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Mikeloeven (DayZ)

Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

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i think rocket should give all testers an optional custom skin, with white shirt that has following text:

"I`ve bought Arma2 for DayZ mod. I`ve got killed by doors, trees, rocks and hackers. Now i bought DayZ standalone and all i`ve got is this stupid shirt."

YES! PLEASE YES! But don't make it white!

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ARMA:2 out dated?

Do you acually play Normal ARMA:2?

There are countless Groups that play every night.

ShackTac has events almost every week that include 100+ players battleing.

I never said out-dated, I said obsolete. Arma 2 was obsolete FOR ME the day I bought it, and it has been since. It isn't what I want in a game- period.

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I'm tired of hearing this, you bought ARMA II and played a FREE MOD. So now Rocket's going standalone and he'll actually see money from a project he worked so hard on and you don't want to pay? Shutup and stop being cheap.

You are not entitled to a free game because you bought ARMA II and downloaded a free mod. You never actually payed for DayZ.

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I'm buying Day Z.. I just like playing this game early.. when its still considered a mod so I can both contribute to ideas and experience for the first time new content.

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I'm tired of hearing this, you bought ARMA II and played a FREE MOD. So now Rocket's going standalone and he'll actually see money from a project he worked so hard on and you don't want to pay? Shutup and stop being cheap.

You are not entitled to a free game because you bought ARMA II and downloaded a free mod. You never actually payed for DayZ.

Cool story, and I'm glad you hate reading as much as you love trying to be angry at people that don't deserve it. Should I bother restating the same arguments repeatedly? Maybe I'll choose one of the many already stated.

1) We're well aware they have no legal obligation to do anything. Thanks for playing, though.

2) Rocket is now very much in cahoots with Bohemia, and is on their payroll. Welcome to indirect transfer of money- it isn't that complicated.

3) Rocket is now a celebrity. He's set for life.

4) Saying someone is "Entitled" is the hip way of saying "umad bro?" these days. I don't think you actually know what it means.

5) Testing an early version of a game such as this is simultaneously a privilege and an aid. You need testers to develop a game. Do you think Rocket would have gotten this far if I had decided to buy "Arma 2"? No. That would never have happened.

Edited by Zetal

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I know exactly what it means, I'm far more eduacated then you probably realize. However, you just sound bitter because you have to buy a new game which will probably be $10 or less for early adopters. Do you realize it's going to cost money to develop this game? So he's suppose to give you a free game because you bought another game for a free MOD? Where's the money coming from to pay for the stand alone? No money means a longer wait for it, a watered down game due to under staffing, or they make the game more mainstream and less hardcore to bring in more players and money. Not trying to be an asshole but look at the big picture and the consequences.

Good if he's getting transfarred money, he put a bunch of work into it himself and drove ARMA II sales up.

He's already supposedly offering a hefty discount for early adopters when the DayZ alpha is released (which means you get the finished game once it's done as well). Be happy he isn't just releasing the full version for full price. Not to mention you should be happy that he's designing according to the minecraft plan and listening to your input as far as what is in the game. What developer have you seen do that?

Cool story is the same as "you mad bro?" So I don't get the point you are trying to make. Every statement probably has some correlation to another statement. And believe me, I'm not in any way angry but I do think someone who puts the work in should reap the benefits.

Look at the facts. You bought a game that other developers made. Then you downloaded a free MOD that Rocket made. You didn't pay for DayZ yet. Would it be nice if we got something for being the early "early adopters". Yes, that would be great but not paying for the game? That I don't agree with. Maybe if we can be compensated in another way that has nothing to do with money, that would be great. But fund the game, money is going to give the resources for a quality, hardcore game.

Edited by Lights Out
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Not to mention they're devoloping the standalone still. He said he plans to get the MOD into a stable state. So if you want to play DayZ but don't feel you should pay for it then keep playing the MOD. You don't have to buy nor play the stand alone.

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This made laugh... you bought ARMA not DAYZ... you wasn't forced into paying £20/30? for this and you can get this for free via the demo...so no...you/we dont deserve a free copy...we are alpha testers which is rarely sent out to the public in the first place so be happy with what you got and save your pennys for the stand-a-alone :)


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Wow just wow! I got arma 2 only for dayz than found that I played more arma 2 vanilla than I did dayz, and if I get arma 2 and a beta release of dayz it sounds like a win for me and I will gladly pay for dayz standalone when it comes out. So by all means don't play arma because speaking on behalf of arma players we don't want you to play and fuck about a great game! So don't hold your breath for your free key

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I read on a news post how dayz is going to be developed as a full standalone game. and i know i speak for a few people when i say the ONLY ! reason i purchased ARMA was because of this mod and i would feel taken advantage if later down the road i had to PAY to repurchase a game that i had been playing right along. i think it is only fair that players who purchesed ARMA just for this mod should be given keys when the full version comes out because lets face it were never going to play arma as is :/

I say the dev team could at least give us a discount yo

hook a bruva up!

but to the OP, this "game" you have been playing is actually a mod in its alpha stages. If you purchased ARMA to take part in the community alpha testing thats cool, but whoever sold you on the fact that this was a finished, polished game sent you on a fools errand for wooden nickels.

