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Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

Official DayZ Brony & Pegasister Meetup

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Things have been a little quiet yes, im that involved in other projects that im barely finding the time to have a meetup.

Take your time, there is just a cascade of wonders hopping around every corner, anyway!

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We need to get a game together again soon Smorski, maybe tomorrow night?

You got it.

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Hahahaha Bronies on this site, why didn't I see this before.

Seems like somepeople here have a big problem with people being fans of MLP. :huh:

I had a conversation with someone and merely asked if she liked it...

Gews: Do you like mlp?

Unnamed: Idk what that is

Gews: My Little Pony!

Unnamed: Are u a f--? No I don't like my little pony!!!! Ohmyfuckinggod. U have to be joking me.

Gews: Uh have u read the Friendship is Magic Wikipedia entry? The show basically rejects modern cynicism

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The haters don't bother us here, and we don't bother them, it's pretty much a set unity and has been a while, people had to accept we were here for the exact same reasons as them, to play DayZ...

It's not everyones taste and i wont force it on anyone but each to their own i keep saying :)

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But of course, if they hinder our progress, we have ways of negotiating with whatever troubles in them.

The negotiations can be my way...

...or Derpy's.

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Just making sure this doesn't die.


Edited by The Smorski

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Im in. I was at a couple of the first meetups, but I stopped playing DayZ for a while. So, when is the meetup? What server?

Edited by fvdf

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Well, I probably wont be joining since a microphone is an requirement..

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Curse those mic users.... it's discrimination on us non mic'ers

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Curse those mic users.... it's discrimination on us non mic'ers

No better way to give you a telling off if you are being naughty.... plus makes whitelisting and admin comms much easier. Invest in a mic, after you whitelist you dont need one, you can sit in the AFK section in TS

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Oh indeed, and much fun was had....

So you gotta tell me when is going to happen the next one mate.

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