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Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

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So some really really hyped up news will be released in a few hours, twitter and reddit on constant refresh and poor old F5!!

My money is Season 3 released on the 10th of November!!

Being this the first series i cant watch without fear of missing an episode (ever tried watching MLP whilst serving in the forces??) I will be hosting an extra special meetup this weekend... but im not letting any details out yet!!

Season 3? I'm starting the second season just now :P Gotta watch it more than I do atm if I want to be on time for season! 3 Edited by Neelon

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(ever tried watching MLP whilst serving in the forces??)

No, but I do know there are a lot of fans in the Service here. Just don't know if they watch while serving or not.

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Season 3? I'm starting the second season just now :P Gotta watch it more than I do atm if I want to be on time for season! 3

I am kinda bummed that i watched it all too fast. i've finished season 1 in a day then season 2 on the second, i should've savor the moment a tad bit longer. I am really excited for the 3rd season, i am so excited that i am paying our cable company to have a channel that has a MLP:FiM. But anyway, I've been watching it regularly when painting or doing something. MLP makes me productive for some reason.

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Season 3? I'm starting the second season just now :P Gotta watch it more than I do atm if I want to be on time for season! 3

It isn't confirmed but it totally is going to be about Season 3... only a few weeks left!!

No, but I do know there are a lot of fans in the Service here. Just don't know if they watch while serving or not.

I avoided watching it while i served, Don't think it would have gone down to well with my already angry Sgt haha

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The wait for season 3 IS DAMN TOO HIGH...

It will be release in november... But I cant wait too see the *spoiler* crystal kingdom *end spoiler*

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The wait for season 3 IS DAMN TOO HIGH...

It will be release in november... But I cant wait too see the *spoiler* crystal kingdom *end spoiler*

I have heard all about it... something to do with Princess Cadence im sure! though im trying to avoid all spoilers!

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Is my new signature any good? I now love Queen Chrysalis because she's just epic ><

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Is my new signature any good? I now love Queen Chrysalis because she's just epic ><

I like it :3

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Is my new signature any good? I now love Queen Chrysalis because she's just epic ><

Looks epic!!


Edited by Derpy_Hooves

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Nov .10


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Just remembered that I need a better sig too :P

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i know a certain somepony that might be able to help


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So...how long until the first meetup? Or have I missed that too?

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Can't wait for tomorrow!

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