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2 new gun suggestions

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Alright guys, i have 2 new guns to suggest, i would liek your opinion on wether you want them in the standalone or not :)


PKM - Lightmachine gun - Uncommon

We do not have an UC light machine gun, i think we need one as the whole class is very rare currently.


SA58 - Submachine gun - Uncommon

Same as above.

Edited by Iezza
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I'm all for variety. These guns would be fine IMO. As long as something like the as50 tws stays out of the game I'm cool with it.

Anything with an iron sight I'd like to see introduced.

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Not an expert on guns, but i would just like to see believable weapons that could actually be found in Chernarus.

I know nothing about AS50's but by basing my knowledge on DayZ they must be one of the most common guns out there!

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I'm all for variety. These guns would be fine IMO. As long as something like the as50 tws stays out of the game I'm cool with it.

Anything with an iron sight I'd like to see introduced.

personally I think the TWS should be in the game, but only once they fix all item duping. Once they do that, I think it should be incredibly rare to find. I'm talking you'll probably never find one type of rare.

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I like both guns and the idea of them in the game. I however would like to see more common rifles. Such as deer rifles with scopes, just the CZ550, which for whatever reason I barely find, seems unrealistic. Tons of people hunt out there, seems it would be more common to find. Also I would think the M4/M16/(Add a AR15) & AK47, (sry brits i forget your primary infantry weapon). Just seems the militarys would be fighting and those guns wouldn't be everywhere, but it seems where they are found, lots would be found.

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yeah. that was the point of my post. Get more common weapons out. especially for the SMG and LMG categories, which usually are rare. i could have also added an RPD to the LMG. but i decided not to.

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In the major cities it seems as if pistols, of various types, would be common. Plus, I would LOVE to see a .22cal short or long. That is a real common weapon in the states at least. I know that has been brought up before. Another common suggestion, at least here in Texas, is a compound bow. Crossbows are rare cause you cannot legally hunt game with them here unless you are handicap. But bow hunting is huge.

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I took these all from ARMA II :CO. so they could be added right now.(Or hacked in or w/e)

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I've been wanting a PKM for quite a while now. It's quite fitting when you consider the location of Chernarus.

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I like this idea, seems like two very viable weapons to have in this game.

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personally I think the TWS should be in the game, but only once they fix all item duping. Once they do that, I think it should be incredibly rare to find. I'm talking you'll probably never find one type of rare.

Ahh yeah, look if it was THAT rare I'd be cool with it.

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Why does everyone want to turn the day-z mod back into amra 2, If you want military weapons and to kill other players go play arma 2. Next two weapons, compound bow and a pitchfork.

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What?! These two are fairly un-military.

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What?! These two are fairly un-military.

I know, it's a pretty far out there idea that a game based on survival against a pack of zombies doesn't include the latest military hardware. After all how is anything less than an automatic military weapon any sort of match for the bite of an undead human?

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I have suggested this a thousand times.

BTW lol the SA58 (properly called the Vz. 58) is a assualt rifle of Czech origin. Definitely not and SMG. It fires 762x39 which is what the AKM/AKMS fire.

And while i'm at it. The Vz.61 skorpion should be added.

Edited by Vindicator

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We need LESS LMGs, not more. Yes on the SMG though.

Surely, with a username like yours, a flamethrower would be more suitable.

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I know, it's a pretty far out there idea that a game based on survival against a pack of zombies doesn't include the latest military hardware. After all how is anything less than an automatic military weapon any sort of match for the bite of an undead human?

Have you played at least a little ArmA 2? Chernarus was in an all civil war with the CDF (Chernarussian Defense Force) and the rebel scum. AKs from Russia would have been very common protection and not only that but Operation Harvest Red called in the US troops sporting M16s and M4s guns should be stacked to the roof if an infection outbreak hit during that fragile time.

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Have you played at least a little ArmA 2? Chernarus was in an all civil war with the CDF (Chernarussian Defense Force) and the rebel scum. AKs from Russia would have been very common protection and not only that but Operation Harvest Red called in the US troops sporting M16s and M4s guns should be stacked to the roof if an infection outbreak hit during that fragile time.

Did you try your hardest to miss the point of my post or do you just posses a natural talent for it?

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