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Opinions like this damages the modding scene, I've been a long time forum lurker but this post finally made me make an account.

Firstly I've been a modder for about 15 years modding the Total War series of games and for the previous 3 titles the games developer has made the communities ability to mod their games a lot more difficult due to the fact they (Sega) believe they have been giving away free content they could be selling DLC. They have just had a modding summit in which the community had to tried to persuade them not to shun us and make their games unmoddable. Their arguments is basically came down to money and short term gains ie DLC sales and games with lifespans of about six months. Our counter arguments came down to games lifespan infinitely expanded and increased long term sales due to the fact people buy games for mods. I even used DayZ as an example of how when supported the modding community can generate them huge amounts of increased sales. A result has yet to be announced. Opinions like yours will further damage modders credibility in the eyes of games producers, as they are in the end a business and out to make money and if fans are not interested in paying they don't give a ****. Secondly get off you only bought ARMA for the mod high horse, it doesn't matter you bought ARMA for it's engine regardless and therefore paid for that. The mod work that has been done to that is Rockets works and he can do with it as he wishes, so if he wants to charge you for it he can do so, its a supply and demand market after all (and by god there is the demand for this game). Attitudes like the op are detrimental to PC gaming as modding is the last bastion we have otherwise we might as well all go console and lap up the crap they throw up at us.

Finally i would like to thank BI for being a fantastic developer who actually promote modding and have reaped the benefits, and to Rocket for showing what modding is capable of and having the stomach to deal with the millions of whine posts i imagine he recieves daily. I would actually pay full price for this game as i have never had such vivid exciting memeroies from any game (and yes i bought ARMA only for DayZ but im planning on playing while i am internetless in a months time).

Edited by Xao

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protip: if you're here for DayZ and DayZ only, then don't buy the overpriced bundle crap on steam

instead get OA key for ~$10 from "somewhere else"

this way you don't have to get all worked up over rocket "selling out" :)

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protip: if you're here for DayZ and DayZ only, then don't buy the overpriced bundle crap on steam

instead get OA key for ~$10 from "somewhere else"

^this, BUT buying "somewhere else" from somewhere else, can result in ban of CD-key, because trader sold same key twice or even more times. so pick "somewhere else" with caution.

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Look, the fact is that you can't call people 'entitled' for having less money than you and wishing they could have had some way to plan ahead. Development of the mod is going to "continue", but since, like you said, this is a business...why would they support the stubborn people that aren't paying them? Good press? Then why not give testers a discount? For the money? You're talking out of two sides of your mouth just like I am. The fact is that we don't know what they're going to do, and we both have different opinions of what they ARE going to do. You expect 10$ at alpha, but the minecraft alpha was approximately 17 dollars, which isn't really that bad but it's on the border of "do I want to afford the required reading for next semester, or buy a new game?"

When I bought DayZ, standalone wasn't even something that was mentioned, let alone on the horizon a few months away. It's silly, and I don't expect any sort of monetary help at this point, but I do feel betrayed. That's all there is to it.

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I would, if the first game was an incomplete game that was missing many of the features that were discussed, and the sequel was announced a couple months later.

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Excuse my "lazyness" did not read any posts, just the main post.

I don`t care that I have to buy the game, in fact, I welcome it. Dean and the dev team could use some more money to develop dayz on arma 3 and improve the current one. And I think he said something about a minecraft model so people who are "into" the game can buy it early on cheap. What I like about this is that Dean said himself that he knew that he could maximize income for Dayz if he let a buisiness man run the game dev. They would make it easy and mainstream, more customers and more money. If that happens they loose me (but why care when you get 10 000 more of each hardcore who quits?)

But I am prob. just saying the same thing as many others already said :)

My opinion:

When dayz comes out as a stand alone..... "Shut up and take my money" :)

Edited by Raventhorn

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Surely I cant be the only one that actually want's to give Rocket money? I will gladly pay for DayZ when it goes standalone.

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Give away keys to own it already and keep the hackers? or Pay for a fun unhacked game?

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