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Jackie boy

WTF Has become of this game?

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Why have people ruined this game?

No body and I mean no body talks in this game anymore! Shoot on site before you even have chance! I just came across a guy who shot at me, I gave him a chance because I know how much this game can make you jump when you see someone. So I allowed him to come close to me and I said "lower your gun as I have lower mine", nothing was said back. Then he opens fire on me from 3 feet away, leaving me no choice but to shoot back and kill. Yay plus 1 bandit kill. Not 10 minutes later as I'm running out of the city does a guy with a Mac start shooting at me, I shout "stop, I'm friendly" but no, this guy carries on and gets a headshot on me. I lost everything ( A little butt hurt true) but I did nothing wrong! This happens all the time! WHY!!!!!!

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Who even trusts people in dayz these days?(hehe) Shoot on sight is the way to go, just so you won't be the victim.

Edited by Erik

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Once you have a decent amount of gear keep out of the main city's. Its the first place new players run to and some of them died and pissed so they won't care if you shout "friendly" you have gear they don't.

Its very easy to survive outside of the large city's just need to work out where the hot spots are and the places you have less chance of running into anyone.

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Shoot first or get shot. At one time (To a degree) people based their decision in the game off what they would do in a real situation. Almost none do that anymore. It's a new ball game of survival.

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Half the time the direct chat doesn't even work...

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It's the missing side chat.

It really is.

After playing a lot on a private hive with side chat enabeld I can tell that the feeling is just different. You see people grouping up, see that there are friendlies. And if you are not top geard you just meet up with some randoms and start looting.

Without a side chat the world becomes darker, feels more threatening. That's the DayZ rocket wants, and I agree.

But the sideeffect is: less grouping up, feel more theatend by players, kill on sight.

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as far as i know voice range is 80m, text range is 40m in direct chat - since i don't use voice ingame (i don't think anyone would understand me, as i don't understand anything other people say ;) ) i would have to write, what is quite dangerous i think

most sidearms have an effective range of 50m so i'd be dead before i finished the second sentence i guess

my only use for direct chat is to play around with when i'm not shure if someone is in that barn i want to enter

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People whining about what's ruining the game are ruining the game. I would expect a lot less carebears than there are now, if DayZ was real.

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as far as i know voice range is 80m, text range is 40m in direct chat - since i don't use voice ingame (i don't think anyone would understand me, as i don't understand anything other people say ;) ) i would have to write, what is quite dangerous i think

most sidearms have an effective range of 50m so i'd be dead before i finished the second sentence i guess

my only use for direct chat is to play around with when i'm not shure if someone is in that barn i want to enter

Get yourself in a well covered position and engage in direct chat. The last two times i did this i met friendly folks and even looted with them a while before going our separate ways. I like making contact and showing that not everyone is prone to KOS.

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Get yourself in a well covered position and engage in direct chat. The last two times i did this i met friendly folks and even looted with them a while before going our separate ways. I like making contact and showing that not everyone is prone to KOS.

Thankfully someone that isn't a fucking idiot. Half of the people you see complaining about KOS run up to complete strangers shouting FRIENDLY FRIENDLY over direct chat and then have a whinge when they get shot or they trust some complete random and then have a sad when this person picks up a gun and shoots them.

Either avoid people all together or always make sure you have the advantage.

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Every man for himself. Kill or be killed. Shoot now, ask questions later.

It's just too much of a risk to trust a random person. Considering how it's just so easy to get shot in the back by that person a minute later.

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I always pretend I am friendly to other survivors.

Most of the time, I manage to get a conversation before he/she kills me.

My friendly demeanor is what makes others not want to kill me on sight.

And then, after playing along for a few minutes, I shoot them in the back and take their stuff.


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Shoot first or get shot. At one time (To a degree) people based their decision in the game off what they would do in a real situation. Almost none do that anymore. It's a new ball game of survival.

You mean run around in the city and then die of thirst when they can't find a can of soda, after finding one pistol and blasting off all the rounds in it and not hitting anything?

That sounds exactly like what people would do in real life.

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You mean run around in the city and then die of thirst when they can't find a can of soda, after finding one pistol and blasting off all the rounds in it and not hitting anything?

That sounds exactly like what people would do in real life.

Did you not see the, "AT ONE TIME" part? I even capitalized it for you just in case you can't find it.

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If there isn't pvp then there isn't anything to do. You can avoid zombies with ease and there isn't any feeling of risk without players to worry about.

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Well, some people are friendly, however, most people, if given the chance, will imediately kill you in the hopes for gear/kills/fun.

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The game is desinged to give players free will to do whatever they want. Since most people are simple minded they do the most simple obvious thing they see in front of them and kill other players or die trying to at least. Its great that the game allows for creativity, but good luck with that when it relies on the community to allow it.

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Also, I personally would rather be the victim, than the killer.

ANY TIME someone sees me and DOESNT shoot on sight, i will give them some food, medical supplies, ammo, and a canteen of water, then leave.

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Shoot first or get shot. At one time (To a degree) people based their decision in the game off what they would do in a real situation. Almost none do that anymore. It's a new ball game of survival.

I play it as if I were actually in the scenario still :(

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