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Your stupidest death

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I had a silenced M16 with 7 mags, a G17, GPS, Rangefinder, ALICE filled with meat and all I could ever wish for when I found a car!

Totally awesome right? aAlready fixed and filled with gas, I took it for a joyride only to plow into a roadblock, get thrown out the window shield, and bleed to death because I was unconscious and couldn't apply a bandage...

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Somehow I managed to get into a state where my pistol was out, but not at-the-ready when I was attacked by a zombie. Hitting the mouse button only discharged rounds into the ground or wherever the pistol was pointing. I died. It was retarded and totally due to poor game design.

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Threw a smoke grenade out a deer stand (near krasnostav) to get ~7-10 zeds in one spot.

Threw a grenade, clipped the top of the deer stand, it dropped to my feet, I spun and ran straight off the ladder, collapsed with broken legs and then got blown up.


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Pressed "V" to get over a step that was about knee high. Once I completed the animation, the floor was up to my waiste and I insta-died....

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Was meeting up with my group after having to run all the way from respawn. I finally make it and we decide to hit up a tree stand. While there we take out the zombies. I stop look to see what loot i can find and see a grenade and leave it. When I start to head back to my group I tripped and fell (accidently hit z) when trying to stand up I notice my one friend start to throw something. And within a second my ears start ringing and I'm dead. Apparently my friend decided to throw that grenade for shits and giggles not meaning to kill me or almost kill himself.

To this day we still give him shit for it :P

Might not be my stupidest death but surely one of the funniest and most aggrivating.

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I had been alive for about 3 days or so , had a dmr and lots of other goodies and for some reason thought it would be a good idea to climb the smoke stack in cherno and went prone and fell to my death. I learned the hard way.

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So there I was happily humming to myself after finding various useful loot items in Vybor, WHEN SUDDENLY spot two guys coming up towards Vybor in the opposite direction.

We both spot each other at the same time, and both duck into the nearest bushes.

Wanting to diffuse the situation I type in chat 'Hey! You two outside Vybor! I don't want no trouble now...'

One of them types back 'Too bad'.

Then shit hits the fan as multiple bullets fly my way, I fire back whilst still behind the bush and somewhat unnerve them as I have a M16 and they've just got Winchesters. Realising that I'm rapidly bleed to death I run out of there using bushes for cover I mange to get past the road and cut around the outskirts of Vybor.

Unfortunately, this does not go unnoticed.

After bandaging myself at 4K blood I crouch run towards the small woodland to the north west in hope to get into decent cover. As I look back to see if they're spotted this escape I run straight into a group of 3 zombies.

Panicking, I start sprinting away. I manage to reach the woodland and drop the zombies with my G17 and heal up.

Bandaged once again and recovered to 6K blood I decide to head west to make sure that the two hunters don't follow the trail of zombies and find me.

I stick to trees and bushes and reach a field. Beyond which lays a vast forest and safety. I crouch run across after a small breather.

Mid-way across I hear the dreaded scream of an angry zombie, then I hear two more screams. I panic, with the adrenaline from the earlier fire-fight still running through my system I mash the keyboard and pray that I can make it across.

Just into the woods I make it and turn around to deal with the three zombies chasing me.

I stop, shoot one four times, it dies. Back-peddle again and repeat. Another zombie down.

Back-peddle for the final zombie, stop. Aim. Fire three rounds in quick succession.

JUST as the final click on my mouse was entered the zombie veered sharply to the right.

I missed. It reached me, knocked me down. Unconscious.

I had to sit there watching as my blood counter slowly drained away, just a little too fast for the knock-out cool down egg timer to catch up.

I felt all hope leave me that night.

Sorry for the long post but I felt this needed a full dramatic description.

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Decided to go into a small town, had 5k blood and was further inland, turn around, get dropped by a zombie for 30 seconds, get back up with 2k, was on the way out decide to do a 360 no iron sight, completely got the zombie, but the got swarmed by more zombies.:'D

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Fell off deer stand, got knocked out and bleeded to death. This was before ladders were fixed.

