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you sir, are an ahole

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just try to play on low pop servers..

fuk the PVPers who prey on fresh spawns..

its a real shame how low the community as a whole has stooped for this mod, but thats what happens when you dont have zones/rules for seperating fresh spawn/noobs from fully geared bored gankers..

you either can try to limit your risk by selecting servers with less people or stop playing.. or you can continue to fall prey.. thats about it really.

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I dislike the kill message. It is a cheap way to verify a kill. Folks rely on that message too much and it removes an aspect of the game play.

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They do it because this game is not about fairness. Part of survival in a group is to deny access to resources to the "enemy", making you leave the game is one way to do it.

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not that i do it, but what else do you want people to do?

Perhaps if people would help each other instead of killing everything that moves, even unarmed players, the game could be more enjoyable for more people.

As many other players, I avoid heavily populated servers, and after getting shot too many times, and run over by a Jeep, I avoid other players in general.

That said, I have met 3 helpful players, 1 gave me morphine for my broken leg, 1 helped me get a bike, and 1 (a bandit even) helped me out in Cherno, we were shot by a sniper though north of Electro.

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I go specifically to the NWAF for the PVP, if that helps.

Learn, adapt, dominate.

I was once the one on the receiving end of the sniper rifles, now I am the one firing them. I am the one with the CCO SD stalking you around Stary fields, I am the 'ahole'

Edited by jdz

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Today I was stalking a noobie for about 2km.

He got to a hill marked 230 just east of Factory and waited for a while, I didn't know what he was doing.

After about 5 minutes another player show up and they run down into a field.

They stop moving and I take a close-up with my scope.

One of them had a hatchet, the other standing infront of him saluting.

It was an amazing sight. Then I fired two rounds in succession and downed them both in about a tenth of a second.

Those sardines were totally worth those two NATO rounds.

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...... Here at Day Z we don't hand out hugs and rainbows. If you want a game where people love each other and are split tails, go somewhere else.

PS: I can play this MOD however I want. I have just as much right to enjoy a MOD as you. Granted my enjoyment comes from pissing off other players :)

In that case go play arma 2, oh wait i forgot most scenario's spawn people equipped for the job so you can't camp the coast for dudes without guns.

They do it because this game is not about fairness. Part of survival in a group is to deny access to resources to the "enemy", making you leave the game is one way to do it.

So every other player is the enemy now? I find this particularly funny because all the "hardcore pvper's" claim they love pvp, yet kill everyone on the coast and horde vehicles to prevent people being able to pvp with them. Honestly I hope non of those guys play pathfinder or D&D as they would probably make for an awful experience.

Edited by neo2157

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I try holding a building like the firestation for aslong as I can.

this is pretty easy if you chuck down a tank trap and 3 barbed wire fences and bam now all you have to worry about is people climbing the ladder out back, still how long have you held it for as for my personal best is about 3 hours before being taken down by a guy with a 50.cal i only had an m4a1 cco sd and an m24

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In that case go play arma 2, oh wait i forgot most scenario's spawn people equipped for the job so you can't camp the coast for dudes without guns.

So every other player is the enemy now? I find this particularly funny because all the "hardcore pvper's" claim they love pvp, yet kill everyone on the coast and horde vehicles to prevent people being able to pvp with them. Honestly I hope non of those guys play pathfinder or D&D as they would probably make for an awful experience.

Yes, everyone who isn't a friend i can rely on is someone who can potentially ruin my hard earned survival.

If you watch high level quake3 competition you will see that a big part of the game is about controlling the resources in order to weaken the oppodent. As long as you deny access to the rocket launcher to other players, you keep the upper hand on them.

Edited by Lady Kyrah

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on the outskirts of elektro
who the fuck hangs around the coast with an AK shooting new spawns?

AK's spawn in Elektro.....

Its bad enough you cant go to an AF without 100% risk of getting shot because some lamer has far too much free time on their hands to just sit in a prone position with a rifle waiting for hours on end for someone to show up.

Spawn -> Find a barn = a gun most of the time (else try again) -> go NWA and be careful instead of running into the open field where everyone lurks.

And normaly when I'm out sniping around Stary or NWA, I just open my browser in steam cloud and read the forums as I wait for people to run past.

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Do have to agree with above, Welcome to DayZ. It's happened to us all, one day my friend you shall have your revenge!

This could have been the one you were talking about. He had got shot and wanted revenge?

Just.. Yeah.. Sorry but when saying he shall get his revenge.. Thats just.. uh.

Now.... if OP is bigger then this, then he wont be going around himself and shooting axe survivors. Or he will just take your advice and mow down someone totaly innocent for a free bandage/painkillers.

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This could have been the one you were talking about. He had got shot and wanted revenge?

Just.. Yeah.. Sorry but when saying he shall get his revenge.. Thats just.. uh.

Now.... if OP is bigger then this, then he wont be going around himself and shooting axe survivors. Or he will just take your advice and mow down someone totaly innocent for a free bandage/painkillers.

nope.. like i said i avoid othe rpeople if at all possible. i hear gunshots i move in the opposite direction every time. it sucks when i have made my way in a corcular route only to have to return the same way empty handed. better than dying.

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