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Take over a town, Establish Safe Zone, Teamwork all up in this bitch

Event Vote  

198 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want to join in with me and establish a safe zone in a city somewhere?

    • Sure, I'll bring the chips
    • Nope.avi
    • I'd like to, but I got things to do. I would join at a different time.

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First of all, Sorry for the typos if any. It's a bitch trying to type on this laptop

Everyone hold up on the Skype/Steam names hoping for a invite. We will save that for the offical thread, plus I didn't expect this man votes for the event. I'm going to have to find a big stable server for majority of us to join, but if not I'll have to sort out people needed for certain jobs because as much as I want to I can't bring everyone. If we completely fill up a server that eliminates the point of us doing this, which is to help survivors.

The only thing that I can tell you all right now is to be stocked up on ammunition, be prepared to take orders, help by donating wired fencing, tank/bear traps, and maybe a spare tent. Most importantly I can not make a promise that everyone will make it out alright, there will be sacrifices that will have to be made and theres always the risk of being jumped and or someone joining and shooting up the place. If you got a safe spot for storing gear that you do not wish to lose I suggest you go to it before the event starts.

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I think I have like 2 tents, and maybe one bear trap? I would have to look. I also got plenty of snipers for some QQin on the party crashers.

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I'm in. I got nothing left to do in DayZ, really, other than fix the heli up every time I reset my server, which is just annoying. Oh, and zombie killing, of course. Main reason right there, too.

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The Event will be next weekend

And now I'm working on fixing up a desktop for a Team Speak Server, will be testing it for a day or 2 and make changes if required to. I'll have the TS info up in a little bit.

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Once a server has been picked, Me and my team will get in touch with the Adminstration and try to have them with us incase of people trying to use exploits and such against us.

And you can always tell a bandit from his heartbeat, and if that fails I hope he realizes that we will be playing on a server with name tags and about 20 other plays will be on the hunt for him, and once again if he combat logs we will have the admin staff on standy by.

Noob question intact:

How do you put down the "Motto" At the bottom of your post?

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I remembered something on Reddit where they decided they could put up a safezone in DayZ, turns out that a group was planning to crash the party and they managed to put in a spy, the spy shot someone then chaos followed the confusion. Everybody was shouting, "Who's shooting?" and wondering where the explosion are coming from, ending was the safezone was destroyed and the party-crashers had fun. I wish somebody here would record this safezone building thing, I want to see what happens incase anything pops up.

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I remembered something on Reddit where they decided they could put up a safezone in DayZ, turns out that a group was planning to crash the party and they managed to put in a spy, the spy shot someone then chaos followed the confusion. Everybody was shouting, "Who's shooting?" and wondering where the explosion are coming from, ending was the safezone was destroyed and the party-crashers had fun. I wish somebody here would record this safezone building thing, I want to see what happens incase anything pops up.

This will be a organized operation, and there are plans in place in case something like that happens.

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sounds good guys im in, just give me a helicopter and i can ferry people from other areas of the map to the safe zone

Skype: spriggan312

Steam: SPRIGGAN657

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This would be awesome. I'm a sniper and possibly a long-ranged machine gunner. I'd be happy to support humanity! Lets work on the non-existant cure!

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I know the get together was suppost to happen this weekend, but I got school and other things I need to attend to.

Postponed until further notice

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I would be game for this

skype: euphoric.night

steam: Kaos0704

19 year old hero, message me if you get time

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Count me in! I am quite new to this game, but hey I can serve as meatshield if I have to, lol.

Where do I sign up?

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Count me in however, i have a bandit skin i think its a bug because ive never killed anyone i have 1 wire fencing and 1 tank trap, thanks

Edited by srunreal360

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Me and a couple of buds the other day got a idea when we found a truck loaded with weapons and ammo while playing. We decided to try and take over Elektro. Not in the "Suck my dick or die lolzXD" way, but as in to try to establish a safe zone in DayZ. When we did it, our truck got stole but we had a blast mowing down zombies and all. We tried to help people as we went, I only had to shoot one guy but he was trying to snipe us (Shot him in the throat with a M14). Since this was fun for us, I figured I would check it out and see what it would be like if I got a group together and tried doing that again and maybe get a event going. Maybe even do some in game give aways of some of the stuff our scavengers retrieve. I'll start getting things sorted out such as a teamspeak and try to get supplies to get this kicked off, but before that I think I should do a poll for it. If you would like to see this happen in the coming week or so, make sure you vote in the poll. If I do have enough votes I shall host the event and get things worked out.

Come on people, lets get civilation started again and lets do this!

Hey, I own a relatively large survivor group on steam and would love to team up with as many as we can to build a new post-apocalyptic civilisation with you guys. Just come check us out, we're open to all and monitor all our members for "Bandit" like activity. :)

Link: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/tsodz

My steam name: Sinful (Check group page admins)

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The last time i checked i got about 14 wire, 7 tank trap, and 1 sandbag with no entrenching tools, 2 toolbox

I would love to join but from where I am there's only 2 servers I can go on without reaching 400+ ping

HOWEVER if you already got a big team going, let me know and we can arrange for people to get them from me

It sounds impossible but than again it would be impressive if we manage to pull it off

PM and let me know how I can help

Server rest, I is dead. now: 0 wire, 0 tank trap, 0 sandbag, 0 entrenching tools, 0 toolbox

Edited by FLM Doc

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Tostitos or BBQ Lays?

And is this a 21+ Zone take over? Would be more fun with kegs on our backs...

That's ok, drinking age in the netherlands is 16.

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I was thinking about doing this for a while but it kinda ruins the game for others, like what gave me the idea was a fenced of electro fire station which was impossible to get in, also you need to have like a dedicated server for you and your mates that you always go on if your doing that.

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I see only one big problem with this ide. To few slots on the server if this turns out to be really popular. I would love to see this happen. But i wont sit for 2 hours trying to get into a server.

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