M O N S T E R 599 Posted August 29, 2012 Sorry I had to!Fucking epic.-MONSTER Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sarkasm0 109 Posted August 29, 2012 Sorry I had to!SOAB, i closed every single tab in my browser just to find out it was the one i suspect the least Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProjectSeoul 11 Posted August 29, 2012 So you got killed after shouting friendly. Welcome to DayZ. All of your "reasons" for using hacks are just an excuse for cheating. It isn't very hard to get good weapons and not get player killed. What you need to do is right click to bring up your ironsights. You see, this will increase your accuracy. At this point you want to put the player that is shooting at you in the center of your crosshairs. I hope this helps. Can't wait until you get banned. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Survivor Tyler 77 Posted August 29, 2012 http://www.tf2r.com/banned.swfSorry I had to!Utter brilliance Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manwitdaplan 11 Posted August 29, 2012 So you got killed after shouting friendly. Welcome to DayZ. All of your "reasons" for using hacks are just an excuse for cheating. It isn't very hard to get good weapons and not get player killed. What you need to do is right click to bring up your ironsights. You see, this will increase your accuracy. At this point you want to put the player that is shooting at you in the center of your crosshairs. I hope this helps. Can't wait until you get banned.Banned, from the game?Lmao.Battleye ain't catching people, they get the odd person because those people are idiots.It's SO FUCKING EASY to NEVER get caught.Nothins happened yet, lets see if it does? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kingfury4 65 Posted August 29, 2012 Take your PC and smash it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Siberian (DayZ) 527 Posted August 29, 2012 Theres been a lot of complaining and QQing on the forums about hackin' n shit for a while now so i thought i'd just make this post to give you it from the perspective of a hacker and da reasons for why we do this.I started playing dayz like i dunno 3 weeks ago?i really liked it and me and my friends all got into it really fast and started playing everyday and we had a blast.Problem was tho, people are such douche bags.We just wanted to play and not be harassed by assholes who'd shoot us n' shit just to ruin our fun.I never shot ANYONE and id always ask people 'hey friendly?' and they'd just FUCKING SHOOT YOU.NO REASON!we'd try to shoot back with our shitty little makarovs and shotguns but they always had WAY WAYYYYY better weapons.It just wasn't fair at all.Like, what right do you have to just be an asshole and shoot me? What have I done to you?So if people wanna be assholes I thought shit, why not level the playing field?I'd only, ONLY use scripts to spawn in weapons for myself and my bros, cuz it was obvious we were never gonna get good shit when everyone just kills us all the time.And the ONLY TIME i'd use god mode is if someone shot me for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON and I'd spawn back at them and kill them for being assholes.Like if I shot at someone and they killed me, that's cool cuz I sort of deserved it.But just people fucking pking me when I've done jack shit to them?No thanks.I don't kill whole servers or teleport people to me for the lulz, I just do it so shit is FAIR for once.I know a lot of people will hate, but I just wanted to get that out there, so you see we aren't all douche bag assholes doing it for no reason.Thanks.so basicly rather then play the game you just decided to find the " i win" buton on the internet and hacked all the gear you'd need...wow thats about as lame as ive ever heard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Disarray 0 Posted August 29, 2012 Wow, way to be mature, bro.I ain't here to insult people so I just won't respond to this nonsense.And for the record I didn't get 'pwned', I got killed by ASSHOLES who had like sniper rifles n shit?How my meant to fight against that when you start with painkillers and a torch?All I do is make shit FAIR for me and my buddies, but the pking shoot on sight crowd just don't like that because they don't have the advantage anymore.Moral of the story is not to shoot on sight cuz someone might be smarter than you in the end.You want mature? Ok, I'll indulge you:What is fair about geting killed for doing nothing more than presenting yourself as a prime target, dieing, and then spawning yourself behind the person that had the skill, tools, know-how and personal disposition to off you for not more than stupily standing in the open and then killing them with out so much as a chance to fight back against you? That is one of those serious quesiton by the by. That leads me to the next question I've had about you hacker fuckers for some time now: What is the point to hacking? There certanly isn't any chalange in it? Unless you are a compleet fuck-up you can't lose. But I digressWhat you do is the complete oposite of fair. It is bull shit that is the only thing that pisses me off about this game more than those dickheads that shoot on site; the only thing you got right so far in life is your estimation of the worth of them by the way. YOU are the ASSHOLE here. You got shot. Insted of throwing your little Skiddie bitch fit and killing the guy the way you do figure out what you did to get killed, like riding a fucking ATV thru Electro or the many other stupid things you have done to get killed, and then not do those things and you will find yourself living alot longer without being a script-bitch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted August 29, 2012 Hello thereI understand Op's pain. but no, just no need to script.I don't have any income at the moment, but I see folk spending cash and having fun all the time. My solution? Rob old people. They don't need the cash any more, I'm young and important. I don't mug anyone, only old folk.Plus, I only split the proceeds with my bro's, so what harm am I doing?NOYes, the community can be poo.Yes, scripting is an issue.But why not play the game as it's supposed to be?This is a test phase, give feedback, don't lower oneself to the lowest common denominator.If you script, I hope you get banned. As a community we don't need you.Once the arseholes are bored they'll move on to another game.Beat em and kill em in game, but do it legit.RgdsLoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProjectSeoul 11 Posted August 29, 2012 (edited) Banned, from the game?Lmao.Battleye ain't catching people, they get the odd person because those people are idiots.It's SO FUCKING EASY to NEVER get caught.Nothins happened yet, lets see if it does?http://www.tf2r.com/banned.swfLet's