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Climbed up a ladder at the NE airfield, got to the top and took a knee to eat something as my food light was flashing, only to get shot in the face by a nervous, yet very apologetic, guy in a ghillie suit. I watched that tower for ages before I made a move on it, too. I'll take the interior stairs next time.

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So there I was happily humming to myself after finding various useful loot items in Vybor' date=' WHEN SUDDENLY spot two guys coming up towards Vybor in the opposite direction.

We both spot each other at the same time, and both duck into the nearest bushes.

Wanting to diffuse the situation I type in chat 'Hey! You two outside Vybor! I don't want no trouble now...'

One of them types back 'Too bad'.

Then shit hits the fan as multiple bullets fly my way, I fire back whilst still behind the bush and somewhat unnerve them as I have a M16 and they've just got Winchesters. Realising that I'm rapidly bleed to death I run out of there using bushes for cover I mange to get past the road and cut around the outskirts of Vybor.

Unfortunately, this does not go unnoticed.

After bandaging myself at 4K blood I crouch run towards the small woodland to the north west in hope to get into decent cover. As I look back to see if they're spotted this escape I run straight into a group of 3 zombies.

Panicking, I start sprinting away. I manage to reach the woodland and drop the zombies with my G17 and heal up.

Bandaged once again and recovered to 6K blood I decide to head west to make sure that the two hunters don't follow the trail of zombies and find me.

I stick to trees and bushes and reach a field. Beyond which lays a vast forest and safety. I crouch run across after a small breather.

Mid-way across I hear the dreaded scream of an angry zombie, then I hear two more screams. I panic, with the adrenaline from the earlier fire-fight still running through my system I mash the keyboard and pray that I can make it across.

Just into the woods I make it and turn around to deal with the three zombies chasing me.

I stop, shoot one four times, it dies. Back-peddle again and repeat. Another zombie down.

Back-peddle for the final zombie, stop. Aim. Fire three rounds in quick succession.

JUST as the final click on my mouse was entered the zombie veered sharply to the right.

I missed. It reached me, knocked me down. Unconscious.

I had to sit there watching as my blood counter slowly drained away, just a little too fast for the knock-out cool down egg timer to catch up.

I felt all hope leave me that night.

Sorry for the long post but I felt this needed a full dramatic description.


Not going to lie, I had a story that was pretty much that but with one guy. And he had the better weapon.:x Feel your pain, because while he had the better weapons, I had NV goggles, compass, knife, hachet, matches, and binoculars.

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Fell down from NEAF control tower having an MK48 and 3 full belts for it.

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I climbed over a sandbag right into barbed wire. There looked to be about 5 feet of space, but I'm guessing the wire hated me, lashed out, and cut my jugular for an instant kill.

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Second time I spawned ever. Immediately ran away from the coast. Followed a road along the tree line, set up ambushes on my own trail (was never going to let them get the jump on me again).

Came across a house with a couple zombies, opted to Splinter Cell into the house, undetected. Found a Lee Enfield and about 10 rounds. Stoked. Found a ruined castle a few minutes later, all the zombies dead, paranoia sets in.. find a player's body. No one around. Looted the place in record time. Stoked.

Go around the corner, haul ass out of there before any veteran players come knocking.

Run off a cliff. Die. Entirely less stoked.

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Want some real fun?

Primary: M4A1 HWS 203

Secondary: M9 SD

203s/M9SD clips/NVG/tools/Coyote pack with an M4A1 SD and SD rounds/meat/MOUNTAIN DEW

Found: Bicycle.

