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Heroes few and far between?

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I am currently a hero with 74,000 Legit humanity, I run around cities and try to help fresh spawns as much as I possibly can, down to the point of giving away everything I own to get them safely up north. I try really hard not to kill anyone unless it's out of self defense, even if you're a bandit I'll give ya' a second to speak your peace in VOIP. I've yet to find any other LIVING hero... I've tried low-pop, high-pop, medium-pop servers and still nothing. I'm not sure if everyone is a bandit or just not decent enough to people to lend a helping hand now and again... Anyways, if you have any input on where the heroes are at I'd love to know... Tired of getting gunned down for the patrol pack on my back and my band aids... Thanks.

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I'm not a hero, I'm pro-life. Even if it means mine gets taken. I have had a bandit use my good will to kill survivors and other bandits around me, was pretty upsetting. But I won't go against my no gun, zero hostility stance.

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I am currently a hero with 74,000 Legit humanity, I run around cities and try to help fresh spawns as much as I possibly can, down to the point of giving away everything I own to get them safely up north. I try really hard not to kill anyone unless it's out of self defense, even if you're a bandit I'll give ya' a second to speak your peace in VOIP. I've yet to find any other LIVING hero... I've tried low-pop, high-pop, medium-pop servers and still nothing. I'm not sure if everyone is a bandit or just not decent enough to people to lend a helping hand now and again... Anyways, if you have any input on where the heroes are at I'd love to know... Tired of getting gunned down for the patrol pack on my back and my band aids... Thanks.

I have 15976 Humanity, your not alone.

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I can't speak for anyone else, but I am a Hero, and I play the game with 2 other buddies, and they are Heroes as well. Though my mindset is not the same as yours, I am not as selfless, not as patient, not as trusting, and not as forgiving. But I do try to avoid confrontation and help out when I can. But with so many jerks in this game, it is often best to go solo or with a group of real friends. That being said, I never see anyone as a target, unless they see me as one. If I have the advantage over someone, and they seem friendly, I am more than willing to work with people. However, as my level of gear increases, my tolerance for betting on other people's kindness decreases. For example, if me and my group are with one of our vehicles in a town, You better not be pointing a gun at me lol. But regaurdless, like I said, I try to avoid confrontation, and help when I can. I may not be the best player out there, but I try to do my part :)



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I am currently a hero with 74,000 Legit humanity, I run around cities and try to help fresh spawns as much as I possibly can, down to the point of giving away everything I own to get them safely up north. I try really hard not to kill anyone unless it's out of self defense, even if you're a bandit I'll give ya' a second to speak your peace in VOIP. I've yet to find any other LIVING hero... I've tried low-pop, high-pop, medium-pop servers and still nothing. I'm not sure if everyone is a bandit or just not decent enough to people to lend a helping hand now and again... Anyways, if you have any input on where the heroes are at I'd love to know... Tired of getting gunned down for the patrol pack on my back and my band aids... Thanks.

You're not alone.

Just very very rare.

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Hero here too. Try to make friends when I come across people. Made one today actually. And he helped me out for a change. I try to call out whenever I hear or see people. Had one today that was out of range I think and there was no cover not even bushes between me and where he was so all he would've seen was me running at him with an M4. Hero skin or not I'd be paranoid enough to run and find cover. I really wish that direct chat had a longer range. IMO I think it's hurting the game for people who like to actually talk to people and make friends. As it stands bullets have a longer range than chat does. Can't say I blame people for being afraid of other players.

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Most of us at TMW run around in Hero skins - some of our medics have in excess of 100k Humanity!

Too bad there's no female Hero skin yet :(

Edited by Nurse Kobra
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I'm very nearly a hero right now, I think there are more than you would think, it's just hard to find them, because they either have camo/wookie suits on, or they avoid other players.

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Kris, O Kris...

Whilst we can all feel your pain, a mere few get to wear that sensational scarf that has so defined 2012 in Chernarus. People are literally dying to rock that bad boy. You should reflect on the to-die-for appeal of your hero outfit and consider yourself lucky that people find you so fabulous that they simply have to kill you.

Would you like to come to a disco?

Edited by Bernd
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I am currently a hero with 74,000 Legit humanity, I run around cities and try to help fresh spawns as much as I possibly can, down to the point of giving away everything I own to get them safely up north. I try really hard not to kill anyone unless it's out of self defense, even if you're a bandit I'll give ya' a second to speak your peace in VOIP. I've yet to find any other LIVING hero... I've tried low-pop, high-pop, medium-pop servers and still nothing. I'm not sure if everyone is a bandit or just not decent enough to people to lend a helping hand now and again... Anyways, if you have any input on where the heroes are at I'd love to know... Tired of getting gunned down for the patrol pack on my back and my band aids... Thanks.


