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FLMedic Doc

Sorry to whoever I might have just killed

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Logged back in and I knew i was a goner when i saw a prone player with ghille suit and a lee enfield infront of my face during the loading screen. Getting ready to yell at my computer like an idiot I spawned, only to find that the player was dead and i was standing right on top of him (this was at electro) The strangest part was that there were no kill text and the player didn't have a name (it just says his name seems to be ___)

Pretty sure he didn't get sniped cuz if that was the case I would have been dead too out in the open...WHAT DID I DO???

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...but i had no weapons... you saying my flashlight went off and killed the player? XD

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I'm so sorry! on top of the hospital where the box spawns?

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Maybe the highly loved collision model saved you and crushed the other guy.

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...but i had no weapons... you saying my flashlight went off and killed the player? XD

Must be the light saber feature rocket added

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randomly spawning into someone and causing them to instantly die, soo rare an occurance. and a pretty shit way to die. but yeah that's DayZ. Lucky for you, you get his loot, unlucky for him cos he will be randomly kicking shit outta everything in his room after he just randomly died.. Damn i love this game!

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Well whoever it was to make you feel better i didn't take a thing (enfield in electro? no thanks) and i glitched and dropped down the ladder. zombies saw me and went NOM NOM NOM what a day

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Well whoever it was to make you feel better i didn't take a thing (enfield in electro? no thanks) and i glitched and dropped down the ladder. zombies saw me and went NOM NOM NOM what a day

Now that does sound like your average day in Elektro.... nothing but bad news, bandits, oh and those pesky shuffling things that are added as another thing to distract you from what you were actually doing... ah yes, the zombies lol

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