stop feeding the troll and dance. Edited August 29, 2012 by ProjectSeoul 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WhiteLight 4 Posted August 29, 2012 Banned, from the game?Lmao.Battleye ain't catching people, they get the odd person because those people are idiots.It's SO FUCKING EASY to NEVER get caught.Nothins happened yet, lets see if it does?Wow, I seriously hope you are trolling.If you are not, firstly you ARE AN OXYGEN THIEF!!!Secondly you are not hacking, you are a mere script kiddie. Thirdly it is immature little kids like you that do not deserve to be playing such alpha. Shooting on sight is part of the game and it is obviously too hard for you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EndlessNight 103 Posted August 29, 2012 Please edit the thread title to "I use scripts.." because "I use hacks.." sounds like you are actually smart, which you are not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maxgor 2314 Posted August 29, 2012 You're not smarter.You're.And we are levelling the playing field, cuz someone that shoots a player with a pistol when they got a sniper rifle is just being an asshole, end of.Ah yes, such intellect you've shown by correcting my grammar.How about you come back when you're not a cheating, hypocritical, dick. You claim the other person is an asshole for trying to kill you, even though you had gear you cheated to get and also admit to using godmode to kill people who you think are just being plain mean to you. Level playing field, my ass. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
csharp 47 Posted August 29, 2012 how come i dont have any problems getting better weapons, with legit means? I can get to NWAF without shooting nobody, no zed, no players. I can play weeks without any player encounter. Oh, wait, i cant because at some point hacker decides that im an asshole (assuming every hacker has same means as you have).I dont understand all this qq about bandits and pk. I Played week or so in private hive, where everybody was friendly, no fear of anything, hell i was doing lootpile in stary sobor and shot zombies with DMR. We had helicopter, multiple cars and so on, but there was no point playing, since there was no threat of players. Hell, the only problem i have in this game is idiots like you, who uses hacks to 'payback for being asshole'. Your whole point is fucking retarded. I understand that somebody starts hacking because there is so much hackers, but your reason must be worst.(but i dont approve anykind of hacking, or duping) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bluecrackers 175 Posted August 29, 2012 Here's what I got from this post "I USE HAX BCUZ THIS GAEM IS TOO HURDDDD. Y CANT EVERYONE JSUT TRUST PEOPLE THAT THEY NEVER MET BEFORE?!?! OMG COD IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN THIS"Okay the CoD part was a bit of exaggeration but you get the idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
magicool 115 Posted August 29, 2012 (edited) oh OP now u feel better admitting u have a small tiny dick???? Edited August 29, 2012 by Magicool Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
omgwtfbbq (DayZ) 1069 Posted August 29, 2012 Through the fire and flame, I say, hats off to you. We need more "nice" hackers like you. I really don't give a damn if you hack because someone else spawncamps with an AS50. It's clearing up the hills of Cherno for everyone else. To all the people bitching about this guy, it's probably because YOU spawncamp with an AS50 and kill unarmed players, and don't want this guy coming after you. Tough shit. Stop being an asshole and there's nothing to worry about.So once again, props to you for helping out the newspawns. *braces self for retard hate* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr_seacucumber 81 Posted August 29, 2012 So wait DayZ isnt A fps shotter like COD or BF3 and you need new skills like stalking and hunting?!?!?!?!?!!? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkRaven123 602 Posted August 29, 2012 All I read was "sum meen guy shot m3h, bettar scwipt cuz I'm shit" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr_seacucumber 81 Posted August 29, 2012 (edited) Let's stop feeding the troll and dance.hahahahahaha my teacher just gave the whierdest look when this started playing hahaahacan i please use this :P Edited August 29, 2012 by thatguyjames Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Virfortis 111 Posted August 29, 2012 Random shooting is downNumerically, random shooting rates are going down because people A) Stop playing (school's back in session, KOS kids have to go back to class) and B) Players are spreading out, alt-f4ing, an server hopping more.What we need is a statistic: Bloodbags given per hour and Murders per hour.We then can utilize that statistic to get a general picture of helping vs. hurting. Alternatively, we can track the ratio of putting a player in sights and whether the player shoots or not. This would be very similar to the Dead-Eye achievement in Star Wars Battlefront. The overall percentage of player encounters to murders is well above 80%, given that everyone but a select few have adopted the KOS mentality.Rocket is a lot of things, a lot of good things, but he quoted the wrong statistics by just looking at players vs. murders and thinking that was the picture. Just because the NUMBER of murders go down does not mean the murder RATIO goes down. In truth, this is more likely to cause the ratio to increase. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maxgor 2314 Posted August 29, 2012 Through the fire and flame, I say, hats off to you. We need more "nice" hackers like you. I really don't give a damn if you hack because someone else spawncamps with an AS50. It's clearing up the hills of Cherno for everyone else. To all the people bitching about this guy, it's probably because YOU spawncamp with an AS50 and kill unarmed players, and don't want this guy coming after you. Tough shit. Stop being an asshole and there's nothing to worry about.So once again, props to you for helping out the newspawns. *braces self for retard hate*Wait..."nice" hacker? He admits to killing people using god mode and cheats to kill people or get revenge on people, just because they shot at him for no reason (With a pistol, no less), while also giving his friends the best gear in the game, which in turn, they'll most likely kill people who are aren't on the "level playing field" as them, further adding to the scripting menace in the game. He's not out there just handing out AS50's to people just getting in the game, which would be a terrible thing, but to his close friends. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 38 Posted August 29, 2012 FUCK YOU! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites