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Hero skins how many bandits use it to draw in unsuspecting players..?

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is anyone using hero skins or civilian skins to draw in victims..?

Trolls and snipers need not respond lol

just curious as i was attacked today by a hero skinned player

i was in civilian skin :) he tried to lure me in then shoot me with his M16 luckily he was a badd shot

and i had backup posted somewhere nice with a sniper and my clanmate behind cover

he had some very nice gear i can only imagine he acquired the various nvg pairs in his backpack off of other players

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I sure hope not. The point of the hero skin is for players to identify that they are always friendly. :(

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Need to get blood for transfusions somehow.

The hospital only has a limited supply.

Steal from the rich and give to the poor.

One can become obsessed with collecting blood and drugs... good drugs.. miracle bone healing drugs..

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Because we roll in about 4-5 man groups we sometimes end up with a hero skin. This is due to trips in the north looking for NVGs and such. It's great, people are more likely to key the mic and give away their position because they think you're a good guy. Too bad for them we are in it to shoot people :)

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errr wouldn't it be kind of hard for Bandits to do that unless a bunch of them constantly bandage and transfuse each other? Possible I suppose. And only noobs shout out "friendly?". True friendlies are much more cautious.

Edited by Irenicus

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yes it would be rather difficult for some bandits especially the hard core snipers who pick off everything in their path

others like me are able to get rid of their negative humanity i tend to kill alot of zombies after successful raids :)

always find lots of ammo so it was not that hard for me to get rid of my negative humanity lots of med supplies were used as well

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just blew the brains out of a guy with a hero skin at stary. he was talking to someone on direct comms when i killed him, couldent find the other guy though.

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No one takes the time to get a hero skin (and keep a hero skin) just to lure "unsuspecting survivors", because 1. 90% of "survivors" are just bandits that are either bad at being a bandit, or have been killed recently. 2. No one takes the time to distinguish a hero skin from a survivor skin, in order to determine whether to shoot you or not, and if they do - you don't need a hero skin to lure them because they're horribly low on the food chain already. 3. Luring someone = high risk, mid level reward (congrats you got someone to trust you then betrayed them...there's no challenge in that. No glory in shooting some dumb 15 year old survivor in the back as he kneels down to pick up some flares in the grocery store "for when it gets dark". killing them outright = less risk, since you've probably spotted them first if you can "lure them" and high reward...because gunfights, ambushes, and the like are the bread and butter to this quickly staling game.

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nah id say the constant sniping is the problem and who says i shoot them in the back of the head

ive met a few fresh spawns and used them as decoys when it came to zombies and snipers haha :)

works quite well if you play it right to get to starry and regear then you can do with them as you wish

i have let them live so far...

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Quite likely it is very common. You usually find quite a few blood bags in hospitals and you only lose about 2500 humanity / per kill (if you get the final blow, so someone else can simply finish them off and stay hidden). One hospital is more than enough to restore your humanity and in cherno this is child's play.

And as for luring people in it's more about the "thrill" of betrayal than the actual kill. Any monkey can shoot a gun but to make a spectacle of it takes some work.

Edited by johan

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