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There's a few of us out there.

Only got my hero skin the other day, had to run away from a few axe-wielding newbies that I tried to help but it's a pretty damn cool skin to have.

Just gotta hope that some people see it down the end of a sniper scope and think twice about shooting you (not many people will).

Good luck out there.

Edited by Richard_Turpin

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i ran into my first hero today. i didn't need any help or anything. i offered him a couple of the steaks i'd just cooked and he declined. we exchanged some small talk and went on our respective ways. medics kick ass. i have no idea how to contact one if i need one, but this particular guy came running at the sound of me agroing a Z (somewhere a couple km inland as well). he scared the hell out of me and i almost shot him, i'm glad i didn't... i would have felt terrible. i respect the hero skin for the effort it takes to earn and even felt strangely honored at my happenstance encounter. it made my day and i told him so. cheers to the heroes!

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well to be honest it's basically a medic skin lol, unless you're a white list medic, you aren't getting that skin. You just get shot on site trying to help someone :(

It has a speed advantage though, hero's run faster than any other player in the game other than other hero's that's proven!

i hope i can get mine soon i'm at 2750

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My hero outfit is hidden under my Ghillie Suit, although I'm not so much a hero anymore. More like a guardian angel.

When you are sitting on the hills around Elektro and Cherno, mindlessly murdering the innocent and taking the lives of the defenseless... listen for the snapping of twigs and the rustle of leaves behind you. It might just save you from getting one shot from an M9SD in the base of your skull.

Also, to the player named Brandon on US 2030 last night. I am sorry. The two bandits who shot you off of your ATV did not get far. I had my M9SD in my hands and an AKM on my shoulder. I stopped to pull my M24 out of my bag as quickly as I could, but I am not faster than a bullet. I hope you rest in peace knowing that they paid for your life with their own.

Currently 12,000 humanity, with 13 bandit kills and 1 murder,

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Where'd my post go?

I've never killed anyone in dayz, never even shot at another player. I said when I joined this game that I would never shoot at anyone who was not shooting at me. And that's how I play the game.

I have given blood transfusions, and banadaged others but I spend most of my time alone. My humanity is at 3750. Doesn't bother me if it goes up or not.

Amusing to see people running around healing each other for a skin but at least they're doing it, I guess.

I mean it when I say, I have not seen another player who is NOT wearing a hero skin. They all have the hero skin. I'm the only one I come across who isn't - I'm female and wear the female skin. But then I try not to waste my time with the sort of kids and men who PvP.

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Most of us at TMW run around in Hero skins - some of our medics have in excess of 100k Humanity!

Too bad there's no female Hero skin yet :(


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I met my first hero the other day.

One of my buddies had been shot so I was watching over the area while another guy ran in to revive him. I saw one bandit running towards their position and from the other direction I saw a trail of zombies. I let the guys know they had 2 incoming and I started to make my way deeper in to town to give them some cover for their exit. They were at the cafe across the street from the school, so I headed towards the school BAM-BAM-BAM! Shots rang out from downstairs at the cafe. They initially thought it was me, which I informed them I still wasn't at the school. Shortly after, they could hear someone coming up the stairs as my friend was frantically applying the blood pack. As soon as he finished I could hear a hail of gunfire... 1 bandit down they told me over skype. They informed me they were coming out the front door. I pleaded with them to wait, I was almost on the third floor and could cover them. Just as I was walking out onto the balcony I heard multiple rounds being fired, which sounded like they were coming from an army of riflemen and in the distance I watched both of my friends lifeless bodies crumbled to the ground. To my surprise a guy, in what looked like a ghillie suit, came strafing from around the corner unscathed. I was shocked, the only thing I could think of was kill or be killed, so my finger reached for the trigger and I began to unload my clip in his direction. I got about 5 shots into my clip and then I fell to the ground incapacitated. There was nothing I could do but watch the blood spirt out of my multiple gunshot wounds. As soon as humanly possible I started to bandage my wounds and crawled my way back into the school. My vison was blurred, I knew I wouldn't make it to safety of the forrest, or at the very least a different building. The only thing I could do was wait for back-up to arrive, which in the circumstances could be a very long time. I took up position in one of the rooms, passing in and out of consciousness.

