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About resonantarco@live.com

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  1. resonantarco@live.com

    Stuck in ocean, can't get back to land.

    Worked once, or maybe on that server only. All other servers, still teleporting back to ocean.
  2. What do? Tried swimming back for like a week now. I just get teleported back in small intervals. If I leave the server I get teleported back to where I started. :c
  3. resonantarco@live.com

    WTF Has become of this game?

    Shoot them in the legs, then ask them if they're friendly.
  4. resonantarco@live.com

    Fixing artifacts for Intel HD?

    Did both, no dice.
  5. resonantarco@live.com

    Fixing artifacts for Intel HD?

    Anybody know of a way? Or do I have to wait for them to just remove the damn dead bodies =_=
  6. resonantarco@live.com

    Doesn't a kind person want to blood bag me?

    Certainly open to anyone else too.
  7. resonantarco@live.com

    Doesn't a kind person want to blood bag me?

    Cherno, so anywhere near that I can go to quickly :o I also see you're hunting NVGs. I an give you those, I dont really use em as I play on Day servers.
  8. These posts are hilarious.
  9. resonantarco@live.com

    »ѕ†ѕ« ЅАІΝΤЅ -[ DayZ Clan / 18+ / Steam Group ]-

    Steam Name: Slaughterism ( http://steamcommunity.com/id/DarkestSoul) Age: 18 Location: Maryland Chat programs: All except Vent Equipment on hand: None on hand, Just died. Got a rifle in a tent if I ever need it. How long have you played DayZ: 3 Weeks Other info: Im on most of the day / Night. Can be reached to play whenever pretty much.
  10. resonantarco@live.com

    Character always walking D:

    Possibly. Let me try going into another server. EDIT: That worked thanks. Never thought that'd be a server problem.
  11. resonantarco@live.com

    Character always walking D:

    All three of those are not the case :o I tried what Izziee said and that didn't work either D:
  12. resonantarco@live.com

    Character always walking D:

    No, I didnt double tap shift. He/She's just always walking. If I Prone, It's normal speed. I can run fine. But If I try to standing jog or crouch walk, he just walks. Very. Very. Slowly.
  13. resonantarco@live.com

    Slenderman Sightings!!!

    Seems legit.
  14. resonantarco@live.com

    US354 - Hacker in Server NOW

    Logged into this server, heard the word hacker, immediately Alt+f4'd.