The event through my perspective:

HECK YEAH! A FREAKING BICYCLE! *sing* I'mma ride mah bike with no handle bars, no handle bars, no handle bars! (Here, I get on the bike and start moving down a rather steep and large hill.) *singing* I'mma ride mah bike with no handle bars, no handle..... *silence*

What happened you ask? Well, when you go downhill in a bike, you can push up to almost 80 km/h... At the bottom of the hill was one of those small stone walls covered in grass so I could not see it. Yeah. It threw me off the bike and my screen just skidded forward. broke my legs on impact, started me bleeding, and left me unconscious at 145 blood.

Let this be a warning to everyone... DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RIDE YOUR BIKE WITH NO HANDLE BARS...

Also... wear a helmet.

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Sneaking up behind someone and shooting them point blank with a M1014 only to have them turn around and 1 shot me in the head with a pistol.... Thanks to his MS of over 300. Now I play on servers where those players are auto banned :D

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I headed out into the forest to scavenge the land rather than the cities.

After a few days out there, I became quite complacent.

Running in the middle of no where, a village appeared through the trees, so I scout it out a bit; count the zeds, spot buildings of interest; then I make my move into the village.

So I'm going house to shed, I enter a home (as I had done hundreds of other times) but I didn't bother to clear the rooms, as the hundred houses and rooms before this one were always survivor/bandit/zombie free; I ran straight to the first piece of loot I saw, which was in the doorway, to the right; making me turn from the enemy.

I took 2 rounds in the back for letting my guard down.. my laziness.

Another harsh lesson learnt.

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Yesterday I was jogging through a field south of Stary and saw another survivor maybe 300m away, running in some other direction. I was near a tree and a few bushes, so I took cover under the tree, and decided to watch him, knowing that he probably won't see me due to my ghillie suit... He runs around a bit, eventually coming to within about 100m of my position, where he stops and shoots a sheep.

Now my character has been alive for nearly 10 days, has survived many gunshot wounds, killed 500+ zombies, combed the NWAF at least 10 times and the NEAF just less so. I've done nearly everything there is to do solo. So I'm really bored. I decide to take a few potshots at this survivor with my silenced MP5.

I land at least one shot on him (it's hard at that range w/ that weapon!) and whang a few more past his head, so he panics and goes prone. I decide 'you know what? I'm REALLY bored' so I pull out one of my frag gernades and decide to lob it at him. I know it probably won't kill him and I really don't care, I just want to make the guy pee a little.

So I haul back and let fly with the grenade, which arcs majestically through the air... four feet into the lowest branch of the tree I'm crouched under. It bounces back straight to my feet. Sitting at my computer, I scream a curse word, and immediately take off sprinting in the opposite direction from the survivor. It explodes, breaking my leg and knocking me down to ~8000 blood. I immediately inject morphine, and get up and sprint to a nearby treeline and disappear into the woods. Bear in mind that up until that point my survivor target had no idea where I was or what was happening. So he probably heard a deafening explosion, then saw a bush stand up and sprint away while spouting blood.

So I get to the tree line, and there's a deerstand right in front of me. I decide 'hey while I'm here...' so I walk towards it. When I get close, one military zombie is tracking in my direction so I aim at his head with my MP5 and fire a bullet... except that I still have gernades selected. So I casually toss a grenade maybe five feet in front of me. This time I don't run, I just laugh and think 'it's about time this character died'. It goes off, again breaking my leg, making me bleed, knocking me out, and setting me down to 3000 blood. BUT I'M STILL ALIVE. I wake up, bandage myself, take my last morphine and pain pills, and slink off into the forest.

Ok to be fair, this isn't a story of my character's death. He's still alive. But he SHOULD be dead. It was definitely my second dumbest in-game moment to date.

Also, I don't know if this character CAN die. He's been shot at least 15 times now, he's taken two frag grenades well within the kill radius, and he's broken his leg at least 10 times. Despite all this, I still can't seem to find NVG, any top-tier weapon, or a tent.

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I vaulted or jumped off from the top of Devils Castle when I meant to put my binos away... so I click v besides of b and just simply jumped off the tower....

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