to catch them ahead of time.

If I see 5-6 zombies wandering away from town in the same direction, thats a pretty good indicator the zombies heard a shot and are moving in the direction of the noise.

Last, if you are on a vehicle, and you drive into a town, you will not spawn zombies until you get out. So, I could drive a car/motorbike/atv into a barn or industrial building, like the big red building in stary, and wait. As soon as zombies spawn, you know someone is approaching. When THEY entered the town, there were no zombies, so they think its clear. The red building is a great spot to camp the military tents.

Im sure I can think of more, but this should get you started.

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Stupid hackers killing this game. In 10 minutes i was killed 2 times. First time was teleported to coast and killed. Then i started again and 5 min later another dude teleported to me and killed me . i started again and step abit in to sea. saw he teleported to the coast but didn't saw me. fuck this. better play old mod singleplayer

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My first (actual) character was shot in the bag of the head by a sniper. I was crawling around towards a water pipe and *BAM*

You are dead. Not big surprise.

Because this is literally only my third day playing the game, I tend to play on low-pop games (<5) and stay out of Cherno and Elektro. I understand PvP is a reality, but I've yet to accept it yet. Probably by next week, I'll be willing to spawn in large games and not give a Can of Sardines.

Let's be fair: at the end of the day, DayZ is only a game. If you don't meet the average life expectancy, you'll be okay. Yes, it sucks to have to go back to scavenging for a pistol and beans (and a damn matchbox. I have found one matchbox in seven hours, and some arsehole killed me after I tried to signal to him. Bambi mistake). But still, its the effort that counts. You'll get some decent gear...eventually =P

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Good players have plenty of ways of tracking you, even out in the middle of nowhere.

I'll start by first saying that most times I kill a player that doesn't see me, I've been following him for some time getting into a better position. If I shoot the second I see a person and miss, I've thrown away the element of surprise and given them the opportunity to alt-F4. So, if I see someone far off, or running, I don't immediately open fire. I track them and wait for the right time. Thus, by the time you're killed, they might have spotted you awhile ago.

Second, to know where players are, you need to know how to exploit the AI, especially the zombie spawn distance. If I see zombies (or even dead zombies) in a town in the middle of nowhere, I know a player is around. Then, I try to think of where that player might be headed based on where we are. For example, if I find zombies in Lopatino, it would be a pretty safe guess the player/players are headed to NWAF. If I find zombies in Novy, chances are, they're headed to stary. Then I can try to head them off.

Third, zombies will wander from a set starting point. So, if I come across a deer stand, and the zombies are wayyy out in the field, they didn't just spawn. Someone spawned them 2-3 minutes ago. They're either in the deer stand, or they've already hit the deer stand and moved on. If I come to the deer stand and the zombies are a few feet from each other and walking away, it means I spawned them. If there are 3 deer stands in a cluster, I might head to the third one hoping to catch them ahead of time.

If I see 5-6 zombies wandering away from town in the same direction, thats a pretty good indicator the zombies heard a shot and are moving in the direction of the noise.

Last, if you are on a vehicle, and you drive into a town, you will not spawn zombies until you get out. So, I could drive a car/motorbike/atv into a barn or industrial building, like the big red building in stary, and wait. As soon as zombies spawn, you know someone is approaching. When THEY entered the town, there were no zombies, so they think its clear. The red building is a great spot to camp the military tents.

Im sure I can think of more, but this should get you started.

This was really helpful. If I'm honest I'd have to admit that I was harboured up, checking my in game map and taking a bearing at time of my latest death. It would have been the perfect time to hit me and I had, out of necessity, just crossed a clearing. Damn, I had almost conviced myself that it wasn't carelessness that got me killed, but maybe I was just outplayed this time. It galls me because I love to run in to a pine tree and take a postion to watch the path that I just travelled and I do the 'go to ground and watch the hill I've just crossed' thing to see if someone is tracking me. Man, just how tac do you have to be to survive in this game!? I was kitted too...

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This was really helpful. If I'm honest I'd have to admit that I was harboured up, checking my in game map and taking a bearing at time of my latest death. It would have been the perfect time to hit me and I had, out of necessity, just crossed a clearing. Damn, I had almost conviced myself that it wasn't carelessness that got me killed, but maybe I was just outplayed this time. It galls me because I love to run in to a pine tree and take a postion to watch the path that I just travelled and I do the 'go to ground and watch the hill I've just crossed' thing to see if someone is tracking me. Man, just how tac do you have to be to survive in this game!? I was kitted too...

Glad I could help.

Something I forgot to mention, but probably the most critical, is that if I am tracking/sniping a player, the BEST time to shoot is when they are looting or dicking around in their gear.

If you watch sniping videos on youtube, you'll see the same. Its so much harder to hit a moving target. If a sniper spots someone, they usually try to predict where they're going to go and wait for them to stop moving. I wrote a thread awhile back on sniping at night and what I was looking for to give people a better idea of how to avoid it.

For example, I was once in cherno and saw a group of 3 survivors with a LONG trail of zeds running into the city from the north, near the apartment buildings. I quickly got high ground and watched where they were going. 2 had winchesters/shotguns, one had an AK. With that kind of weaponry, I figured they were heading to the military tents or the fire station for better guns. Once I got up high, I ranged both places. I could have started shooting at them immediately, but at best, I would have taken out one and the rest would run away/log off. So, I waited and watched them make their way to the fire station. One went into the tower and the other two were looting downstairs. As soon as they hit the loot pile in the corner and stopped, I fired and hit the first, then fired and hit the second, then went back to finish the first. My friend took out the one in the tower.

So, these guys were spotted on the hill running into cherno and weren't fired on until about 6-8 minutes later in the firestation when they stood still. Of course, part of that was because they were in a group. A single survivor is easier to take out when walking slowly or running in a straight line, but the basic principle still applies - you're easier to hit when you're stopped looting or messing with gear.

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