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Why Bandit skins are a terrible idea.

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Big talk thread.

I have never understood people who bitching about bein bandit or killing some one.

Crappy casual rp talk.

Kill or be killed.

Works fine for me.

Of course there is no sense to kill only respawned guy with single flashlight.

But the guy with the Lee Enfield is a potential threat.

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Big talk thread.

I have never understood people who bitching about bein bandit or killing some one.

Crappy casual rp talk.

Kill or be killed.

Works fine for me.

Of course there is no sense to kill only respawned guy with single flashlight.

But the guy with the Lee Enfield is a potential threat.

Depends on how far away he is and where you're looting. In Cherno, kill him. In the woods running the other direction, forget him. I don't let players to close if I can help and I don't waste my time pvping in the cities anymore.

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i dont have problem with bandits. i KoS them, no chit-chat. One told me i am bastard last night when i killed him. If someone become bandit becouse he defended himself he can revert back to surivior in 1-2h without shooting ppl. So i dont think about that at all when i meet bandit. I just kill him becouse he wants PvP so i let him have PvP.

As soon as i finish 2 more goals which i doing right now i will go bandit way, and i will not expect friendly behavior from no one. But of course i wont be pussy and be bandit on south coast, i will do that in central parts of map where everyone at least know to defend themselfs.

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Depends on how far away he is and where you're looting. In Cherno, kill him. In the woods running the other direction, forget him. I don't let players to close if I can help and I don't waste my time pvping in the cities anymore.

Before Humanity patch 2hdo2ud.png.

After 21l4tqh.png.

Any player who approaching my direction are threat.

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ive only had 2 instances where i wasnt shot on sight, and ironically both times it was a hacker. one of them i got the drop on, shot him in the head with an entire makarov mag, and he just turned and asked me nicely to stop because im attracting zombies.

everyone else shoots on sight regardless of skin.

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Minutes ago I got injured crawling over broken glass... :blush:

My humanity fell from 3350 to 150.

I'm inhuman because I hurt myself ?

Sadomasochism anyone ? :D

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IMO the problem is in certain playerbase, namely casual gamers and kids. They get bored fast and are used to fast paced cod/bf3. I'm pretty sure they developed the altf4, barbwiring and kos.

But hey, thats just my opinion.

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The Ghillie suit IS a bandit skin that players can pick up... or not.

I never pick up a Ghillie. Survivors have no use for it in this game.

Its only use is to set up ambushes. Only bandits set up ambushes.

Survivors / hero's don't want to be obviously seen traversing the countryside as much as anyone but you may as well be putting on the bandit skin.

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It's this kind of mentality and rush to judgement that leads to a burglar suing the homeowner that shot him. :rolleyes:

That encounter happened between Khelm and Berezino. Following the patch of woods we were in would have led me straight into Khelm and spawned zombies. The only other egress routes were runs across large fields. I consciously chose to use my current advantage rather than risk a situation where I was being pursued without that advantage.

I trailed him for a few minutes to be certain of his intentions. He moved slowly from tree to tree, all the while looking and advancing toward the last spot that he saw me. He had already made his intentions clear by shooting at me (as I was running away from him) and he was obviously still trying to find me. He made a tactical error by losing sight of me and moving toward my last known position without re-establishing visual contact. Had he not made that error, I may have been the one that ended up on the coast. If he had turned and run the other way he would've lived. If he had done anything other than pursue me, he would've lived. It was his choice to continue to actively hunt me and he died because his intended prey got the upper hand.

Killing a bandit isn't murder - ever. It's justice. It's saving the life of that spawner that would've been in his scope five minutes later. It might even be saving your own life two minutes into the future. I think you should check out Hello Kitty Online. It seems to fit your life philosophy better than any game that has guns.

Murder is murder, trying to justify it by saying he is a bandit in fact makes you a worse person than the guy who kills indiscriminately. I'm not sure where you live but there was a story a while back in England of a farmer who shot a burglar in the back who was running away. The guy clearly was not a threat any more, so why did the guy shoot him? Because he felt justified to do so. Unfortunately for him the courts disagreed with that completely and sentenced him to murder. In this situation you would do the same as well I assume? You can't justify killing someone when they are not a threat to you.

There is always a way to do something without killing, since you already have the upper hand, keep an eye on him until he starts to leave the area himself, then keep watching until he disappears over the horizon. I'm not saying that you shouldn't kill in self defence, but putting a bullet into the back of someone's head is not self defence.

Justice, lol and you're better than the murderer by killing them? Please don't try and be smart by telling me to go play a child's game, I think you should review your own philosophy if you are incapable of understanding the difference between murder and self defence.

Edited by discombobulated

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Murder is murder, trying to justify it by saying he is a bandit in fact makes you a worse person than the guy who kills indiscriminately. I'm not sure where you live but there was a story a while back in England of a farmer who shot a burglar in the back who was running away. The guy clearly was not a threat any more, so why did the guy shoot him? Because he felt justified to do so. Unfortunately for him the courts disagreed with that completely and sentenced him to murder. In this situation you would do the same as well I assume? You can't justify killing someone when they are not a threat to you.

There is always a way to do something without killing, since you already have the upper hand, keep an eye on him until he starts to leave the area himself, then keep watching until he disappears over the horizon. I'm not saying that you shouldn't kill in self defence, but putting a bullet into the back of someone's head is not self defence.

Justice, lol and you're better than the murderer by killing them? Please don't try and be smart by telling me to go play a child's game, I think you should review your own philosophy if you are incapable of understanding the difference between murder and self defence.

I'm not justifying it because he was a bandit. I'm justifying it because he tried to kill me without provocation and was still trying when he died. He was still a threat to me.

Why exactly is a bandit killer worse than an indiscriminate killer? I'd love to hear your reasoning for that.

I'm not familiar with your farmer's situation but from what you've described I think the courts were wrong. The burglar violated the farmer's property and personal safety just by being there without permission and with malicious intent. If you engage in illegal activity, you deserve what you get IMHO. That decision basically gives a pass to any burglar who turns his back when he gets spotted. What qualifies you to determine what level of threat the burglar posed? Where you there? Are you somehow privy to the minute details of the situation?

Would I do the same? If the burglar was still in my house, hell yes. If not, I'm not certain. There is, after all, the distinct possibility that the criminal is armed and is moving to a better position rather than fleeing. Citizens should have guaranteed rights, criminals shouldn't. Defending your person and property is a right that every law-abiding person has.

In DayZ, we can both agree that killing is wrong/anti-social/whatever. But what is the penalty for killers? Nothing according to the game. So players without any in-game morality will kill indiscriminately. In the absence of a game imposed penalty system the players must create and impose this system or allow the "wrong" behavior to continue unabated. Ironically the only penalty that we can swiftly and reliably impose on other players is death. This is justice (broken into simple concepts for the idiots).

Listen, in DayZ, if you repeatedly allow your advantage to slip away while you are obviously still in a tactical situation you will be killed. I'm not trying to claim that I'm a hero or anything, just that I was justified in killing him because he was trying to kill me. If you want to play as a pacifist, fine. Have fun on the coast with your hatchet, scrounging for a can of beans. I'll play with a little more sense.

I wasn't being "smart," I was serious. Your bleeding heart philosophy has no place in a game like DayZ. You'll never be anything more than a target, a victim. As far as RL goes, you seem incredibly naive. It's not a nice place out there and people WILL take what they want from you if you let them, your life included. I certainly hope you never grow the balls to sign up for military service. You'll get the guy next to you killed.

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