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Rick (DayZ)

3D models from Russia

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Mars wrote:

"...Brian Fargo or his team wanted you to work for free? What assholes.

Your work is awesome' date=' saw your entire portfolio. Keep it up!

I would like to see some zombies made by you..."

He say:

- I like your passion

And sent me to producer. Maybe i can't understand their english. But on my questions about job i'm receive very smooth answer. And only after ending Kickstarter Company i'm recieve the clear answer about billions of fans who be glad work without payments, only for chance to putting into the Wasteland 2 pieces of their fan-work. It's a good idea - but not for me.

But i can't think that i made mistake. When i'm paint my fan-art - many people who love the post-nuclear games wrote to me and say for me warm words. It's a very important for me. Feedback's from the fans.

I went into the industry 12th years ago. And at this moment i'm so tired. I have a 23th game on my count. But i have no real and good games. And in my head crept the idea... if i can't find the good games in Russia, maybe i can find they in different countries?

Main problem of this idea... not many companies do post-nuclear and post-apocalyptic games. And on this time i have a little problem with a finding the good place for me.


Well, I understand. However being a professional means they understand the hard work, so I feel that, not paying any kind of royalties to those people (even if they want to do it for free) well... feels kind of cheap and unprofessional.

I love post-apocalyptic settings too (be it games, movies, books or anything else).

About not getting the work you want, maybe you should try something different.

Maybe work on some board games? Or concept art for amateur films? Have you

checked Kickstarter? Theres loads of projects of all kinds of things. Maybe a graphic novel?

A comic? I believe theres some other post apocalyptic themed games as well.

Or maybe you could Kickstart your own stuff!

Kickstarter the good service. But this service can help (i read in the rules) only for US citizen. When i find the good friend in USA (laugh), maybe i can try this way. By the way, my friends from the Russia and Ukraine start a project on this server and mirracle doesn't happen. He have a good game, good stuff and the good video for introduction.

I choose another way. Currently i do game where i can many things to do myself. Old school quest. Many backgrounds, characters & etc. Maybe after i finish - can find people who help me. Maybe not. But on the final steps i be have the good game. Here concept art from this game:


Rick' date=' amazing work. I was thinking about drawing some concept arts for DayZ, but I feel kinda like a noob now seeing all your great stuff :)


Don't thinking - just paint. It's a most easy choice. Look at other works made by different artist and say myself - i'm a noob. It's a wrong road. Because i'm every day look at beautiful pictures made by hands very skilled artists. And what? I have no right to give up. I must paint. Better, faster.

12th years ago one painter say me...

- I can't look at your pictures... pictures. I do not look on these papers lines, colors, lights. I look at these paper and look - nothing. It's no painting. It's - nothing.

I remember that I am very offended. No. This is not the right word. I was furious. I hated him. But I began to paint. A lot. A lot of pictures. I already drew. But now was to do it bigger and better.

And you know what? I do not know where is this fool. But I know many people who like my work. Many games have a my content. And it's good... BUT

...one more thing. I still noob. The more I paint - the more I realize that I know nothing. Big world around. Each picture by my hands do it world in my head bigger. Now i know what i know nothing in anatomy. Tommorow... i don't know what happened tommorow. But i clearly know only one...

If you want do something - do it.

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Спасибо. ) Я поправлю, когда скетч превратится в настоящий валлпапер, потому как не знаю как изменить аттачмент.

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Wow, go to the arma 2 website and start submitting models. The modders will use them and that's how you get known.

P.S. Do some new zombie models, people are begging for them.

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That DayZ logo is awesome :)

I talked to one of my artist friends about your weapon models. He said they were good but he prefers to have everything broken down into triangles. For example, like the attachment. I guess it's more a preference thing? I'm not all that knowledgeable of 3d modeling; I'm just a programmer :P

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Looks really awesome! I would also love to do 3d-meshes for dayz.

Wow... i like your models. Colt M1911A1 is my favorite. Mad detalization in mechanism. ) You like the accuracy.

That DayZ logo is awesome :)

I talked to one of my artist friends about your weapon models. He said they were good but he prefers to have everything broken down into triangles. For example' date=' like the attachment. I guess it's more a preference thing? I'm not all that knowledgeable of 3d modeling; I'm just a programmer :P


All game-engines (and various 3D-soft) and your video-card the default accept any model as a set of triangles. How coder you must know that.

For convenience modelers uses polygons. It's a 2 or more triangles. The most common the quad (square polygon composed of two triangles). We (users) can look at this model in polygonal view but in fact this is triangles.

Old engines have a tools for triangulate. Becouse some engines can understand how they can made the edges, because each square polygon have a two variants of triangulation. And this triangulation have a influence on the shading.

But... for many years we use models like in my attachment. And for insurance we made second model with triangulation (the probability of its use of a one on the hundred cases.)

For presentation we use the polygonal models. Becouse observers like accu models. Imagine. The model for 8000 polygons. This is at least 16 000 triangles. Approximately. The screenshot will be terrible mess. And it's a bad presentation.

And one more. All artist have a different vision. Your friends told you about a triangles. But i'm after 12th year working in dev do triangulate... m-m-m... I can remember these events on the fingers of one of my hand. That is, they - not more than five. Who is right? Your friend or me?

It's funny - but both are right. )

For example you can look on specific 3D-Artist resources - how the artist present their models. Most of all you can look the polygonal vision. If engine need the triangulate we can do this, but it's not for observers. It's a developers kitchen and on this kitchen we do strange operations.

I'm absolutely sure that observers don't love the many aspects of model creation. Because many parts of this process doesn't interesting. Triangulation, miscalculation of normal-maps, LODs and etc. - very bored process.

For people who view the art or models we present only final and cute presentation images. )

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I can only wish you the best, Rick. If there's any justice in this world you'll find steady (enough) employment in the gaming industry doing what you love - you definitely have the talent.

Would be nice to hear that Rocket or someone else representing the project had opened up a dialogue with yourself about your work.

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I'm working on that, but i have no lot of time for this task. Even day i must find the way to do regular job and find the way to do free and fan-work. In the near future you can see more new images.

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