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So you died? What's your routine after respawning?

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Everyone dies sometime, for whatever reason, but what do you do to recover from it?

Do you run off to a specific area to grab a gun first, or what?

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Derp around in the city closest to where I spawn until I gather some loot and head north.

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fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun and a lot of looting!

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Make my way to Cherno, then electro and then gtfo from the coast following deerstands.

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Depends where I respawn. Sometimes go to Cherno & Electro, other times head to my secret tent stash ;)

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usually i hit up a farm to grab a rifle of some sort

then hit up a market in cherno (elektro one is harder to survive on full servers) for an alice pack and maybe the church in cherno for a 1911 (before nerf)

otherwise like others said, head north and hit deer stands along the way

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Everyone dies sometime, for whatever reason, but what do you do to recover from it?

When someone dies, it's really hard for me. I get really depressed and can drink a week or two in a row. Talking to friends may help but I really need some time alone.

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When someone dies, it's really hard for me. I get really depressed and can drink a week or two in a row. Talking to friends may help but I really need some time alone.

Haha, good one.

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Step one: Find something that goes bang.

Step two: Find someone.

Step three: Make my something go bang bang bang.

Step four: Loot body

Step five: Repeat

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Objective is to pick up food and water. Something to deal with Zombies. Preferrably pick up a back pack. Need a hatchet. Matches and a hunting knife would be nice. Once I have at least either matches or a hunting knife I will start heading North. The drop rates on them can be rough. Although at present you don't need to hunt, there are enough from only eating canned food, but I enjoy hunting and the 800 blood is great.

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i'll head to either Balota airstrip, cherno, or elektro depending where I spawn.

Gather a weapon and enough food/water, then i try and pvp to gear up further in town before i head north

50% of the time i die again anyways :P

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Can of beans and a coke and i am good to head off to Zeleno. Pick up a hatchet in the barn on the way then normally get an alice pack, knife and matches at the supermarket. After that the map is mine to wander.Heli hunting, barracks, Berezino..wherever.

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I'm a noob so i wander around aimlessly (usually in the countryside as i have no idea where the towns are and i never have a map...) ususally find an Enfield in a Barn waste the ammo on the pack of zombies that has been chasing me around sicne i spawned. Then i get shot after an hour of wandering around by some guy whos a bandit :D and Repeat.

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I'm a noob so i wander around aimlessly (usually in the countryside as i have no idea where the towns are and i never have a map...) ususally find an Enfield in a Barn waste the ammo on the pack of zombies that has been chasing me around sicne i spawned. Then i get shot after an hour of wandering around by some guy whos a bandit :D and Repeat.

I do the same, lol.

(Second day playing..)

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Get some food and water, and a couple other things, then its straight to the Stary, loot tents, look around for heli crashes, finish off at the NW Airfield.

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As i thinking of becoming a medic right now, my spawn routin will change into:

1.run to the next town

2.find tools and backpacks

3.go to the hospital and gather medical supplies

4.gtfo and try to find some good gear, while waiting for patients.

PS: as iam not whitelisted and i don't wan't to join the tmw(trusted medics of the wasteland), so i will whitelist myself :D

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Although I rarely die, when I do I get a Kamenka spawn and head up to Zeleno. I grab a bicycle on the way and then fix up the Offroad at Zeleno and then go to the military loot spots.


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Hit medium-value industrial for axe.

Hit medium-value barn/farm for gun.

Hit medium-value residential for basic supplies.

Hit supermarket for basic supplies.

Hit hospital for medical supplies.

Hopefully by then I have found a tent and will go set up camp somewhere.

Edited by ThuggleS

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It really depends on exactly where I spawn in as to where I go first.

In general, my first overall destination goal is a supermarket. Those seem to be the best bang for the buck for a new spawn. Good number of relatively concentrated loot spots with some decent (not great) cover with more than one entrance/exit, great chance for larger quantities of food/drink, decent chance for general survival gear and a larger backpack, and a decent chance for a low-tier weapon with ammo. I'll hit whatever deerstands and barns there are along the way as well.

Again, it depends on the exact spot I spawn it at.

Edited by Double_Back

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Bolt up to the airfield and loot a few tent cities I know are in the area, then re-plant my tents to ensure they don't depop.

Edited by amaROenuZ

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My style has changed significantly since hackers became an issue.

In the days before hacking (BH) i would bolt to a city, stock up on an ALICE, hunting gear, a Winchester and then head north to hit deer stands, Stary and the Air fields.

Now i cant be bothered with putting all the time into a character that can just be killed by some knobend.

Now a just hang in my pad at Cherno and wander the streets. It is much more fun as well.

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I know, you have a lot of SPAM on your forum at last time.

Its caused by XRumer - popular tool for webspam.

But now we have a SPECIAL solution. Its not just a protection from bots.

Its crashes all spambots, they just stop working!

How it works?

Spambots have some bugs, so if your forum contains SPECIAL code - Its caused spambots to crash (and crashes system of a spammer).

How to use AntiXRumer mod?

just download mod here:


And install its on your vbulletin forum. You will forget all SPAM, and - you will help to other admins and for me to: spambot crashes on your forum and, will not come to other forums.

Good luck. Hope we fight them together.

P.S. I can make demo-video, how its really works. If you need.

Was this meant to be ironic.

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