"I know you're in there!". I was screwed! I told my friends on skype that I needed silence. As I was about to speak my body faded back into the black abyss. That's when he made his move. He ran into the room and..... ran behind me! I figured he was toying with me. I told him to get it over with, just kill me! He could have kicked me and I would have died. I had 245 blood left. He told me to put my gun in my bag. As I was trying to make space, he told me he had to kill my friends because they shot at him. I understood, it's kill or be killed out there! That's when I noticed his clothes! I never would have fired if I had've noticed the hero skin, but people are ruthless out here! After watching my buddies being gunned down I reacted the only way I could think of to save my own life. I apologized, he accepted, and to my surprise he gave me a blood transfusion! It was my third day in the game and I was overjoyed to keep all my gear that I had spend hours upon hours scavenging for. He told my the cities is where people came to die and suggested that I leave town and with those parting words he left.

I made a beeline for the outskirts of town towards the forrest. I made it past the northern firestation. I was home free!! Just as the final feeling of relief was over me, I was picked off by bandits on the roof! LMAO. The hero did all he could to spare my life, and I ruined it! Not only was I upset that I lost all of my gear, but now it was going to the vultures! If I could have given my gear to anyone, I wanted it to be to that hero that saved my life! But!!! I came back to my body and everything was there!!! They didn't take a thing! Maybe... Just maybe, my guardian angel was still watching over me as I left town and took out those bandits for me.

I wish I could remember the name of the guy who saved me. I wanted to thank him. So instead I will thank all of you! Thanks for being there for people when they have no one else!

In the past, the only way I knew I was around other players is because I would be dead! I still ask people if they're friendly and usually I don't get an answer and then I'm dead. But I still fill my backpack with extra tools and bloodpacks for anyone I find in need and one day I will be someones hero. Even though I don't have the skin to prove it.

I tend to avoid big cities. Once I get better at this game I will get that hero skin. But for now I need to focus on surviving! Thank you heros! Don't stop what you're doing! Maybe I could join you on some medic missions sometime! Teach me the best ways to approach situations.

Edited by Havok.
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well to be honest it's basically a medic skin lol, unless you're a white list medic, you aren't getting that skin. You just get shot on site trying to help someone :(

It has a speed advantage though, hero's run faster than any other player in the game other than other hero's that's proven!

i hope i can get mine soon i'm at 2750

Nah, you don't need to be whitelisted. Run with a friend, or just show up whenever someone on the forums needs a hand.

And don't be afraid to die.

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74k? Sorry, I doubt that. Exspecially if you keep searching for people, the chance of surviving THAT long is plainly ridicolous.

I've barely made it to 5,1k yesterday, travelling with my group and avoiding survivor contact (and supplying my coughing mate with blood).

But assuming you DO have a hero skin (with whatever humanity level >5k):

We are a rare breed. I mean, you need to be someone travelling in a group for a long time without being killed (aiding foreigners will much more likely get you killed before you reach 5k). And every Bandit will priorize us just for the sake of removing the skn again, either way.

But keep looking, if we ever meet, we can exchange supplies :3

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I'm at 4040 and hope to get mine soon, it's a long old slog though. To many idiots killing new spawners or camping in bushes. Taken me two weeks to get this far.

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I'm really trying to be a nice guy at the moment. It isn't so easy, because most survivors will just shoot you on sight, friend or foe.

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I really do like the heros and their story but in my opinion that game would be boring without bandits.

I myself hunt them whenever I see them lying on elektro or countersniper elektro hill.

Who would you guys save if there wasn't anyone that first shot them (since Z's aren't really a big deal anyways)

Those cool stories could not happen without bandits and I do accept every way you play this game wheter you're a bandit a hero or just a normal guy.

I'm at -40k humanity now, got all my kills from sniping elektro hill snipers and I never wanted to be a bandit but now I was kinda forced into it.

The humanity system isnt that great imo.

If someone shoots you shouldnt lose humanity for killing him

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74k? Sorry, I doubt that. Exspecially if you keep searching for people, the chance of surviving THAT long is plainly ridicolous.

I've barely made it to 5,1k yesterday, travelling with my group and avoiding survivor contact (and supplying my coughing mate with blood).

But assuming you DO have a hero skin (with whatever humanity level >5k):

We are a rare breed. I mean, you need to be someone travelling in a group for a long time without being killed (aiding foreigners will much more likely get you killed before you reach 5k). And every Bandit will priorize us just for the sake of removing the skn again, either way.

But keep looking, if we ever meet, we can exchange supplies :3

Humanity stays with you life after life, it may say 0 after death due to a current bug... But it remains with you no matter what, I've noticed it stays visible when you've chosen to play a female or you're in a wookie suit.

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